Trinta anos depois do seu filme JFK, o cineasta Oliver Stone leva os espectadores numa viagem através das evidências recentemente desclassificadas do assassinato do presidente Kennedy - o mistério do assassinato americano mais importante do século XX. Juntamente com os narradores vencedores do Oscar Whoopi Goldberg e Donald Sutherland, bem como uma equipe distinta de especialistas forenses, médicos e balística, historiadores e testemunhas, Stone apresenta evidências convincentes de que, no caso Kennedy, "teoria da conspiração" agora é "fato conspiratório".
Segue o lendário dublê Eddie Braun enquanto ele tenta uma das acrobacias mais perigosas da história. Contemplando a aposentadoria e tendo sobrevivido a mais de três décadas de terríveis acidentes de carro, explosões, quedas e saltos que desafiam a morte, Eddie decide completar o que seu herói de infância nunca terminou - o infame salto de foguete do Snake River Canyon - um evento audacioso na televisão que quase matou o audacioso, Evel Knievel.
Executive Producer
The Gunfight at the OK Corral only happened once, but has been tirelessly recreated in films, television shows and western towns ever since. No one has a monopoly on truth, and in Tombstone Rashomon, the truth is shared by six conflicting, yet historical perspectives. In doing so, the film’s narrative becomes prismatic and the result is perhaps the most comprehensive telling of the most important gunfight in American history. This is the Tombstone story told in the style of the Japanese classic Rashomon where we see history from several perspectives including that of Wyatt Earp, Doc Holliday, Kate, Ike Clanton, Colonel Hafford and Johnny Behan.
Filme de Oliver Stone sobre Edward Snowden, ex-funcionário da CIA que divulgou para a imprensa uma série de documentos sigilosos da Agência de Segurança Nacional dos EUA que comprovaram atos de espionagem do governo norte-americano.
A documentary which puts light on Brazil's latter political and economical progress on the international scene, as well as the fact that white seem to dominate colored Brazilians. - IMDB
Director of Photography
After directing two documentaries on Fidel Castro in 2002 ("Comandante") and 2003 ("Looking for Fidel"), filmmaker Oliver Stone returned to interview Castro in 2009 for the first in-depth conversation since Castro had stepped down as president and recovered from colon surgery. In this new film, Castro is interviewed at home, surrounded by his family. The stimulating conversation is friendly and casual, as Castro offers his perspective on current leaders such as President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, as well as controversial events such as the coup in Honduras, upheaval in Iran, and the collapse of the Soviet Union's effect on the Cuban economic model. Castro also reflects on some of the defining moments of his life during the last 50 years, including John F. Kennedy's assassination and the Cuban Missile Crisis.
After directing two documentaries on Fidel Castro in 2002 ("Comandante") and 2003 ("Looking for Fidel"), filmmaker Oliver Stone returned to interview Castro in 2009 for the first in-depth conversation since Castro had stepped down as president and recovered from colon surgery. In this new film, Castro is interviewed at home, surrounded by his family. The stimulating conversation is friendly and casual, as Castro offers his perspective on current leaders such as President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, as well as controversial events such as the coup in Honduras, upheaval in Iran, and the collapse of the Soviet Union's effect on the Cuban economic model. Castro also reflects on some of the defining moments of his life during the last 50 years, including John F. Kennedy's assassination and the Cuban Missile Crisis.
O diretor Oliver Stone viaja por seis países da América do Sul e ainda Cuba, em uma tentativa de compreender o fenômeno que os levou a ter governos de esquerda na primeira década do século XXI. Através de conversas com Hugo Chávez (Venezuela), Cristina Kirchner (Argentina), Evo Morales (Bolívia), Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (Brasil), Fernando Lugo (Paraguai), Rafael Correa (Equador) e Raul Castro (Cuba), é analisado o modo como a mídia acompanha cada governo e o maneira como lidam com os Estados Unidos e órgãos mundiais como o FMI.
Associate Producer
Dois agentes da Autoridade Portuária, o sargento John McLoughlin e o diretor de Will Jimeno, ficam presos nos escombros do World Trade Center depois de ajudarem as pessoas escapar dos edifícios durante os ataques terroristas de 11 de setembro de 2001.
Associate Producer
Conquistando 90 por cento do mundo até os 25 anos de idade, Alexandre, o Grande liderou seu exército por 35.000 km em ataques e conquistas em apenas oito anos. Da minúscula Macedônia, Alexandre liderou seu exército contra o poderoso Império Persa, rumou para o Egito e finalmente chegou à Índia.
Associate Producer
2003 documentary film produced by Oliver Stone for the HBO series America Undercover about the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians. It includes interviews with Ehud Barak and Benjamin Netanyahu, former Prime Ministers of Israel, Yasser Arafat, the late President of the Palestinian National Authority, and various Palestinian activists.
Associate Producer
Documentary on the director's meeting with Castro.