

Nascimento : 1986-09-22, Tokyo, Japan


Minami Bages, known professionally as Minami, is a Japanese actress of half French descent.




Rohan at the Louvre
Emma Noguchi
The blackest and most evil painting in the world. In pursuit of its mystery, Rohan Kishibe, a manga artist with a special power, visits the Louvre in France. There, a number of horrifying events await him...
Tezuka's Barbara
Shigako Satomi
Barbara is an adult-orientated fantasy tale filled with love and the occult from Osamu Tezuka's reimagining of "The Tales of Hoffmann". Its story deals with the erotic and bizarre experiences of a famous novelist called Yosuke Mikura whose life is tossed upside down by a mysterious girl named "Barbara".
W. Eugene Smith ganhou fama fotografando nas linhas de frente durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, mas agora vive como um recluso. Quando o editor da Life Magazine pede a sua ajuda para expor um grande escândalo, ele retorna ao Japão para revelar ao mundo a realidade dos moradores de Minamata, uma cidade costeira em que a comunidade está sendo envenenada por mercúrio.
Ainsi va la vie
A portrait of three women striving to forge their own rosy paths.
Jeanne, uma jornalista francesa, vai ao Japão em busca de Vision, uma erva medicinal rara que nasce a cada 997 anos em circunstâncias especiais e promete curar toda a angústia e fraqueza espiritual da humanidade. Um evento milenar está prestes a ocorrer nas montanhas Yoshino de Nara, abrindo uma porta para o verdadeiro potencial da existência humana.
Hokori to Gensou
Her Granddaughter
Jun's secretary
Tsugumi Dozono works at a large electronics company in Tokyo. She likes to spend long vacations at her grandmother’s house in the countryside. When her grandmother dies, Tsugumi Dozono decides to live in the house full-time, and to work from there as well. However, one day she encounters a middle-aged man in the house, who tells Tsugumi that her grandmother gave him a key to the annex house when he was her student. The two share the property, although Tsugumi still does not know the exact relationship that her grandmother had with this man.
Adult Drop
Hajime asks his friend Yoshi to set him up with his classmate Ann. Yoshi tries to do this for Hajime, but this just upsets Ann. Yoshi's relationship with Ann is now awkward. Yoshi doesn't know exactly why, but Ann becomes absent from school frequently. One day, during their summer vacation, Yoshi hears that Ann has dropped out of school.
The Apology King
Nami Minami
Ryoro Kurojima (Sadao Abe) is the director of a Tokyo apology center. His job is to teach others how to apologize. Ryoro Kurojima solves problems by using his apology techniques on anything from simple arbitration to a national crisis.
Balloon Relay
A middle school student named Kozue finds a red balloon with an SD card attached to it. On the SD card is an invitation to the wedding of two complete strangers. In order to escape her daily doldrums, Kozue decides to go to the wedding with her classmate, Kikuchi. However, along the way they cross paths with a pair of suspicious men, a mysterious girl, and a strange cop. When they finally make it to wedding, they get drawn into the fray of yet another unexpected situation.
Afro Tanaka
Sachiko Yoshioka
Hiroshi Tanaka sports an intense perm which looks like the afro hairstyle favored by some African-Americans back in the 1970's. He doesn't get his hair done at a hair shop, he was actually born with his hair like that. For freedom, Hiroshi moves to Tokyo. He works hard there and, even though he turns 24, he still doesn't have a girlfriend. Meanwhile, a school friend informs Hiroshi that he is going to get married. Hiroshi remembers a promise that they made. Hiroshi is even more impatient to find a girlfriend. A beautiful woman named Aya Kato then moves into the neighborhood.
Vengeance Can Wait
Nanase Ogawa
Director Tominaga Masanori (Pandora's Box) brings Motoya Yukiko's offbeat play Ranbo to Taiki to the big screen in a juicy, neurotic tangle of love, hate and voyeurism. Hidenori (Asano Tadanobu) and Nanase (Minami) have lived together for ten years in a tense, platonic relationship. The wheels of change are set in motion when married couple Takao (Yamada Takayuki) and Azusa (Koike Eiko) move in next door. After Hidenori catches Nanase and Takao having an affair, he becomes obsessed with watching Nanase through a peephole, and planning his cruel revenge.
Trick Shinsaku Special 2
Ueda, Naoko, Yabe Kenzo and his partner Akiba are back in a new Trick special. Ueda Jiro is summoned to investigate serial killings that are likely to happen again during a festival to take place in a small village in Okayama. The victims are persons who took an oath under a local tradition but were dumped by their partners afterwards. The festival is marked by the return to the village of a strange woman by the name of Higashizaki Ayano, who had left 20 years ago after the death of her husband and son. The Saionji family, which is the most influential in the city, dislikes the fact
Detroit Metal City
Liderados pelo falo renúncia terrorista-de-inferno Johannes Krauser II (guitarra / vocal), e dada pulsando, pulsando vida de Camus baterista indestrutíveis e Alexander baixista Jagi, Detroit Metal City é o ingresso mais quente no circuito de show! Há apenas um prendedor. Que “bilhete mais quente” é apenas um vale-refeição, e sob a maquiagem, estes últimos head-bangers são contratados doppelgangers que nem sequer gostam do que fazem! Jaggi é realmente Wada, que quer jogar glam rock; Camus é Nishida, um fã do anime com uma fraqueza terrível para vídeos de curry e NSFW e Krauser é … oh a vergonha … rua cantando Soichi Negishi, cujo sonho de cantar hits pop felizes parecem irremediavelmente condenado pelo sucesso de sua raiva-abastecido alter ego! Pior, ele não pode sequer dizer quem é Krauser.
Robo Rock
Masaru, a 23-year-old who has a passive attitude toward life in general, professes himself as a “genius odd-job-man” but is screwing up all of the time. He is freeloading off his girlfriend Kiriko, who works as a tattoo artist. One day, he is offered to do a rather eccentric job from an otaku-looking public employee named Nirasawa, who claims that Masaru’s voice is necessary in activating a giant robot named Land Zeppelin. He goes on straight-faced that the Earth is about to be attacked by Saturnians, and the robot is necessary in the fight against them. At first, Masaru ignores this far-fetched story, but one day he is framed in a dangerous job he takes on together with his friend Kou, and is driven into a tight squeeze. What will happen to Masaru? Does this robot Land Zeppelin really exist?
Fuckin' Runaway
Hana, 21-year old, is sent to a mental hospital for attempting a suicide. She suffers from hearing a deep male voice in her head almost everyday that goes, "Twenty yards of linen are worth one coat..." She gradually regains her peace of mind by traveling across Kyushu dragging with her Nagoyan, a guy from Nagoya who is suffering from depression. They take on their journey on Nagoyan's old faithful car, Luce.
Tsuchiya Anna blasts back in time playing an oiran, a top-notched geisha of the Edo period’s Yoshiwara District, navigating brothel politics while trying to cling to the man she loves.
Amy and Sonny are two girls with contrasting personalities. Their "secret hideout" is an antique shop. One day, Amy falls in love at first sight with an older man named 'J'
Tomie: Revenge
Yukiko Fuyuki
A young woman named Kazue runs over a naked girl on a mountain road. When she stops to help, the girl runs off into an old abandoned house in the middle of the woods.
Mondai no Nai Watashitachi
Maria Shiozaki
Mio Sasaoka hears of a middle school student that was a victim of bullying and then committed suicide. Mio thinks the girl should have confronted her tormentors rather than committing suicide. Mio herself is the leader of a group of students at her school. She is a bully. Her main target is Maria Shiozaki who is weak. Mio pushes her into the swimming pool and scribbles on her book, justifying her actions because Maria is disagreeable.
Seventh Anniversary
Each time Lulu is heartbroken small stones come out of her body. The doctor diagnosed Lulu with Kidney stone. She collected the stones in memories of love.
Cheers Heaven
Teenage girl has to decide if she is capable of being captain of the school's cheerleading squad. Suddenly the team lost the support and inspiration.
The Lament of a Lamb
Ever since his mother died, Kazuna Takashiro has been living under the roof of Mr. And Mrs. Eda, who are his father’s friends. One day, he passes out while working as a model in an art class. Repeated nightmarish imageries invade his mind, and, without even knowing, he heads toward his old home. Once he gets there, he is reunited with his older sister, Chizuna, who tells him about the secret of the grave “illness” that runs in their family. An illness that make them overcome with a desire for blood of others. When Kazuna’s symptoms are all apparent with shivering fit and all, Chizuna tries to give him her own blood, and remarks that nothing can be done about it…
Yumeko's Nightmare
Yumeko Okuya
There's no limit to what you can see in your dreams...
Battle Royale
Num futuro próximo, o Japão está à beira de um colapso económico. Milhões de pessoas encontram-se desempregadas, e não existe qualquer disciplina nas escolas. Como resposta à crise, o governo institui o programa Battle Royale para tentar controlar a crescente vaga de crimes juvenis. Depois de selecionada aleatoriamente uma turma de quarenta rapazes e raparigas com 15 anos, estes são raptados e enviados para uma ilha no meio do nada. Os estudantes são então obrigados a participar num jogo mortal sem regras, onde lhes é dada apenas uma arma, água e três dias para lutarem até à morte, até que um único sobrevivente saia vencedor. E se mais do que um estiver vivo depois do tempo limite, todos os concorrentes serão mortos.