You Yong

You Yong

Nascimento : 1963-12-13, Shanxi, Xian, China


Chinese actor. He enrolled in the Xi'an Drama School (西安话剧院) in 1979 and was joined the Shanghai Theatre Academy in 1984. Upon graduation in 1988, he acted in his first film, Obsession, marking the start of his career. He is best known for his roles as policemen or military officers in many films and television series he acted in.


You Yong


Break Through the Darkness
夏主任/ Director Xia
Film tells about Song Yirui, the leader of a certain anti-criminal task force, who led the team to conduct an in-depth investigation of a land acquisition case.
Caught in Time
Director Lu
A detective tracks down a gang of criminals ten years after they initially evaded arrest.
Stop! Thieves
The Taste of Apple
You Shuangniu
The Conformist
Wang Hai Bo, a lineman living in a small town on the Sino-Russian border, has been immersed in the bottom of society for many years, relying on selling intelligence for a living. By chance, Wang Hai Bo got a gun, giving him the idea of ​​robbing the casino. However, this plan fails. The policeman Kui Zi, Wang's old friend, tells him that Lao Qiao is looking for people to go to Russia to buy wood. Wang Hai Bo, afraid of being implicated in the murder case, could only escape to the Russian Far East town. Two equally troubled people entangle each other in the snow and ice during the trip.
Hsue-shen Tsien
Minister Lu
This is a story of a scientist who made important contributions to the missile and space programs of both the United States and People's Republic of China.
Under the Influence
A Fundação de uma República
Bai Chongxi
Após o fim da guerra civil chinesa em 1949, o Partido Comunista passou a regra no continente e Kuomingtang foi forçado a retirar-se para a ilha de Taiwan. O novo poder, juntamente com outras partes, em seguida se uniram para organizar o primeiro Política do Povo Chinês Conferência Consultiva (CCPPC) e discutir o estabelecimento da República Popular da China (RPS).
A Batalha dos 3 Reinos II
Lord Liu Bei
No ano de 208, Cao Cao, o primeiro-ministro do imperador Han, o convence a declarar guerra aos senhores feudais do Sul da China, Liu Bei e o duque de Wu, Sun Quan, afirmando falsamente que estes são traidores. Amedrontado, o monarca cede aos desejos de Cao Cao e o nomeia comandante de todos os exércitos. Após uma grande vitória contra os exércitos terrestres de Cao Cao, as forças combinadas de Liu Bei e Sun Quan concentram-se na fortaleza de Zhou Yu (Princípio Vermelho) e aguardam o confronto decisivo com um imenso batalhão compostas por 800 mil homens e três mil embarcações de guerra. Será uma batalha feroz onde a criatividade fará a diferença. Um festival deimagens únicas. A arte da guerra vista de forma deslumbrante.
The Underdog Knight
Capt Jiang
Lao San is a young veteran high in Kungfu power but low in intelligence. After landing on a job as a body guard for a wealthy antique collector, Lao San finds out his boss's plot to rob the National Art Museum.
A Batalha dos Três Reinos
Liu Bei
A história se baseia em eventos dos anos 220 a 280 D.C. e conta uma passagem do Romance dos Três Reinos, livro escrito por volta do ano 1350 por Luo Guanzhong. Nele, os três feudos existentes no território chinês entram em conflito. A batalha climática, que envolveu cerca de um milhão de combatentes, teve de um lado dois senhores, Sun Quan and Liu Bei, derrotando o superior exército invasor de Cao Cao. Pouco tempo depois, a dinastia Han terminou oficialmente e o país foi dividido entre os três reinos. A Batalha dos Três Reinos é a primeira parte de uma saga de mais de quatro horas. O longa ainda possui uma segunda parte.
Life has not been kind to drinking buddies Sam, Fai, and Mok as they struggle to make ends meet, until one stormy evening a mysterious old man appears before them in a bar with a ‘get rich quick’ scheme: an ancient treasure is buried under a high-security government building.
Election 2
Mr. Xi
As election time nears, current Triad chairman Lok faces competition from his godsons. At the same time, Jimmy looks to increase his business relations with mainland China.
Mainland Police Captain
Como acontece a cada dois anos, é chegada a hora dos membros da Sociedade Wo Shing elegerem seu novo presidente. A rivalidade emerge entre os candidatos que disputam o cargo. Lok (Simon Yam) é o favorito para ganhar, mas seu rival Big D (Tony Leung Ka Fai) não medirá esforços para que isso mude, incluindo contrariar anos de tradição e influenciar o voto com dinheiro e violência.
A World Without Thieves
Two grifters, Wang Bo and Wang Li, a couple who've been arguing, board a train in rural China. He wants to fleece a peasant, nicknamed Dumbo for his naiveté, who's carrying 60,000 yuan and trusts everyone. She wants to protect the hick kid, an act of expiation brought on by prayer and a visit to a temple. Also on board are one of more sets of thieves, including a calculating boss and his femme fatale. The boss wants to recruit Wang Bo, and a series of contests ensue, with the potential of turning deadly. While Li guards Dumbo from Bo and the others, can she and Bo sort out their relationship? And can Dumbo's simple spirituality touch anyone else?
Ripples Across Stagnant Water
With few other real options, when the young village woman in this story is offered an arranged marriage with a kindly but mildly retarded shopkeeper who lives in a nearby town, she readily accepts. Once she has settled into her new home, she becomes involved with her new husband’s patron, a man involved in some underworld trading activities.
Breaking News
Cheung Chun
When an ambulatory TV news unit live broadcasts the embarrassing defeat of a police battalion by five bank robbers in a ballistic showdown, the credibility of the police force drops to a nadir. While on a separate investigation in a run-down building, detective Cheung discovers the hideout of the robbers. Cheung and his men have also entered the building, getting ready to take their foes out any minute. Meanwhile, in order to beat the media at its own game, Inspector Rebecca decides to turn the stakeout into a breaking news show.
Love for All Seasons
Tiger's PRC employee
May is a martial artist and Chinese medicine practitioner who resides in a temple in Omei mountain. Under the threat of her lovelorn master, Misery, she decides to seek the help of infamous womanizer, Tiger Hung, who she had helped earlier, in order to experience heartbreak and master the "Heartbroken Sword" technique to defeat her.
Pure Sentiment
Chinese film directed by Cao Baoping.
Crash Landing
A Chinese air crew deal with deadly problems during a routine flight.
Dream House
A young couple has recently purchased their dream house and are expecting a baby. One day, while his wife is out, an ex-girlfriend arrives at the door drenched from rain. She had heard of his wife's pregnancy and had only come to sell the couple insurance. The husband allows her to take a shower in his home. Suddenly, his in-laws arrive at the home unexpectedly, and he must find a way to get his ex-girlfriend out of the home without his in-laws noticing and before his wife comes home.
Dragon Town Story
Li Qing Yang
A woman works with an assassin to get revenge upon the man who murdered her family nine years earlier.
Keep Cool
Restaurant Customer
China, the 1990s. A young bookseller is in love with a woman. The woman is now with another guy, a rich man. The rich man sends his people to beat the bookseller. In the fight, the laptop computer from a man looking at the scene gets broken. Who will pay for the computer? The bookseller wants revenge. Will it be useful? The bookseller and the laptop owner are from different ages and classes. They are two different points of view, two different Chinas. How will they fight for justice?
The Sun Has Ears
When impoverished young bride Youyou (Zhang) collapses from hunger at the door of handsome buccaneer Pan Hao (You Yong), he immediately decides to have her, much to the chagrin of his current squeeze, Widow Ma (Jiang Yanqiang).
Don't Be Young
A realistic depiction of the new difficulties people faced in the new era in China.
The Vanished Woman
Troublesome Family
Peking Duck Restaurant
A fiction about the founder Mingquan Yang, and the early ages of Quanjude Restaurant, the most famous Peking duck restaurant. Yang bought the Dejuquan restaurant and changed the name to Quanjude according to a fortune teller, hired cooks from the Forbidden City, and invented a special recipe of roasted duck.