After several years absence, a former porn star has decided to make a comeback during an erotica trade fair. But, between a failing personal life, a body that is no longer in the flower of youth, and the profound changes the milieu has gone through, doubt sets in.
Nassim, a 16-year-old boy, is placed with a family in the suburbs following the death of his drug addict mother. But he refuses to integrate into the social setting that surrounds him. He invents another life for himself, similar to that of his mates at the big Parisian high school he goes to. There’s no reason for that to change. His two lives, his home life and his school life, must be kept separate at all costs.
No início dos anos 1990, a música eletrônica começou a disparar na França. Paul (Félix de Givry) é um adolescente que gosta de raves, que se popularizam em Paris. Mas ele prefere um cenário mais underground. Paul e um amigo formam uma dupla de DJ´s chamada Cheers. Eles mergulham em um mundo de ritmo e batidas, rodeados por drogas e sexo.
During the 1970s a student named Gilles gets entangled in contemporary political turmoils although he would rather just be a creative artist. While torn between his solidarity to his friends and his personal ambitions he falls in love with Christine.