Françoise Nicolet


Costume Design
Munida de alguns pertences, um pouco de dinheiro e uma arma, Diane Kramer viaja para Evian. Tudo o que quer é encontrar o motorista da Mercedes marrom que atropelou seu filho e mudou sua vida. Mas o caminho da verdade é mais sinuoso que parece...
Costume Design
Maxime and Mélanie are a typical teenage couple. Like most lovestruck fifteen-year-olds, they can't get enough of each other and they think they'll be together forever. But when Mélanie becomes pregnant, their worlds are rocked.
Abrir Portas e Janelas
Costume Designer
Marina, Sofía e Violeta são três irmãs adolescentes que acabam de sofrer a perda da avó que as criou. Cada uma viverá o luto à sua maneira em uma casa habitada por muitas lembranças, responsabilidades e tensões.
La Guerre des Romands
Costume Design
Animal Heart
Costume Set Supervisor
Suddenly he thinks her alone, his wife. This person whom he doesn't know how to love and who is now falling prey to a gnawing disease. This woman whom he knows so little about and whom he would like to be with him. Right now, Just like before.
Count to 100
Costume Design
A teenage boy and his mother are on the run. The father is violent and has a history of beating up his wife. They manage to get away from him and drive far away, until they arrive in a small town where they settle down. They rent a house from a nice man and soon they forget everything that has happened in the past, until the boy begins to have bad dreams of his father.
Wilbur Quer Matar-se
Costume Design
Wilbur quer matar-se, mas ainda não conseguiu. Wilbur está tão desiludido com a vida que não consegue mesmo encontrar razões para continuar vivo. Já o irmão é completamente o contrário. Harbour é um optimista incurável e conseguir que Wilbur seja feliz é o seu grande objetivo. Depois de mais uma tentativa de suicídio falhada, Harbour convence Wilbur a mudar-se para o seu apartamento. Harbour acredita que talvez uma namorada possa ajudar a levantar a moral de Wilbur. No entanto, é Harbour que acaba por encontrar o amor na bela e tímida Alice. E apesar de Harbour nunca ter sido tão feliz, ele esconde um obscuro segredo, que não pode esconder para sempre...
Jolly Roger
Costume Design
The future is stolen by Captain Bill the Black. It is up to the infamous pirate Jolly Roger and his great-great-great grandchild Lula to save it, helped by the two arch-angels Theobalt and Emil.
Lumière e Companhia
Costume Design
40 international directors were asked to make a short film using the original Cinematographe invented by the Lumière Brothers, working under conditions similar to those of 1895. There were three rules: (1) The film could be no longer than 52 seconds, (2) no synchronized sound was permitted, and (3) no more than three takes.
The Boy Who Disappeared
Costume Design
Fed up with his quarreling middle class parents, thirteen-year-old Jonas runs away from home. He seeks his freedom in the woods, where he befriends a girl his own age and a drunken ex-pilot, who offers him some warmth and understanding.
Tree of Knowledge
As a group of Danish children pass into adolescence, gradually the most popular girl becomes an outcast, for trivial reasons that she never understands.