A new reading of the historical period that began with the reign of the Catholic Monarchs (1479-1516) and the discovery of America (1492), as well as an analysis of its undeniable influence on the subsequent evolution of the history of Spain and the world.
Carlos Saura, a living legend. Félix Viscarret, a director who wants to make a film portrait of the great master. He draws up a plan. He thinks it's brilliant. He will show the intimate side of Saura through conversations of the genius with his 7 children. Everyone accepts. But Saura does not like talking about the past.
Nocturno 29 começa onde No compteu amb els dits terminou: com uma tela preta e a materialidade da projeção. Ele aprofunda a futura estrutura Eisensteinesca dos filmes de Portabella que não avançam em tempo linear, mas sim por uma sucessão de cenas autônomas.