Alex Rappoport


With Peter Bradley
Director of Photography
Seventy-nine years old and overlooked since the 1970's, abstract artist Peter Bradley reflects on life and shares his artistic process on the cusp of his rediscovery.
With Peter Bradley
Seventy-nine years old and overlooked since the 1970's, abstract artist Peter Bradley reflects on life and shares his artistic process on the cusp of his rediscovery.
With Peter Bradley
Seventy-nine years old and overlooked since the 1970's, abstract artist Peter Bradley reflects on life and shares his artistic process on the cusp of his rediscovery.
With Peter Bradley
Seventy-nine years old and overlooked since the 1970's, abstract artist Peter Bradley reflects on life and shares his artistic process on the cusp of his rediscovery.
With Peter Bradley
Seventy-nine years old and overlooked since the 1970's, abstract artist Peter Bradley reflects on life and shares his artistic process on the cusp of his rediscovery.
Esther Newton Made Me Gay
Director of Photography
Esther Newton was drawn to the drag scene as a student in the 1950s. Identifying as both butch lesbian and between genders, she felt a kinship with the queens; what the feminine clothing society expected her to wear felt like a form of drag. Her 1972 book ‘Mother Camp: Female Impersonators in America’ is noted as the first rigorous study of its kind. Now entering her sixth decade writing about queer communities, Newton exudes wisdom and a healthy dose of New York no-nonsense. The film’s amazing archive footage encompasses gay liberation, the feminist sex wars, AIDS activism and life on the safe haven of Fire Island. Her other main passion is dog training, so this illuminating history lesson is peppered with poodles!
O Que Aconteceu em 11 de Setembro
Um panorama abrangente dos eventos devastadores de 11 de Setembro de 2001 ajuda as gerações mais novas a entenderem a tragédia e seus efeitos contínuos no mundo.
A Quatro Quadras Das Torres: O 11 de Setembro em Stuyvesant
Director of Photography
Oito testemunhas oculares, alunos da Stuyvesant High School, em Nova York, relatam suas experiências do ataque contra as Torres Gêmeas em 11 de setembro de 2001. Quando jovens, eles se viram fugindo de destroços no centro da zona de perigo e enfrentaram uma jornada angustiante até o caminho de casa.
O Número no Braço de Meu Bisavô
Director of Photography
When ten-year-old Elliott asks his 90-year-old great-grandfather, Jack, about the number tattooed on his arm, he sparks an intimate conversation about Jack’s life that spans happy memories of childhood in Poland, the loss of his family, surviving Auschwitz and finding a new life in America.
I Dream Too Much
Director of Photography
Dora Welles is an imaginative college grad ready to experience all the excitement of life. Instead she finds herself in snowy upstate New York caring for her reclusive great aunt (who has lived a much more exciting life than anyone realizes).
Larry Kramer: No Amor e na Raiva
Um documentário que proporciona um olhar íntimo à extraordinária vida e obra de Larry Kramer, autor e ativista para a comunidade LGBT, cuja paixão e persistência inspiraram uma geração a se levantar e se defender.
Desculpa aos Elefantes
Elephants are among the most majestic and intelligent creatures on Earth--but for hundreds of years, they have suffered at the hands of humans. Narrated by Lily Tomlin, this documentary short traces our long history with elephants and explores the many problems that arise when they are brought to live in captivity in zoos and circuses.
Desculpa aos Elefantes
Camera Supervisor
Elephants are among the most majestic and intelligent creatures on Earth--but for hundreds of years, they have suffered at the hands of humans. Narrated by Lily Tomlin, this documentary short traces our long history with elephants and explores the many problems that arise when they are brought to live in captivity in zoos and circuses.
Director of Photography
Ex-con turned poet/performer Lemon Andersen fights for an exit from generations of poverty by bringing his life's secrets to the New York stage. But revisiting his troubled past has more in store than he bargained for, as he is confronted by his demons time and again.
Eric Carle, Picture Writer: The Art of the Picture Book
An intimate portrait of Eric Carle, creator of more than 70 books for children including the best-selling "The Very Hungry Caterpillar". At 82, Eric is still at work in his studio making books and creating art. As he methodically layers a tissue paper collage of the caterpillar, he describes the feeling he achieves working in his studio, the sense of being at peace, all alone, when everything grows quiet and it is just himself and his work. The film taps into that deep creative need in each of us, a spirit that started in Eric as a very young child and is unceasing today.
Jardim de Poesias para Crianças
Clássicos da poesia são trazidos para a animação com a narração de personalidades. Uma mistura mágica de alguns dos maiores escritores do mundo e a beleza de crianças recitando seus textos favoritos.
A Family Is a Family Is a Family: A Rosie O'Donnell Celebration
Director of Photography
Comovente retrato sobre a diversidade familiar existente no mundo atual, que desafia todos os estereótipos. Produzido por Rosie O'Donnell.