Fran Machado


El bucle de Latham
A Trincheira Infinita
Falangist #2
Espanha, 1936. Higinio e Rosa estão casados á alguns meses quando começa a Guerra Civil. Higinio, temendo ser perseguido pelos rebeldes, decide usar um buraco escavado na sua própria casa como refúgio temporário…
12 + 1, una comedia metafísica
A group of men are searching for something in the desert. Only one of them knows what they seek. The one they call the Master. Searching in the desert is a dangerous activity. In addition to the dry, bleak landscape and the unrelenting heat of the sun, the one they call the Baptist haunts the dunes. A fool who fell from believer to murderer, the Baptist is enlightened in the ways of both. The men are unsure if they are searching for god or for death.. or if both of these things are the same.