Bonnie Elliott


Bonnie Elliott is a cinematographer.


Run Rabbit Run
Director of Photography
Como médica de fertilidade, Sarah tem uma compreensão sólida do ciclo da vida. No entanto, quando ela é forçada a entender o comportamento cada vez mais estranho de sua filha, Sarah deve desafiar suas próprias crenças e confrontar um fantasma de seu passado.
Wash My Soul in the River's Flow
Go behind the scenes, and onto the stage, of a legendary concert to discover the story of Archie Roach and Ruby Hunter, told in song – a story that should be told to every Australian.
Director of Photography
Ricky Nasser is a young Australian whose peaceful suburban life turns to hell when his sister Ameena disappears without a trace. In a climate of distrust and xenophobia, Ricky is forced to denounce her as an extremist.
H Is for Happiness
Director of Photography
Candice (Daisy Axon) é uma menina de 12 anos de idade eternamente otimista e com uma visão muito única e divertida de mundo. Com uma recente perda na família e em meio os problemas naturais do início da adolescência, ela passa por um momento especialmente difícil em sua vida. Quando ela faz amizade com Douglas (Wesley Patten), um novo aluno de sua escola, Candice ganha inspiração para criar vários esquemas com o objetivo de trazer felicidade de volta para a vida de seus entes queridos.
The Furnace
Director of Photography
Para escapar do outback, um jovem cameleiro afegão se depara com um misterioso bosquímano em fuga com o ouro da Coroa roubado.
O Recuo das Ondas
Director of Photography
Um fotojornalista, de luto pela perda de seu filho natimorto, é atraído para uma relação obsessiva com uma adolescente grávida.
Girl and Body
Director of Photography
After collapsing during rehearsal, Yuri struggles to understand her mysterious medical condition and her even more enigmatic hospital-ward neighbour. Both patients are forced to confront the link between mind and body in vastly different ways.
Palm Beach
Director of Photography
Um grupo de amigos se reencontram para comemorar um aniversário especial, com a icônica Palm Beach de Sydney proporcionando um cenário deslumbrante para o drama que se desenrola. Os bons tempos rolam, com muitas gargalhadas, refeições suntuosas, vinho fluindo e música fantástica, mas lentamente aumentam as tensões e surgem segredos profundos..
Brown Lips
Director of Photography
A forbidden attraction divides a family.
Adolescência Confusa
Director of Photography
O mundo de Mik virou de cabeça para baixo com a morte repentina de seu irmão mais velho. Tudo está mudando na sua vida, forçando-o a redefinir seu lugar na sua família e no mundo. A única coisa sólida que restou na vida de Mik é o seu melhor amigo Dan. Mas Dan se envolve com uma nova namorada e acaba se afastando um pouco. O destino de Mik está em suas próprias mãos e ele vai usar a sua intuição para encontrar o melhor rumo para sua vida.
Director of Photography
A young man reconciles ancient tradition with the modern, urban world in this debut feature from Stephen Page, artistic director of Australia’s renowned Bangarra Dance Theatre.
Dream Baby
Director of Photography
Trapped in a remote Caravan Park, little Elvis thinks up a scheme to break free, determined to make a better life for herself.
The Last Reel
Director of Photography
A lost film, buried beneath Cambodia's killing fields, reveals different versions of the truth. A contemporary story about love, family and the ghosts of Cambodia's past.
As Horas Finais
Director of Photography
A doze horas do fim do mundo, antes que um evento terrível erradique a vida na terra, James (Nathan Phillips) atravessa uma cidade altamente criminosa para chegar a uma festa fenomenal, a festa final. No caminho, ele acaba salvando a vida de uma menina chamada Rose (Angourie Rice), que busca seu pai a todo custo. Enquanto o momento fatal se aproxima, James, agora imbuído de uma nova responsabilidade, se vê obrigado a repensar suas prioridades.
A Virada
Director of Photography
Seventeen talented Australian directors from diverse artistic disciplines each create a chapter of the hauntingly beautiful novel by multi award-winning author Tim Winton. The linking and overlapping stories explore the extraordinary turning points in ordinary people’s lives in a stunning portrait of a small coastal community. As characters face second thoughts and regret, relationships irretrievably alter, resolves are made or broken, and lives change direction forever.
Set across post-apocalyptic Western Australian desert highways, Transmission takes the audiences on a compelling journey of survival as they follow 10 year old Tilly and her father Jim who try to make their way to the 'virus free' safe zone based in the small town of Leonora following an airborne pandemic that has wiped out 90% of the population of their hometown, Perth. Along the way Tilly must face up to some harsh lessons, most importantly, how to drive. She must endure the ultimate driving lesson in a post apocalyptic world.
Andy X
Director of Photography
In February 1987, American artist Andy Warhol checked himself anonymously into New York Hospital for a routine gall bladder operation. As he lay recovering from this standard procedure, the nurse who was meant to watch over him fell asleep reading a bible. Thus neglected, Andy Warhol died and entered the land of legend. 25 years later film-maker Jim Sharman, writer Stephen Sewell and composer Basil Hogios interweave verse, song and imagery into a unique and dreamlike 40 minute exploration of this great artist's life, death and legacy. With Andy Warhol every yes contained a no and every beginning an end. Welcome to the mysterious and wonderful world of ANDY X.
Max and Cate meet and straight away it's on with no restraint. But are they fooling around or falling in love?
Director of Photography
In a world where the real archers are too cool for targets, Arc is what happens when Cupid's arrows are lured way off track.
Thievery Corporation Live @ the 9:30 Club
Director of Photography
Live At The 9:30 Club is the first ever live concert film from Thievery Corporation. Part documentary, part concert film -- Live at the 9:30 Club will bring you in and surround you with the energy that is Thievery Corporation. TC's eclectic ensemble weaves in and out of the band's musical history while delivering a beautiful and engaging visual experience. This is an intimate account of the band and a dazzling recording of one of the world's most unique musical stage-shows.
Boys On Film 6: Pacific Rim
Director of Photography
Boys On Film goes down under to bring a fresh batch of funny and touching tales courtesy of our Aussie and Kiwi cousins, while stories of men falling in love from the USA and Hawai'i to Singapore via Korea round out the collection. Volume 6: Pacific Rim contains eight complete films: Craig Boreham's "Drowning" starring Miles Szanto, Xavier Samuel, and Bren Foster; Hannah Hilliard's "Franswa Sharl" starring Callan McAuliffe, John Batchelor, and Diana Glenn; Boo Junfeng's "The Casuarina Cove" starring Nick Shen, Scott Lei, and Yann Yann Yeo; Christopher Banks's "Teddy" starring Brian Moore, Chris Tempest, and Alan Granville; Kim Jho Gwang-soo's "Love, 100°C" starring Do-jin Kim, Jae-won Kwak, and Se-Hyun Yun; Sophie Hyde's "My Last Ten Hours With You" starring Toby Schmitz and Joel McIlroy; Darcy Prendergast's "Ron the Zookeeper" featuring Marc Gallagher and Darcy Prendergast; and Brent Anbe's "Ajumma! Are You Krazy???" starring Thea Matsuda, Tessie Magaoay, and Cari Mizumoto.
The Cartographer
Director of Photography
A girl adrift in a storm in a sea of letters finds herself tossed into a world of mysterious motives, uncertain geography and desperate times. Polly has mapped the entire world. Almost. There is one last, lost city to go. But to know this place is to destroy it and this city's residents have other plans. Polly has to decide what's where, what's right and how to get out.
Waste Not
Director of Photography
Waste Not is a film about where your garbage goes, who sorts it for you, and what it is worth if it isn't just tossed into landfill. It's easier and cheaper to retrieve gold from old computers for instance, than to dig it up. Organics can be used to create fertiliser and green electricity and yet each Australian sends half a tonne of food waste to landfill each year where it is contaminated with chemicals and e-waste. We recycle only 50% of all our waste. There is an alternative to environmental apocalypse and we don't have to wait for the politicians to make it happen. All we really need to do is be creative and use our imaginations to turn this waste into wealth again. Waste Not talks to scientists, workers at waste depots, environment campaigners, gardeners and even a famous chef about how easy it is to save the planet by simply recycling properly.
My Tehran for Sale
Director of Photography
Marzieh is a young female actress living in Tehran. The authorities ban her theatre work and, like all young people in Iran, she is forced to lead a secret life in order to express herself artistically. At an underground rave, she meets Iranian born Saman, now an Australian citizen, who offers her a way out of her country and the possibility of living without fear.
For ten year-old Madeline, it takes more than just day dreaming to survive school; it takes a friend.
Director of Photography
Things are changing for Mik. His world has been turned upside down by the sudden death of his older brother forcing him to redefine his place in his family. The one solid thing in Mik's life is his best friend Dan. But Dan has a new girlfriend...
The Bridge
Director of Photography
A gay Australian man reflects on the immigration problems of his young Russian boyfriend.
Focus Puller
Australian teenager Heidi is left with little choice but to leave home after she's caught red-handed with her mother's boyfriend. With few options, Heidi ends up in Jindabyne, a tourist community. Upon meeting Joe at a bar, she pursues a relationship with him and tries to find something resembling a normal home life. Heidi makes small strides by getting a job and finding a place to stay, but her relationship with Joe must overcome more than its share of hurdles.
Garotos de Balmain
Clapper Loader
O ex-jogador de futebol nacional Aussie Ledge teve que abandonar o esporte devido a lesão e começou uma bela carreira como detetive da polícia.
Heroes' Mountain
Focus Puller
The story of Stuart Diver, the only person to survive the 1997 Thredbo tragedy that came about when a landslide engulfed a ski lodge situated in Australia's Snowy Mountains.