While getting ready to promote the new 1984 fall Saturday morning line-up, the Director D.W. and his assistant are interrupted by the infamous Gargamore O'Dette who plans to bring down the special and NBC itself. Gargamore has kidnapped a bunch of the new cartoon characters and sent his live action henchmen (played by James Avery and Bill Saluga from Going Bananas) to stop the real live actors from making it onto the special. Gargamore wants to do this because the new Saturday morning line-up is funny and he's deathly allergic to laughter.
Returning Vietnam veteran Andy Crocker arrives in his small hometown to discover his best friend and business partner has mismanaged their business into bankruptcy and his high school sweetheart has married another man. It is evident his small town has little to offer him except the hard-working life of his father, while the broader world has limited opportunities for a man who left school after the third grade.
Based on the amazing true story of a marine biologist (Robert Lansing) who befriends a six-ton Orcawhale, this "honest, fascinating and vigorously wholesome film" (Citizen-News) is heartwarming fun for the whole family. Like all close pals, Hank (Lansing) and Namu love spending time together. Whether sharing a morning swim or soaking up the afternoon sun, these two are virtually inseparable. Trouble is, the local fishermen mistakenly think that Namu is a threat. Racing against time, Hank must enlist the help of a young widow and her daughter to save Namu and prove that he's a gentle giant!
Muitas crianças devem dizer que seu melhor amigo é um cachorrinho ou um pônei. Mas para Sandy, o mais especial bichinho de estimação de todos é um exuberante golfinho que ele resgata.
Em 1883, os índios Apache liderados por Geronimo se rendem relutantemente aos ataques das tropas americanas e mexicanas, em troca de um território e alimento para seus guerreiros. Logo, porém, Geronimo escapa dos campos e declara guerra contra os americanos.