Tuur and Lambert are best friends. But the war is closing in and is about to change their lives forever. Tuurs dad joined the resistance and even his big brother seems so be part of it. Lamberts family on the other hand choose to obey the Germans. Then a new girls from the city shows up, befriending the boys but telling her secret to only one of them. A choice that separates the boys and ultimately gets her in trouble.
Tuur and Lambert are best friends. But the war is closing in and is about to change their lives forever. Tuurs dad joined the resistance and even his big brother seems so be part of it. Lamberts family on the other hand choose to obey the Germans. Then a new girls from the city shows up, befriending the boys but telling her secret to only one of them. A choice that separates the boys and ultimately gets her in trouble.
Norwegian children's film about football girl Anja who become seriously ill.
Akkie, menina do tipo durona, é a craque do time de futebol da escola e, ainda muito jovem, não se deu conta de que tem atração por um garoto de sua turma com quem vive em atrito. Ao ser diagnosticada com leucemia ela precisa lutar por sua vida ao lado dos pais, dos amigos e abrir seu coração para o amor.