Oscar Rowland
Nascimento : 1926-03-27, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Morte : 2010-10-20
Oscar Rowland was born on March 27, 1926 in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. He was an actor, known for Footloose (1984) and his appearances in many LDS-based productions. He was married to Beverly Rowland. He died on October 20, 2010 in the USA.
"Baptists at Our Barbecue" is the comedic story of the small town of Longwinded, USA, a divided, feuding town of 262 Mormons and 262 Baptists. It's also a love story, about one man who will try anything to end the ridiculous feud, bring the town together, and keep the peace-loving girl of his dreams from leaving town.
Wes Clayton is a lawman and a bishop in a Mormon community called Brigham. The town is shaken when a woman from California is found murdered. Clayton and his young deputy work with an FBI agent sent to investigate. As a civil and spiritual leader in the frightened town, Clayton must uncover the town's deepest secrets, find the murderer and keep Brigham from ripping itself apart.
This film depict events from the Life and ministry of Jesus Christ as recorded in the New Testament and the Book of Mormon. The story culminates with a portrayal of the Ressurected Savior's visit to the ancient Americas as seen through the eyes of a fictional family. Jesus' ministry to the members of His fold in both the Holy Land and the ancient Americas powerfully demonstrates that He is the Good Shepherd of all who hear His voice.
Dr. Swanbeck
Enxame de morcegos alterados geneticamente invade uma pequena e pacata cidade do Texas e ninguém está a salvo. A única esperança de parar a crescente onda de devastação sanguínea é uma zoóloga que estuda morcegos, sua assistente e o xerife local.
Old Timer
A man and a woman are on the run from gangsters whom he has stolen $12.5 million. When the gangsters show up, he takes them supposedly to where the money is hidden but instead leads them into a trap at a backwoods crystal-meth factory. The gangsters and the drug dealers start a shoot-out for unknown reasons and both go gunning for Belushi. Meanwhile an unscrupulous cop is secretly having an affair with the girl friend and planning to make off with the money.
Harry Smith
Initially cleared of "accidentally" killing her husband, an idyllic wife and mother comes under suspicion when police learn that her first husband also perished under similar circumstances. As the investigation unfolds, it becomes clear that she'll stop at nothing to protect her secrets.
Grandpa Lemble
Local Neo-Nazi thugs, financed by an outside racist attempt to create an atmosphere of fear in a small Montana community by intimidating black churchgoers, and Native American and Jewish residents.
A short five minute comedy.
TJ Carruthers
Jack Hart lives with his lawyer wife and yound daughter and enjoys a wonderful life. Jack's old girlfriend, Lisa, comes into town and they have an affair. Lisa kills her current boyfriend in self-defense and Jack witnesses the whole thing. Lisa goes on trial for murder with Jack's wife as her lawyer. As the movie progresses Lisa's devious side becomes known and make for an interesting conclusion
Abraham (voice)
Abraham and Isaac is an emotion-filled story of complete obedience and unreserved sacrifice. This heart-rending story is one of the greatest tests of obedience, faith and trust in God found anywhere in the Bible. Abraham passes the test and renews God's promise that he will become the father of many nations.
Bartimaeus (voice)
Treasures in Heaven is a wonderful story of contrast between two men who seek to follow Jesus. The young rich man asks how to gain eternal life and leaves saddened because he won’t forsake worldly wealth; while Zacchaeus, the publican, gives half of his wealth to the poor and restores four-fold anything wrongly taken, to follow Jesus and receive salvation.
Easter Dream tells the story of the Resurrection through the eyes of Jason, a young boy who is finding it difficult to cope with the death of his father. His grandfather attempts to comfort him by sharing the story of Easter. Although Jason is familiar with the story, it seems to offer little consolation. One night Jason dreams he has gone back in time to Jerusalem at the time of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ. By witnessing the Crucifixion and learning of Jesus Christ's Resurrection, Jason understands that if we live our lives according to the laws and ordinances of Christ's gospel, we can be together as a family forever.
Gas Station Attendant
A band of ruthless international terrorists led by Josef Szabo (David Warner) hijack a speeding railroad train loaded with a full arsenal of powerful military weaponry capable of threatening world peace. The only hero who can stop the terrorists' scheme for world domination is Jack DeForest (Terence Knox). During the battle between good and evil the hero DeForest accidentally kills the son of the Szabo. Seeking revenge Szabo locates DeForest’s family, murders his wife and kidnaps their teenage son thereby turning their fight it into a personal vendetta. So, DeForest must fight not only to save the world, but for his only remaining family.
Shoemaker (voice)
The Prodigal Son is a parable of a wayward son reunited with his father and family after having squandered all his inheritance through wasteful and idolatrous living. Learn of God’s encompassing love for those who humbly repent. The example of the father’s joy for the return of his repentant young son is contrasted against the trust and rewards kept for those who do not waste that which God entrusts to them.
Mr. Rivers
Drama sobre três amigos e a chegada da vida adulta na cidadezinha de Ashville, Utah. Dave (Jason Gedrick) é o astro do time de futebol da escola. Melhor amigo de Danny (Kiefer Sutherland), ele namora Mary (Tracy Pollan), a chefe da torcida. E, dois anos após deixarem a escola, todos estão às voltas com os descaminhos da vida adulta.
Num lugar paradisíaco, onde há muitos séculos viviam os vikings, vive hoje um estranho ser. Às vezes, parece um urso, outras, uma espécie de lobisomem. Apesar do aviso, um grupo de jovens resolve passar a noite no local.
Simeon (voice)
The King is Born is a video classic about the birth of Jesus based on the Bible. Beginning with Gabriel announcing God's blessed plan for Mary, this video brings all the elements of this timeless store to life. Journey with Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem and witness the humble birth of our Savior together with the shepherds.
Dr. Conway
Após seus pais serem assassinados, um garoto atormentado inicia uma matança trajado de papai noel devido sua estadia em um orfanato onde foi abusado pela Madre Superiora.
Mr. Walsh
Recém-chegado de Chicago, Ren McCormak fica frustrado quando descobre que a pequena cidade proíbe a dança e a música de rock. Enquanto se esforça para se ajustar, Ren enfrenta uma árdua batalha para mudar a situação. Com a ajuda de um amigo, Willard Hewitt e da adolescente rebelde Ariel Moore, ele talvez consiga liberar esta cidade conservadora. Mas o pai influente de Ariel, o reverendo Shaw Moore, se torna um obstáculo.
One Eyed Informant
Um japonês, dono de uma galeria de arte, rejeita sua violenta descendência ninja até seu filho ser sequestrado por traficantes de drogas americanos.
Dr. Berg
Two different men are possessed by spirits of Native Americans after they separately wander into a sacred burial ground. When John and Sybil come home with their son after a trip to the Mojave Desert, they bring an unusual stone back as a memento of the trip. The stone seems to cause strange noises and other horrible inexplicable phenomena.
Howard Corbin
This is the story of the Osmond Family and is based on the book written by Olive (Mother) Osmond. This film tells of the beginnings of this family and how they got to where they were by the late '70s.
The young daughter of a politician runs away due to lack of attention. She hides in the car of two not too bright crooks who are slowly converted into parent figures as the police web closes down on the supposed kidnappers.
Author Bret Harte relates the story of the discovery of gold in California at Sutter's Mill, and how that discovery changed the history of the west forever.
A "Classics Illustrated" account of pioneer female journalist Nellie Bly, who became a legend through her exposes of corruption and inhumane conditions in New York of the 1880s in "The New York World."
After his aunt dies of a heart attack while fighting the IRS, Harry Johnson decides to take up the cause.
Tree Salesman
Willy Krueger, a lonely and aging widower, lives in a basement apartment with only his cat George for company. Finishing his work for the day as the custodian for the building, he ventures out on Christmas Eve to buy a tree and on the way, he imagines he is a well-dressed gentleman while peering at some fine tailoring in a shop window along the snowy street. Returning home, he falls asleep listening to an LP by The Mormon Tabernacle Choir, dreaming that he is conducting them in carols of the season. Awakening to find some carollers outside his window, he beckons them to visit him offering hot chocolate, but they leave after only one song. In trimming the tree, he places upon it the mittens left behind by Clarissa, the youngest of the carolling group. Handling figures of the small nativity beneath his tree, Willy finds himself in the manger for the very first Christmas.
Calvin Whitlock
Based on the book by John D. Fitzgerald, this movie stars Jimmy Osmond as a mischievous boy out to swindle his whole town for everything they're worth...and who occasionally puts his smarts to use for a good cause.