Director of Photography
The young film student Maria do Mar is working on a documentary about the old manor houses along the Douro River. It is the final project in her thesis on “Reality in Cinema”. Maria has an unlimited confidence in what is visible. Her candour and her naivety allow her to see the bright side of life – such as the beauty of the landscape and the authenticity of the place, or what’s left of it. But when Maria enters the final manor house on her list, she soon realises that something is going on in this house that is not as innocent as it first seemed. The manor is truly a house of horrors.
The evocation of light in the cinema leads the Character of the Man of Light to ponder over it, over its essence and its multiple manifestations in a revisitation of geographical places and memories.
The evocation of light in the cinema leads the Character of the Man of Light to ponder over it, over its essence and its multiple manifestations in a revisitation of geographical places and memories.
The evocation of light in the cinema leads the Character of the Man of Light to ponder over it, over its essence and its multiple manifestations in a revisitation of geographical places and memories.
Director of Photography
"Vieirarpad" parte da correspondência do casal Maria Helena Vieira da Silva e Arpad Szenes, entre 1932 e 1961. As cartas e a intimidade da palavra são o pretexto para a exploração de uma visualidade intima, onde a memória do século XX, século de exílios, se articula com a obra plástica de Vieira e Arpad, com elementos iconográficos das suas vidas e arquivos audiovisuais de épocas e geografias distintas, além de vários depoimentos relevantes. Um filme de João Mário Grilo.
Num velho cinema decrépito, várias histórias surgem como fantasmas. Uma compilação de filmes de diversos formatos projetam múltiplas versões de pessoas vencidas pela vida. “Para um homem, o ser vencido ou derrotado na vida depende, não da realidade aparente a que chegou —mas do ideal íntimo a que aspirava.” Assim afirmava Eça de Queirós no lema do Vencidos da Vida, grupo informal que reunia personalidades da vida cultural portuguesa no final do século 19.
Director of Photography
Film adaptation of "The letter from the hunchback to the locksmith" by Fernando Pessoa's heteronym Maria José.
Director of Photography
A group of strangers comes to a monastery in Utah for a month-long stay. The monastery has two guidelines: no people-pleasing and no private thoughts. They find themselves opening up to each other in ways they never could have imagined.
Two film directors and a writer are in Portugal for an expedition through various images, moments from the history of Western allegorical representation. The writer is Jean-Louis Schefer, and this tale encapsulates his life’s mission.
Director of Photography
Two film directors and a writer are in Portugal for an expedition through various images, moments from the history of Western allegorical representation. The writer is Jean-Louis Schefer, and this tale encapsulates his life’s mission.
Director of Photography
A nova esposa de Lord von Ketten está determinada a transformar a residência familiar do marido, um castelo inóspito na Itália, num verdadeiro lar. Quando ele parte para a guerra, permanecendo ausente por 11 longos anos, ela cria sua própria vida através de várias atividades artísticas e esportivas.
On the riverside quay of the enormous container port of Lisbon two old decaying sky-blue painted buildings are located directly opposite to each other. One is closed and abandoned, the other inhabited by the two bright and inquisitive girls Ana and Matilde. Watching the closed building every single day and night the sisters get more and more suspicious. Strange phenomenons and movements behind the thick blue walls increase their curiosity. How is possible what their children`s eyes are witnessing? Who are those mysterious neighbours? How to discover old house`s secret?
Director of Photography
Alentejo, Portugal, 1950. Em uma região desolada, onde o vento parece falar, onde reina a miséria e a fome sobre os mais pobres, um homem desesperado se vinga daqueles que causaram sua ruína durante a noite mais escura, incapaz de obter honestamente o pão necessário para alimentar sua família durante o dia.
Using video assist recorded images, Antecâmara is about the “act” of shooting, the physical reality and ritual energy of two film crews during the preparation for a shot. The first video assist rule is that the image one sees in it has to be more interesting than what one sees outside. Nothing is left to chance. It helps to preview the shot, organise space, arrange the scenes, move the actors and light the set. And it provides it all with a meaning depending on how the camera is used. It is the space-time before the shot, where it is sketched.
Cinema and affections from life in images and what goes on outside the frame. 'Snapshots' of shootings and the present-day memory of directors, actors and technicians.
Director of Photography
O relato das aventuras, no crepúsculo do século XVIII, de um singular par formado por um pequeno órfão de origens misteriosas e pela sua jovem ama italiana, de nascimento igualmente incerto. Eles levam-nos na sua peugada, de Roma a Paris, de Lisboa a Londres, de Parma a Veneza. Sempre seguidos na sombra, por razões obscuras, por um sinistro Calabrês e um inquietante cardeal, fazem-nos testemunhar tenebrosas intrigas no Vaticano, a angústia de uma paixão fatal, um funesto duelo, a galanteria na corte de Versalhes, as convulsões da Revolução francesa e a ascensão do general Bonaparte.
Director of Photography
Departing from extracts written by Fernando Pessoa, the characters walk through the city of Lisbon, having the streets and houses where the Poet lived as the background.
Director of Photography
O filme é uma reflexão muito atual e quase serena sobre o caminho comum das sociedades europeias de hoje, sobre o isolamento, a perplexidade diante das dificuldades que surgem, sobre a vida nas cidades e dentro das famílias. É uma tensão crescente que nunca explode.
Director of Photography
"Em 2017, a Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian financiou um grupo chamado Projecto Diálogos que me convidou para realizar um pequeno filme sobre o Plano de Edições, que estava em risco. Fui buscar o título a Platão. Com os livros da Gulbenkian construímos uma cidade em estúdio. Acácio de Almeida foi o director de fotografia e Alexandre Oliveira o produtor. Eu fiz a banda sonora, como é meu costume e realizei." - Margarida Gil
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Jorge de Sena foi forçado a deixar seu país. Primeiro se mudou para o Brasil, e mais tarde para os Estados Unidos, sem nunca voltar para Portugal. Durante seu exílio de 20 anos, ele manteve uma correspondência epistolar com Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen.
Director of Photography
The stories of Nasreddin carry out a reversal of 'point of view' which shatter our established way of seeing things, people, the world and their relationships.
Director of Photography
Using texts and landscapes belonging to Gonçalo Ribeiro Telles and to a life of work dedicated to landscape architecture, João Mário Grilo composes this poetic documentary about the evocative power of nature and man.
Director of Photography
Biographical documentary Solveig Nordlund says that 50 years of life in Portugal. The evolution of Portugal from fascism to the current crisis. A retrospective of his life in Portugal through their films or films in which collaborated. A personal look at the transformation of a country that is not his but who adopted her.
Um homem prepara um velho ritual num templo há muito abandonado pelos fiéis.
“The artist, in his movement towards the ideal, upsets the stability of any one society. Society aspires to achieve stability; the artist aims for infinity. That is the artist’s responsibility and the spiritual sacrifice demanded of him.” Rui Chafes, O Perfume das Buganvílias, 2012 (19).
Director of Photography
“The artist, in his movement towards the ideal, upsets the stability of any one society. Society aspires to achieve stability; the artist aims for infinity. That is the artist’s responsibility and the spiritual sacrifice demanded of him.” Rui Chafes, O Perfume das Buganvílias, 2012 (19).
Director of Photography
1920s. Vitalino, a small farmer from São Vicente sees his father die of the epidemic which decimated the country. Some years later, of all the brothers, Vitalino is the strongest and takes his father’s place in the house. But the village is too small for his aspirations and he decides to head to Brazil, leaving his sisters in charge of the household. In parallel with Vitalino’s story, If I Were a Thief… I’d Steal portrays the world of Paulo Rocha rummaging through his films and ghosts over the years.
Director of Photography
A família original é expulsa do Éden e obrigada a enfrentar as agruras da existência. Porém cada um dos seus membros encara diversamente o mundo. Tensões, ciúmes e sentimentos de culpa levam Adão, Eva e Caim a coligar-se contra Abel, obrigando-o a cometer o primeiro sacrifício.
Director of Photography
Esta versão da famosa história de “Les Diaboliques” de Barbey d’Aurevilly (1874) apresenta belas músicas clássicas, figurinos e convenções teatrais que resultam em puro cinema. Um rico e decadente homem do mundo conhece uma mulher das ruas excepcional.
Director of Photography
Isabelle é uma jovem publicitária que admira sua chefe Christine, uma mulher tão encantadora quanto ambiciosa. No começo elas se dão muito bem, até que Isabelle começa a se transformar em uma ameaça. Christine tentará seduzi-la para acabar com ela.
Director of Photography
Na Guimarães de hoje, Ana (Cleia Almeida) tenta desesperadamente acabar um trabalho de pesquisa sobre Joaquim Novais Teixeira, orgulhoso vimaranense desaparecido em Paris em 1972.
Faltam-lhe o tempo e as forças para editar as horas de entrevistas que recolheu sobre ele, e pede ajuda a Sofia (Maria Raquel Correia) e a Jacinto (Miguel Nunes), cujo maior empenho é dormir.
Todos se acabam por emaranhar no véu do fantasma do Novais e de se deixar seduzir por esta figura incontornável.
Um homem do mundo, de excecional carácter e inteligência, um sedutor, um homem de princípios, comprometido, independente e confiável.
Do Novais Teixeira assim fala gente como Júlio Pomar, Eduardo Lourenço, o filho de Luis Buñuel, Teresa Ricou, ou António da Cunha Telles.
Influente crítico de cinema e amigo das principais figuras da cultura do seu tempo, Novais Teixeira viveu entre Espanha, Brasil e França num exílio forçado.
Director of Photography
Inspired in the book with the same title by António Lobo Antunes.
Director of Photography
Vera is a singer in her thirties; she is back in Lisbon for the final performance of her concert tour. The heat and beauty of Lisbon makes one want to be happy. Pablo, the companion she selected from among the many who answered her questionnaire, helps her through the sleepless nights. He has no family, but wishes he had. Vera concerns herself with the mysteries surrounding Pablo's life. Vera is not afraid of the night; she is not afraid of anything.
Director of Photography
The story of a man who sees his life change radically upon confronting his progressive loss of memory. As his neurological condition advances, it affects not only his own life but the lives of all those who surround him.
Director of Photography
Nicholas comemora o seu 40º aniversário na sua casa de campo lá no Alentejo com Sara, sua mulher há 8 anos, dois casais amigos e uma jovem e sensual atriz, Raquel. Nicholas tem tudo o que sempre desejou e vive uma vida tranquila. Durante a noite do seu aniversário, descobriremos as profissões, os segredos, as paixões, os vícios, as traições e as ambições de cada um dos personagens. Eis que, quando menos se espera, Nicholas surge morto boiando na piscina. A partir deste momento, assistiremos a duas versões da história desta vida: Uma onde Nicholas jaz morto na piscina e a polícia irá desvendar o mistério da sua morte, trazendo à verdade as traições, os segredos, as mentiras, as verdades de todos os personagens e se descobre a natureza da morte de Nicholas; Outra onde vemos Nicholas, noutro país, noutra vida, com outra mulher e com filhos, outra atividade, outro comportamento, mas o mesmo aniversário...
Uma história sobre arte e homens cultos, e sobre como a sua arte e a sua cultura se revelam inúteis face à dura realidade da vida no século XX.
Director of Photography
After long decades of exile, a leftist former activist returns to Chile to settle accounts with his conscience, related to the death of a colleague and political hero . The task of Atalibar is to reveal his secret. But his view clashes with the current country, godless, far from the old ideologies and where all his old colleagues have changed.
Director of Photography
Finais do século XIX em Portugal. Ana Catarina, uma jovem aristocrata, regressa do Brasil com seu pai e sua ama para o casamento com um homem que não conhece e de quem não gosta. Meses depois, D. Ana Catarina fica viúva e órfã, herdando assim o solar de Silgueiros e mais algumas centenas de terras vinícolas. A esta jovem e rica viúva pretendentes não faltam: o conde de Fallorca, o capitão Malaparte e Williamson, o inglês. No entanto, D. Ana Catarina está apaixonada por Adriano, um bonito camponês, mas esse amor é desencorajado por sua ama, que aconselha a se casar com alguém da sua condição social. Assim sendo, D. Ana Catarina casa e enviúva inúmeras vezes. Até que um dia, o seu amado Adriano, que havia desaparecido, regressa riquíssimo e feito barão por El-Rei.
Director of Photography
João is a freelance television journalist. When he begins a new story about an old pigeon breeder in a poor neighborhood on the outskirts of Lisbon, João meets Ana, his teenage granddaughter, a mysterious character who is beginning to exercise an irresistible fascination for him.
With the time João starts to lose the interest in the pigeon breeder and begins to take an interest in Ana and her world, which she only shares with another abandoned kid, until she realizes that her life is full of dark stories.
Director of Photography
Ao chegar a um hotel em Faro, um casal descobre que já não há mesas disponíveis. Quando outro casal aceita dividir a mesa com eles, começam uma conversa sobre a história da cidade — a qual se desenvolve sobre as traições de D. Afonso III, que trai a mulher, e da Moura, que trai o próprio pai.
Director of Photography
A história de Lino Paes Rodrigues, um empresário à beira da falência que, inesperadamente, recebe como herança uma enorme herdade no Alentejo. Esperando encontrar a solução para a sua crise financeira, Lino viaja até lá com o seu filho Bernardo. Mas o que aparentava ser a sua salvação torna-se a sua perdição. Fascinado por memórias e fantasmas dos seus antepassados, Lino deixa-se enredar numa teia de sensações e situações que escapam cada vez mais ao seu controlo.
Director of Photography
Faz algum tempo que uma imagem me persegue: as pessoas estão ali, naquele quarto. Tento perceber o que se passa entre elas. Porquê esta imagem que me vem persistentemente, que me persegue? Porquê estas pessoas? O que é que se passa entre elas naquele preciso momento, naquela luz exacta? Imagens tão mudas que aos olhá-las me pareça que fechei os olhos.
Director of Photography
A father is scheming to have his slightly mental daughter from an earlier marriage killed by allowing a murderous psychopath to be released from the asylum and led to his house. However, the psychopath and the daughter fall for each other.
Director of Photography
Ricardo Monteiro is a successful television producer specialising in reality shows. He is 45 years old and he has just received an award for the most popular television show of the year, when he receives an ultimatum from his 18-year-old daughter Leonor. If he does not come home that same evening to celebrate her birthday he will never see her again. Ricardo is distracted by business or other commitments and he is too late for the last flight home. When he returns next day the apartment is empty and Leonor is gone. At first Ricardo thinks that it is only a game, but there are no phone calls or messages and after a while he gets worried and starts looking for her. He discovers that she has quit school without telling him and that she has lost all contact with her old friends. She has become a complete stranger.
Director of Photography
Based on a the short story "Low Flying Aircraft" by J.G. Ballard and set in a near future where humans are dying breed. Judite and André flee to a semi-abandoned apartment complex to protect their mutant child from certain death.
Director of Photography
A cidade de Coimbra, a mais complexa das personagens, conta a história. Eu não sou só uma cidade. Eu sou uma estufa, uma reserva natural para estudantes onde eles vivem em plena liberdade. Uma certa manhã de Janeiro chegou um homem. Apaixonou-se por mim e pelas minhas mulheres. Tolo, não percebeu que EU não sou para quem quer, mas para quem pode. E que o amor não abre as minhas velhas portas.
Director of Photography
In a big isolated house, Mikael, a musician, is composing a psalm. A young woman, Linda, comes to retreive a suitcase belonging to Sébastien, her companion and Mikael's friend. It contains hundreds of photographs from all over the world. While he is travelling, Sébastien has asked Linda to organise the photographs with a view to an exhibition. Mikael invites Linda to reside with him. She accepts. That is the heart of the film – an intertwining of photographs which, juxtaposed by Linda, begin to speak. In parallel with this, Linda receives cassette-letters from Sébastien. A subtle relationship is established between Linda, the young debutante, and Mikael, the man of experience. Mikael goes off to direct his psalm, Linda stays alone. The walls become covered with photographs – wall of happiness, wall of misery – the fight between Good and Evil. Linda learns of the accidental death of Sébastien and stays alone.
Director of Photography
Vera e João são jovens apaixonados, e o desejo os obriga a fugir de casa e dos amigos. Isolados em uma floresta, eles prometem nunca se separar. Mas um dia Vera fica doente e João deve buscar ajuda. A fé inabalável no amor deles está prestes a quebrar.
Director of Photography
A serious young man of free spirit is forced by his surroundings to become rich at all costs. A group of blind children tries to open the eyes of the unbelievers to the Christian faith. Retired nuns who open a brothel, to pay the running costs of the convent. These rather ironic paradoxes turn this fairytale into a philosophical fable.
Director of Photography
Concerns an Irish woman, Cathy (Pauline Cadell), who dearly loves her Portuguese lawyer husband, Pedro (Rui Morisson); however, unbeknownst to her, he engages in one tryst after another. Cathy soon finds herself trying to help a young delinquent get off heroin, while the youth's desperate mother joins a weird religious cult. In other segments, an elderly man is nearly driven mad with grief at the loss of his granddaughter in a train station, while a down-and-out jeweler ushers the young girl to a hotel room.
Director of Photography
Andreia, Pedro e Ricardo não aceitam as coisas como elas são, não se encaixam em lado nenhum. Têm dentro deles uma força invisível que se espalha por todo o lado. É como uma energia selvagem, um desejo de mudar as coisas, de viver de uma forma diferente. Não sabem muito bem o que querem, mas há sempre alguma coisa que os incomoda. São sobreviventes. São os mutantes portugueses, mas também existem mutantes em todos os lugares. Talvez o mundo preferisse que eles não existissem, mas eles existem. Ao longo de todo o filme, eles sonham, choram, riem, têm filhos, morrem, fogem.
Director of Photography
Madeleine is with her lover, Jean-Paul, when her husband arrives home and catches the two together. Madeleine kills her husband and tells Jean-Paul to flee before the police arrive. After Jean-Paul drives away, he picks up a hitchhiker. When the car, stolen by the hitchhiker, explodes, police believe the dead hitchhiker is Jean-Paul. Madeleine takes up with Jean-Paul's brother, Bastien, while Jean-Paul, arriving in Strasbourg, is mistaken for the heir to a fortune. The detective on the case spends more time writing crime novels than investigating real-life crimes.
Executive Producer
Em 1962 em Trás os Montes, uma greve de mineiros começa por ser reprimida pela GNR. Mais tarde a PIDE inicia investigações com o objectivo de deter Daniel, um mineiro que apenas tentava lutar pela melhoria das vergonhosas condições de trabalho, mas que a polícia política de Salazar julga estar a ser manipulado e instrumentalizado por forças políticas contrárias ao regime. Daniel tenta, na companhia de um cunhado, fugir para França mas o cerco de uma implacável perseguição vai-se apertando de forma brutal, sob a férrea direcção ...
Director of Photography
Em 1962 em Trás os Montes, uma greve de mineiros começa por ser reprimida pela GNR. Mais tarde a PIDE inicia investigações com o objectivo de deter Daniel, um mineiro que apenas tentava lutar pela melhoria das vergonhosas condições de trabalho, mas que a polícia política de Salazar julga estar a ser manipulado e instrumentalizado por forças políticas contrárias ao regime. Daniel tenta, na companhia de um cunhado, fugir para França mas o cerco de uma implacável perseguição vai-se apertando de forma brutal, sob a férrea direcção ...
Director of Photography
A wealthy woman twice widowed, lives with his family and two servants in a shady country house in Galicia in the late nineteenth century isolated from the world to hide a serious incident occurred in the family ten years earlier. This event is subject to certain blackmail the family of which will be released by the arrival at the mansion of two strangers who triggered the investigation of the facts and a change in the future family life.
Director of Photography
Lena disappears mysteriously during the winter of 1976. This is the last stop on a journey that begins in colonial Mozambique on new year's eve at 1957 gives way to 1958. Ningo, a black boy brought up by Lena's parents, and her childhood friend, comes to Lisbon to help find her, at the request of Lena's mother. Using the letters that Lena has left behind as a testament to her life, in wich she has rebelled against the challenged the powers that be, Ningo discovers the identity of her kidnapper - Jorge Matos - a former secret policeman who has followed her from Lourenço Marques, motivated by morbid desire. Lena's kidnapper dies from two inexplicable snake bites to the neck, in accordance with a legend and ritual that had been part of Lena and Ningo's childhood.
Director of Photography
Alex is a famous singer who lives in a big mansion. One quiet night, a hooded stranger comes into his home, shoots the butler and then takes the mask out. Surprisingly, it's a woman. At the beginning she just want to have dinner with him.
Director of Photography
At the end of the seventeenth century, in Naples, still dominated by the Spaniards, a young pupil, Balthasar,is castrated to preserve the purity and beauty of his voice. The Duchess dies and her son, the Duke of Arcos, takes charge of the inheritance, which includes Balthasar. With the entrance of Maria Loffredo, former lover of the Duke, a triangle is established that unchains tragic consequences to the allegedly callous life of Balthasar.
Director of Photography
It's September in Lisbon… Elsa’s young daughter leaves with her father, and Teresa, a friend’s friend, comes to stay in her room. One night the two women go out and meet Raul, a vagrant lover of Elsa. A triangle takes form. They finish the night on a boat by the name of Pandora, but in the morning Raul sails away, alone. Elsa and Teresa will start a new life...
Director of Photography
Two girls meet on a train: Prune is looking for her father whom she has not seen since she was a little girl, Marina is looking for the mother she has never had. Prune learns that her father took his life and then she accidentally dies by drowning. Marina decides to assume her identity and begins a correspondence with Prune's mother.
Director of Photography
Podemos dizer que Jorge é um homem feliz. Chega a casa no fim de um dia com muitos problemas, como todos os outros. Nessa noite vai se encontrar com um industrial japonês negociar um novo emprego, para abandonar o seu atual de professor e voltar a trabalhar como químico. Mas, ao regressar, encontra alguém em casa. Alguém que não conhece. A partir daí tudo vai ser diferente.
Associate Producer
Podemos dizer que Jorge é um homem feliz. Chega a casa no fim de um dia com muitos problemas, como todos os outros. Nessa noite vai se encontrar com um industrial japonês negociar um novo emprego, para abandonar o seu atual de professor e voltar a trabalhar como químico. Mas, ao regressar, encontra alguém em casa. Alguém que não conhece. A partir daí tudo vai ser diferente.
In the forties, in a little settlement lost amidst the mountains of Trás-os-Montes, Leonardo tries to survive by buying and selling marten and fox furs, dreaming of the day he’ll close a big deal.
Director of Photography
In the forties, in a little settlement lost amidst the mountains of Trás-os-Montes, Leonardo tries to survive by buying and selling marten and fox furs, dreaming of the day he’ll close a big deal.
Director of Photography
Freely based on Gide ('Paludes') and Hawthorne ('Wakefield'), this is a film about a writer who never wrote anything and who blows at nightfall the breath of frost. The poem by Carlos Queiroz to which the above sentences belong is not cited in 'O som da Terra a Tremer', but the atmosphere is that, between written letters never received. Fiction within fiction, stories within stories, like those Chinese boxes in which there is always one inside another. Or the two margins of the same river, always being lateral.
Director of Photography
Nino, tough but sickly, and his older brother Vicente live in the country with their father. After their father disappears ― we’re never sure why ― murder is suggested. Vicente brings his girlfriend to the house, and a different kind of family is established as the three youngsters grow fiercely protective of each other. But their uncle grows suspicious about the fate of the missing father and forcibly kidnaps Nino, taking him away to the city and leaving Vicente to locate him there.
Director of Photography
An American ballerina arrives in Hungary to enroll in a ballet school and it soon becomes apparent that things are not what they seem.
Director of Photography
Marking a stylistically and philosophically turn away from the earlier features, The Sand Rose is Reis and Cordeiro’s most abstract, conceptual and literary work. The film’s collage structure gathers texts from multiple sources – including Kafka and Montaigne – and crafts a world of theatrical artifice far from the documentary inspired naturalism of Ana and Trás-os-Montes. Reis and Cordeiro’s least known film has lingered in obscurity and never recovered from the unfairly negative reviews that resulted in its severely limited release. Reis died less than two years later, just as he and Cordeiro were about to begin an ambitious adaptation of Juan Rulfo’s Pedro Parámo. - Harvard Film Archive
Marking a stylistically and philosophically turn away from the earlier features, The Sand Rose is Reis and Cordeiro’s most abstract, conceptual and literary work. The film’s collage structure gathers texts from multiple sources – including Kafka and Montaigne – and crafts a world of theatrical artifice far from the documentary inspired naturalism of Ana and Trás-os-Montes. Reis and Cordeiro’s least known film has lingered in obscurity and never recovered from the unfairly negative reviews that resulted in its severely limited release. Reis died less than two years later, just as he and Cordeiro were about to begin an ambitious adaptation of Juan Rulfo’s Pedro Parámo. - Harvard Film Archive
Director of Photography
When Éric and Marie go to meet their parents at the harbor for the holidays, the latter are victims of an overnight hit-and-run. Marie hides the truth from Éric, investigates the accident alone, and soon finds the presumed culprit.
Director of Photography
AGOSTO é o oposto das chamadas fitas de Verão, como as paixões que lá se contam estão nos antípodas dos amores de praia.
Director of Photography
This symbolic drama from director Benoit Jacques underscores the characters' human need for affection. Children steal lemons for the thrill, while women steal other women's men from them just to prove they can. Drug smuggling, clandestine love affairs, and two lovers involved with the production of Shakespeare's Othello carry on with their own off-stage tragedy.
Director of Photography
The film relates the painful ending of a love story binding an over-30-year-old woman and a North African, and the beginning and end of a relationship she also has with an “established” journalist. The stories illustrate the absolute claim of a woman who can understand love only in terms of life and death, an attitude that generally makes love appear dramatic, but at least burning and flickering, like the flame that glows in her heart.
Director of Photography
Em Portugal, no início dos anos 60, aparece na Praia dos Cães o cadáver de um homem brutalmente assassinado. O cadáver é identificado como sendo o do major Dantas, um homem procurado pelas autoridades após a sua evasão de uma prisão militar onde aguardava julgamento por insurreição.
Director of Photography
Laura Rossellini, a widow from Rome, vacations on the Algarve coast one hot summer. One day while sunbathing, she finds a wounded man named Robert drifting in the surf on a rubber raft. She takes him home, and, after he is revived, learns his story. As they talk, their mutual attraction grows, until a group of armed men suddenly arrive looking for Robert.
A Ruizian adaptation of Jean-Claude Gallotta's iconic wordless ballet choreography.
With an off-beat sense of humor to match its erratic central character, this original comedy-drama features Jean-Philippe Ecoffey as Yves, a young man who works as a cop at night. The catch is that Yves turns to petty crime during the day, partly to impress Aurore (Aurelle Doazan), a nurse he idolizes from afar. His criminal hobby seems hard to understand, since it's doubtful that they will really get him anywhere with Aurore; besides, she already has a boyfriend. Nevertheless, Yves starts out by robbing a post office and ends up trying to run over Aurore's boyfriend, an act which finally gets him into serious trouble.
Director of Photography
Filme realizado por João Botelho em 1985, e que contou com a participação de Rui Furtado, Isabel de Castro e Maria Cabral, entre outros atores. A ação desta longa-metragem desenvolve-se em dois planos que se entrecruzam habilmente: no primeiro, acompanha-se o percurso trágico de um grupo de militares em território africano, em combate na Guerra Colonial; no outro, assiste-se à vivência perturbada de uma família, longe do teatro de operações. Um Adeus Português é, assim, uma reflexão, mais existencial do que política, sobre o sacrifício e o sofrimento. O seu interesse reside no facto de abordar o tema da Guerra Colonial portuguesa, acontecimento histórico recente que, por esta altura, começava a ser tratado na criação artística, nomeadamente na literatura.
Director of Photography
Ambulatory history, freely inspired by Georg Büchner's biography (1813-37) and the reasons that led him first to political intervention and then to strict isolation. With students of unidentified present time (1968? 1970?), the themes developed, in Büchner, are triggered by the publication of "The Messenger of Hesse", a pamphlet addressed to the peasants, urging them to revolt. Their misunderstanding, as well as the repression of the young revolutionaries, leads Büchner to a particularly skeptical and painful attitude...
A man comes to visit an acquaintance who is supposed to be sick and talks to his sister while he is waiting.
Director of Photography
Jim is a small child who lives in an inn run by his parents. The arrival of a strange captain to the Island they live will trouble his existence and tip him into an universe of adventures.
Director of Photography
Régime sans pain, influenced by (Ruiz's) friend Jean Baudrillard (and calling) to mind grade-Z SF, grew out of a commission to direct a music video (featuring French cult rock duo of Angèle/Maimone). Ruiz offered a counterproposal that he direct several music videos rather than one; once this deal was made, he shot enough material to interconnect the various videos until he arrived at a feature.
Director of Photography
Director Jorge Silva Melo has developed a viable, though highly intellectual mystery story about the world of art and culture and murder in this somewhat theatrical presentation. When German artist Bernd Hoffmann (Michael König) arrives in Lisbon to oversee the installation of his paintings in a joint exhibition with another Berlin artist, Hanna Brauer (Charlotte Schwab), Hanna never shows up. Hoffmann is puzzled because he is certain he saw a video sequence with Hanna at the exhibition, and he begins to look for her. Another Lisbon cultural center, a theater, is also having problems that may or may not be related -- and the mystery deepens when Hanna is found dead, either by her own hand, or murdered.
Director of Photography
In a specialized, hermetic drama about love won and lost, not necessarily by the same individuals, novice director Christine Laurent has focused on the backstage melodramas of an opera company. The conductor for an upcoming performance of the Marriage of Figaro has his mind and heart on other matters -- an entrancing diva who keeps him enraptured with her presence and voice. In the meantime, he finds fault with his cast members who cannot, of course, measure up to the woman of his dreams. As singers encounter one problem or another, it is clear that something has to be done about the conductor. Director Laurent designed costumes for both theater and opera, giving her some insight into the venue.
Director of Photography
A sickly young girl is given away by her father to a childless couple. Twenty years later, she marries her adopted father.
Director of Photography
Lives is the story of a middle-aged couple that dwells the night, the heroin and small tricks.
Director of Photography
When the child Manuel wanders into a garden that is off-limits to him, he meets an unidentified fisherman, and another boy -- the boy is actually himself several years down the road. Manuel experiences three different versions of his encounters in the garden, revealing that fate can have several twists and turns in one's life, depending on decisions that are made early on.
Director of Photography
An island retreat. A man, his face bandaged, plays cards nonchalantly. His ex-wife arrives. Conversations happen. (Mubi)
Director of Photography
A surreal odyssey in which a melancholic maidservant crosses paths with a homicidal little boy, travels to a tiny island of pirates and encounters a man with multiple personalities.
Director of Photography
An aristocratic Sicilian family living in the 1950s. Count Villafratti has sex one night with his nymphomaniac daughter because he thinks she is his wife.
Director of Photography
Farto do mar, Paul, um mecânico suíço que trabalha nas barulhentas entranhas de um navio mercante, desembarca em Lisboa.
"Essay on the Military and the Power", a phrase that also belongs to the title of "Gestures & Fragments", sums up the spirit of the film, based on three points of view on the same theme: Otelo Saraiva de Carvalho and Eduardo Lourenço, in their own roles, and the one played by Robert Kramer, as an American journalist bent on seeking explanations for the process of the Portuguese Revolution.
Director of Photography
Ana combines straight-on documentary technique with unexpected flights of dreamlike surrealism. The title character, played by Ana Maria Martins Guerra, is a young Portuguese girl who lives with her grandmother. Through their relationship, we are witness to the Cycle of Life: Grandmother takes care of granddaughter until granddaughter is obliged to do same for grandmother. The scenes between the two protagonists are counterpointed with impressionistic camera compositions based upon famous religious paintings. Ana was impressive enough to earn an American art-house release, a rarity for independently produced Portuguese films.
Director of Photography
A publisher seeks information on a writer who died long ago.
Director of Photography
This film depicts the life of the 19th-century Portuguese writer Wenceslau De Moraes by means of nine ancient ballads from China. The writer married a Chinese woman after he left his wife and family to go live in Macao. Later, he moved to Japan where he fell in love with a Japanese woman, staying in Japan for the rest of his life. Mixed in with the career and loves of Moraes is the history of Portugal at home and in its colonies.
Director of Photography
No início do século XX a sociedade portuguesa está em profunda crise política e moral, uma República confusa e com restos de uma monarquia podre. Fernando Pessoa e Mário de Sá-Carneiro reinventam a língua, o modo de dizer, pagando os riscos da sua aventura. Um rebenta a solidão no fogo dos heterónimos que lhe permitem prolongar a existência; o outro despedaça o corpo e a própria vida na vertigem dispersa de poemas e novelas. A história desse encontro, os textos, a amizade e a morte.
Director of Photography
A bewitching combinatory adaptation of the Bluebeard tale and a 15th century Portuguese fable of a damsel who disguises herself as a knight errant.
Director of Photography
The shady side of an Italian textile trade in northern Germany is the subject of this slow-paced but atmospheric drama featuring Alberto Sordi as Totonno, a low-level, petty criminal anxious to move up a somewhat crooked ladder. Rising to the rank of the "dons" -- Don Raffaele (Carmine Ippolito) or Don Gennaro (Pasquale Cenammo) -- is not an easy task, as Totonno is about to find out. In the meantime, Paula (Belinda Lee) provides a romantic distraction, and another would-be entrepreneur opts for the straight and narrow. This uneven feature offers some colorful performances but the sum is less convincing than its parts.
Director of Photography
Dina (Maria Santiago) is a teenager brought up by her grandmother, employed as a housekeeper for a fairly well-off family. Since Dina only has her grandmother, she spends her time fantasizing about her life and reading comic-book love stories -- activities that do nothing to improve her dim perspective of reality. Due to these handicaps and her own inexperience, she gets involved with Django (Luis Lucas), a shady character who decides to use her as bait to attract men and then rob them. One day when both are in a taxi with robbery in mind, the driver gets suspicious so Django shoots him, and so does Dina. She escapes and runs away -- though it seems like she has learned too little too late. This story unfolds against a time of upheaval in Portugal (mid-1970s) when the military government is formulating a constitution and social changes are happening everywhere.
O filme procura traçar a história entre o 25 de Abril de 1974 e o 25 de Novembro de 1975, tal como ela foi sentida pela equipa que, ao longo deste processo, foi ao mesmo tempo espetador, ator e participante, mas que, sobretudo, se encontrava totalmente comprometida com o processo revolucionário em curso.
Director of Photography
The film of a performance of a selection of cabaret comedy sketches by Karl Valentin, with Jorge Silva Melo as stage director. The show was a complete success and has become almost legendary. Solveig Nordlund shot it, adding some more sketches that weren’t included on the show.
Director of Photography
A woman translates the front page of H.P. Lovecraft's book “The Silver Key”. Her husband, a journalist, listens. The book describes the conflicts between the real and the imaginary, and tells how Randolph Carter, the film's character, leaves everyday life in search of his childhood dreams.
Director of Photography
Parallel tales of young couples desperately escaping cruel false fathers, each couple on the run across different regions of the country and during increasingly contemporary time periods.
A short film.
Gothic film in a monastery, where sensual monks murder the children they receive, with images of fantastic, painted from the author own painting and also from the Hammer films and the Saxon plastic tradition of romanticism.
Director of Photography
An adaptation of two short stories by Passos Coelho, essentially shot in a valley that is a territory threatened by floods, the film is a cinematographic chronicle of the rural worker in the area of Montemor-o-Velho.
Director of Photography
This documentary, filmed clandestinely, is based on several interviews with the executioners who worked in Spain during the early 1970s, as well as families of people executed by them.
Director of Photography
The agriculture reforming process, after the 1974 revolution, is seen through an analysis of the social structures and class struggles of the Portuguese society.
Director of Photography
A preparação e desenvolvimento de festas em terras de feição arcaizante do Nordeste transmontano, numa celebração do Ciclo de Inverno - do Natal à Quarta-Feira de Cinzas, integradas nas Festas dos Rapazes, de Santo Estevão, do Natal, do Ano Novo, dos Reis e, em casos especiais, do Carnaval.
Director of Photography
Reis and Cordeiro’s undisputable masterpiece exploded the meaning and possibilities of ethnographic cinema with its lyrical exploration of the still resonant myths and legends embodied in the people and landscapes of Portugal’s remote Trás-os-Montes region.
A partir do célebre discurso de Salazar feito em 1936 o filme procura de forma didática mostrar os alicerces do regime fascista durante os 48 anos da sua existência até ao 25 de Abril de 1974. O funcionamento da sociedade portuguesa e a sua história desde 1910, a ideologia salazarista, o apoio à igreja, a repressão e a guerra colonial até à libertação de Abril são os temas principais.
Director of Photography
A portrait of the everyday life of a typical middle-class family in parallel with the fall of the "Estado Novo", the 48-year dictatorship led by Salazar. The daughters' conflicts and frustrations with their parents, their grandmother and their maid find an obvious echo in the country's collective events. The Carnation Revolution is about to explode.
Film directors with hand-held cameras went to the streets of Lisbon from April 25 to May 1, 1974, registering interviews and political events of the Portuguese "Carnations Revolution", as that period would be later known.
Director of Photography
By cross-editing footage of Portuguese workers protesting against NATO forces and various movies, Monteiro shows how one 'sword' can confront the army.
Director of Photography
A borderland village of Trás-os-Montes, 27 km away from Bragança, Rio de Onor preserved - due to its isolated location - the old communitarian practices, of farmers and shepherds, that define it as an important and unmistakable center of this region.
Director of Photography
Jaime, a poem of suffering and loneliness, describes the existence and pictorial work of a man isolated in a psychiatric hospital.
Director of Photography
Filmed just before the Carnation Revolution of 1974. Dark portrait of a group of friends who used to be colleagues at the University in 1962. Ten years later, they have lost all their ideals. With Lisbon on the background they discuss politics, love, culture; each of them has reached a deadlock. The camera remains still while it registers the dissolution of their dreams.
Director of Photography
Jimmy Bondi and his miracle beetle Dudu are on their way to Portugal by sea. In the Algarve, they are witness to a dispute in which ex-inmate Plato and the attractive Tamara have to do with Marchese de la Sotta and his henchmen.
Director of Photography
This is an intriguing avant-garde look at what motivates the leisurely classes in Portugal, for better or worse, by director Manoel de Oliveira. Set in a spacious country home peopled with a wide-ranging cast of characters, the drama begins as the friends of a widow come to console her on the loss of her husband. But at one point, the widow goes upstairs, encounters her husband, and is faced with his accusations about the past. This event and others provide the means of revealing the petty, self-serving, egocentric, and romantic pursuits of the melange of people in the house. - Eleanor Mannikka, Rovi
Director of Photography
A representation of fiction and documentary about the museum of Óbidos, Portugal.
Director of Photography
Maria works in a German umbrella factory as the foreman of the production sector. João Lucas has given up on living a normal life and practically lives in bed, in the midst of green plants. His father expressly desired that his son film this eccentric daily life in 8 mm format. Maria’s wages are dilapidated to the last penny by this amateur, monstrous, family movie production.
Short film on the creation of an agricultural cooperative in the village of Sever do Vouga.
Director of Photography
The tribulations of two friends who, in despair, start begging from door-to-door, and are given a bundle including, literally, a pair of deadman's shoes
Director of Photography
Lisboa, anos 1960. Uma filha da alta burguesia de residência lisboeta, Marta, deixa o marido. Fartou-se. Sabe que há coisas que já não lhe interessam e tenta vida nova. É hospedeira de terra numa companhia de aviação e modelo de uma agência de publicidade. Tem problemas de dinheiro e recorre a Vítor, para melhorar as coisas. Mas tudo piora. Vítor – um contrabandista a quem a vida já tudo ensinou e que já não tem esperança – agrada-lhe, conforta-a, mas não lhe dá nada do que verdadeiramente precisa. Certo dia, ele aparece morto. Culpa sua? Um descuido? E Marta prossegue, sempre de certo modo sozinha, o seu caminho, em busca de qualquer coisa, numa terra que não é bem a sua.
Assistant Camera
Two neighboring villages fight over control of a stream to water their lands.
Director of Photography
Sérgio, detective de um serviço secreto internacional, recebe uma mensagem de Selma, sua colega, marcando-lhe um encontro urgente. Em vez dela depara-se, no local indicado, com um grupo de indivíduos suspeitos. Pressentindo algo de anormal, lança-se na pista de Selma. Em jogo está uma aparelhagem electrónica que permitirá, ao país que a possuir, dominar o mundo e ameaçar a paz.
Director of Photography
An overview of the assemblage and production of motor vehicles in Portugal, including the local representatives of Mercedes, Morris, and Massey-Ferguson, and subsidiary industries for car parts. - IMDb
Assistant Camera
Jorge, médico sério e solitário, dirige um departamento no hospital. Um dia chega Lúcia já gravemente doente de leucemia. Apaixonaram-se. Será uma corrida contra o desespera e a reafirmação da vontade de amar, mesmo face à iminência da morte.
Camera Operator
No passado século XIX, em ilha deserta do Atlântico, dá-se o encontro entre Pierre Duchemin, jovem marinheiro dum barco francês, e Hunila, solitária desde a morte do marido, Filipe, e do irmão, que exploravam os parcos recursos da pesca à tartaruga. Esta relação paradisíaca terá, porém, um fim e, recolhida por um veleiro português, em 1830, Hunila conta a sua história.