Jan Miserre


The Hamlet Syndrome
A film that depicts the young Ukrainian generation scarred by war and political breakthroughs. The film's starting point is the preparation for a play based on the motifs of Shakespeare's Hamlet, which, combined with an intense glimpse into the lives of the characters, creates a powerful portrait of a generation having to confront their war trauma and tackle the painful past, which now after the Russia's invasion of Ukraine becomes their present and future alike.
Tudo por Jojo
Paula faz de tudo para sabotar o casamento de Jojo depois que a amiga se apaixona e deixa para trás as loucas aventuras que as duas viviam em Berlim.
A Pure Place
A tale of dirt, soap, and magic set in a cult on a remote Greek island.
A Luta
Após a morte de sua esposa, o chef Cheng viaja com seu filho para uma aldeia remota na Finlândia a convite de um velho amigo que conheceu em Xangai. Mas ninguém na aldeia parece conhecer o tal amigo, então a dona do café local oferece alojamento a Cheng em troca de ajuda na cozinha. O chef acaba surpreendendo os moradores locais com as delícias da culinária chinesa e, com o tempo, passa a se conectar com os finlandeses, se tornando um membro célebre da comunidade. Quando o visto de Cheng fica prestes a expirar, cabe aos moradores traçar um plano para ajudá-lo a ficar.
Veins of the World
Original Music Composer
Um jovem garoto mongol transforma a dor em uma fonte de poder, após a morte de seu pai.
Cães do Espaço
A vira-lata Laika foi o primeiro ser vivo a ser enviado para o espaço, e portanto para uma morte certa. Diz a lenda que ela retornou à Terra como um fantasma, e que ainda vaga pelas ruas de Moscou.
At the peak of his mid-life crisis, Swiss filmmaker Stefan Keller is forced to take on a side job out of financial necessity. Consequently, he finds himself travelling throughout Switzerland as an anonymous youth hostel tester just before Christmas. Thus begins his odyssey: Stefan is in desperate need of a story; he struggles with his failed relationship; and chance acquaintances force him to face the meaning of his existence.
Meanwhile in Mamelodi
Set against the raucous backdrop of the 2010 World Cup, MEANWHILE IN MAMELODI is a beautifully crafted portrait of a place and one family’s daily life inside it. The Mtsweni family lives in the Pretoria Township of the title, in the district known as Extension 11. Their world is a ramshackle collection of corrugated tin dwellings and makeshift shops, open sewers littered with debris and red-earth rectangles filled with soccer-playing children and teens. Seventeen-year-old Mosquito is one of those kids. As she studies for math tests, flirts with boys and shops with her best friend, her father Steven prepares his "tuck shop" for the promise of cash-flush tourists. Meanwhile, his wife struggles with mental illness. The Mtswenis' lives unfold as the Cup brings new hope to the ravaged town. Despite the poverty around her, Mosquito insists this is not her parents' country. She is the face of South Africa's future - part of "a new generation free to do all things."