Susan Radder

Susan Radder

Nascimento : 1999-03-20, Amsterdam, Netherlands


Susan Radder
Susan Radder


Buenas Chicas
An ambitious young lawyer sets out to convince a Spain-based wine farmer to sell his property to her legal clients, only to fall for him.
Lieke Meijer
Hackers no Controle
Mel Bandison (Holly Mae Brood) é uma hacker excepcional que cai em uma emboscada e é acusada de assassinato, precisando fugir às pressas da polícia. Tudo isso aconteceu após ela descobrir um escândalo de privacidade inimaginável na Holanda, agora resta encontrar as pessoas que estão a chantageando e fazendo de sua vida um verdadeiro inferno.
Uma Viagem Incrível: O Mistério do Ovo
Charlie é uma menina aventureira e cheia de imaginação, que embarca em uma viagem mágica para desvendar o mistério por trás de um ovo que surgiu em sua cidade.
A Batalha Esquecida
Teuntje Visser
Durante a Segunda Guerra, na crucial Batalha do Rio Escalda, três vidas bem diferentes se cruzam. Veja a batalha sob suas perspectivas.
All You Need Is Love
When popular TV show host Dr. Love goes missing ahead of the annual Christmas special, a zany search for his replacement and holiday romance ensues.
Orange Fever
As the whole country is preparing for the World Cup, all characters are confronted with the Dutch ‘Orange Fever’, which seems to either bring them closer together, or drift them apart.
Everyone is worried about 16-year Lieke who has just lost her mother. But despite her grief Lieke continues her life in the swimming pool where she enjoys workouts with her coach. But then her trainer decides to train another girl.
Jack's Wish
Jack Oei (8) has two moms, is an only child and feels lonely. Jack’s biggest wish is a brother. But no matter how much he begs his moms, the little brother just doesn’t arrive. Jack decides to take matters in his own hands….
Voor Emilia
When a German teacher meets a new student, she is confronted with a traumatic event from her past. Struggling with her grief on her own, she falls prey to impulses she could've never imagined. Not her grief, but the battle for self-control turns out te be her greatest enemy.
Casper has never met his father and lives alone with his mother Marit. He likes to spend his free time playing the piano, so he is thrilled when he is chosen to become a pianist in a youth orchestra – and especially when he makes friends with Anouk. She knows what Casper is going through when he learns that his mother is seriously ill: Marit has cancer. Scared of what might happen to her, Casper and his best friend Pim decide to find his father.
Vivendo em meio a carências afetivas, pois a mãe está ausente e o pai trabalha e quando está em casa pode se tornar violento, o pequeno Jojo passa o tempo sozinho. Ao descobrir um filhote de corvo caído no chão, e passa a criá-lo e preenche, com o animalzinho, uma lacuna de amor em sua vida. Enquanto bate de frente com o pai para cuidar do filhote, saberemos o paradeiro de sua mãe, que tanta falta tem feito.
A famous game show host is being harassed in a restaurant by a strange man who claims to have kidnapped his wife and daughter. A morbid game ensues in which the game show host turns out to be the contestant.