Adrian Titieni

Adrian Titieni

Nascimento : 1963-06-06, Bistrița, România


Adrian Titieni


The Master of Silence
A grand old house has seen generations of war and change, but as demolition looms, its tenants must face corrupt interests that govern this new world.
Wild Romania
Recorded over 10 years, România Sălbatică shows the colorful beauty of Romanian nature accompanied with wildlife.
O Pai que Move Montanhas
Um agente de inteligência aposentado arrisca a própria vida para salvar o filho que desapareceu no meio da neve durante uma caminhada nas montanhas.
The Tower of Pisa
Yue Lao
A fantasy and comedy short fiction film about a parking valet suffering from OCD who stumbles upon love.
Otto the Barbarian
Otto, a seventeen-year-old punk, becomes involved in the social services investigation of his girlfriend Laura’s death. He is caught up in a vicious circle created by his parents, his mute grandpa and Laura’s mother. Laura is still part of his life through video recordings that he edits constantly, trying to make sense of the events. Through this process, Otto must take his portion of the responsibility for what happened.
Parallel Worlds
During the protests that are taking place on August 10, 2018 in Bucharest, Alex's parents are holding a party for celebrating his University admission. But he will be trying to escape it and meet the reality from the streets.
Queen Marie of Romania
Prime Minister Ion Brătianu
Devastated by the First World War and plunged into political controversy, Romania's every hope accompanies its Queen on her mission to Paris, to lobby for its great unification's international recognition at the 1919 Peace Talks.
The Priest
With little time to live, Carturan, a 60 year old man, tries to fix the most important aspects of his life.
5 Minutes Too Late
The destiny of the man who led the gendarme team after a LGBT film screening in Bucharest, revealed through an investigation by Liliana Calomfir, a young journalist known for her daring reporting.
Before I Leave
To follow in his father’s and older brother’s footsteps, Mihai, a seventeen-year-old Romanian, gets ready for a mission that he must go to France to finish. During the last night with his family, little by little, he is overcome with doubt and fear.
Moon Hotel Kabul
Ivan Semciuc (a journalist), is a charismatic man nonetheless guilty of cynicism and lack of compassion. A seemingly meaningless sexual encounter with a translator in a hotel room in Kabul produces a vital revolution in Ivan’s unshakeable lifestyle. After Ivan’s arrival back to Bucharest, Ioana is found dead, with her wrists cut. Ivan starts living in the absent presence of Ioana, who is starting to be more vivid in death than in life.
Um Homem Como Deve Ser
Apesar dos planos para casar com a namorada grávida, um engenheiro tem um caso com a mulher internada do colega de trabalho, até que a verdade vem ao de cima.
The Headlight
Radu Iovan
Radu Iovan and his high moral principles become the target of a ten thousand souls wager between God and Satan.
Dear Santa Claus
Santa Claus
When a couple returns to their apartment building on Christmas Eve, they find a man dressed as Santa Claus trying to break into their neighbor's apartment.
Um homem foge aos planos natalícios da namorada para ir visitar a mãe e os irmãos e convencer o pai afastado da família juntar-se a ele para um reencontro surpresa.
Meda or The Not So Bright Side of Things
A lumberjack, Doru, whose wife dies leaving the child she was looking after, Meda, at risk of being sent to an orphanage, decides to fight for adoption, against the odds.
Um homem de negócios implacável a lidar com a concorrência enfrenta uma ameaça repentina que o obriga a mudar de vida e a procurar conforto junto de um velho amigo.
Perfeitamente Saudável
Um advogado investiga os últimos dias da vida do pai, um juiz cuja morte misteriosa levanta suspeitas sobre a sua jovem viúva.
The Fixer
Romanian-born Radu Patru is a trainee at a prestigious French news network. Serving as a translator and general problem solver, or "fixer," for the headlining journalists during his trial period, he's looking to make his big break. He sees his opportunity when two underage Romanian prostitutes are repatriated from France, creating an international scandal. Taking advantage of his language skills and local connections, Radu is prepared to do whatever it takes to interview one of the young girls. But as he ventures into tricky moral ground, he must stop to ask himself if, as an aspiring journalist, he can live with the consequences of his actions, and if, as a father, he's setting a good example for his son.
Ana, Meu Amor
Toma conhece Ana enquanto ambos estudam literatura na universidade. Ela tem um leve transtorno mental e sofre de ataques de pânico. Toma a segue por cada um desses lugares escuros onde ela habita. Ele parece estar no controle do relacionamento, mas, na verdade, apenas gravita ao redor de uma mulher que não consegue entender. Quando Ana supera seus medos, Toma permanece sozinho, juntando as peças desse quebra-cabeça e tentando compreender a tempestade pela qual passou.
Sami and Dora are husband and wife, they have an age-gap marriage filled with compromises. Now they are waiting the social worker from the adoption agency to come at their home to decide if they are eligible to adopt a child. But they are caught in a moral dilemma: can buying a life be the price of saving their own relationship?
Victor Anghelescu
Em um jantar familiar, quatro irmãos descobrem que durante o regime comunista de Nicolae Ceausescu seu pai denunciou mulheres que tentavam fazer abortos e que ele não se arrepende disso. A partir dessa revelação, segredos profundos da família emergem.
Romeo Aldea
Romeo (Adrian Titieni) é um médico bastante respeitado e dedicado, que mantém um caso extraconjugal. Um dia, sua filha Eliza (Maria Dragus) é atacada por um desconhecido e quase estuprada. Abalada emocionalmente, ela precisa encontrar forças para fazer a prova decisiva sobre sua ida à faculdade. Paralelamente, seu pai ao mesmo tempo em que busca lhe dar conforto, precisa lidar com a instabilidade de seu casamento, a investigação do caso e a existência de meios pouco éticos para ajudar em sua aprovação. Vencedor do Prêmio de Melhor Direção no Festival de Cannes 2016.
tatal lui Florin
During a night shift, an emergency ambulance with a team of three, a doctor, a paramedic and a driver, is called to an old man's apartment. The event will change their lives forever.
Bucharest Non-Stop
"Bucharest Non-Stop" is a feature film that tells the story of a neighborhood of Bucharest. More specifically, the film is a night of non-stop life of a store located in a neighborhood blocks. Four drive four different stories linked by a key figure, Achim, known as "the boy from non-stop", played by George Ifrim. The film wants to convey the story of ordinary people in extraordinary situations.
To Paris with the Identity Card
Police Officer
Drăgan Niță is a humble French teacher from Romania that has always dreamt of visiting Paris one day. To make his dream come true, he saves 1 lei every day.
Live With Ema
Ema is the successful TV anchor of a national TV broadcaster, the star of a popular tabloid show. A perfectionist, she has no hesitation in putting at steak her health or money for higher ratings.
Horse Power
Every year Mihai carries his motorcycle in his tenth floor apartment during the winter and bring it back downstairs in spring with the help of his friends. But this year Mihai finds out how fragile friendships can become.
Following a TV News which announce the landing of aliens in Romania, Eugen (9) steals a camera from the shop where his father works as a guard and starts filming his everyday life and then disappears. When he is found, the little boy's footage is misinterpreted by the media.
Dr. Sitaru
In a small village close to the mountains, Mariana and Puiu are a young family with two children: Carmen and Mircea. One morning, the mother and the ten year-old daughter leave for Bucharest, having a hospital as their destination. One doctor alone, Sitaru, believes that Carmen, who can no longer smile, stands any chances at survival. He believes he can perform a miracle and save Carmen's life. Struggling for her daughter, abandoned by almost everybody she trusted, Mariana discovers she is pregnant. After dr. Sitaru operates on the little girl, in a risky manner, Carmen begins to feel increasingly worse. Without any hope, Mariana leaves the hospital and rushes to take Carmen home: while one life ends, another one begins to flicker.
Stefan Manea
Uma amizade inesperada com um escritor cego inspira um marido reprimido a dar largas ao que sente por uma artista mais jovem.
Instinto Materno
Traian Angheliu
Child's Pose is a contemporary drama focusing on the relationship between a mother and her 32-year-old son. After the accidental killing of a boy in a car crash, the mother tries to prevent her son being charged for the death, and she refuses to accept that her son is a grown-up man.
The Pill of Happiness
Revenge. Feels so good. Are you ready to pay the price for it?
mr. Lazăr
Wonderfully surreal, painfully real, this is the story of children, adults and animals who live together trying to have a better life, but sometimes death comes unexpectedly. The lives of three characters surrounded by a bunch of extraordinary, funny, absurd but quite realistic events. It is all about us, people who eat the animals that they love and the animals that love people unconditionally.
Chasing rainbows
A story about the illusion of getting rich in Romania. In a country where stories of striking it rich are everywhere, anyone thinks such a thing is not only possible, but it's easily achievable. The storyline follows two destinies: one is of a young couple, Marius and Cosmina. Marius wrote an imaginary name on a lottery promotion ticket just to drag Cosmina. And the draw makes him the winner. The other is of two adults. Because of their lack of knowledge when it comes to modern technology, they get fooled by e-mail spam, fall for a false online lottery and loose their last savings. The stories meet at the end, when they loose all hope and refuse their only chance of getting rich. Finally we realize that the illusion of becoming rich puts ordinary people in extraordinary situations.
The Ditch
On a hot summer day, Vasile, a 50-something year old peasant, refuses to accompany his wife Lucretia to a religious ceremony arguing he has to finish the ditch in front of their house to avoid paying a fine. Scared by the hard work ahead of him, he tries to find somebody to help him. Petre, a Gypsy young man seems to be the right person. After changing a few words with him, Vasile notices that Petre is upset because none of the villagers wants to be the Godfather for his kid. Vasile decides to baptize the child himself asking Petre in exchange to help him finish the ditch. In the evening, Lucretia learns about Vasile's decision and a new ordinary domestic fight starts between them.
Children who are born in family feuds, automatically become grown men, from very early ages. Just because it is a traumatic reality, precisely because we don't read on their faces innocence, happiness or desire to live his childhood, but the weight that burdened his life. The 19 years old young girl is the only source of income support and family. Kiddo is passionate about boxing and the ring is her only refuge.
Best Intentions
doctor Crișan
Alex, in his mid-thirties, is a quite neurotic character. When his mother is hospitalized with a stroke, the caring son's life gets out of track. At the hospital he finds himself in a burlesque kind of human zoo full of unexpected characters and surprising events. Trying to manage the situation in between everybody's advice, he's coming hypochondriac. While his mother seems to feel perfectly fine Alex is making his own set of mistakes - throughout with best intentions.
Although he hates dogs, Toni is engaged in finding lost animals and then sentimentally blackmails the masters in order to obtain beautiful large amounts of money. Because of an old and ugly Pekinese that Toni cannot succeed of getting rid of, feelings of affection awake in him that surprise even Toni.
15 July
A young couple visits the girl's grandmother and also meets the girl's father who has a birthday.
The Cage
Parents squabbling over a sick bird that was brought in by their son Alex.
A math teacher from Bucharest and his lover go out for a picnic to relax. The film follows what happens after an accident occurs and the two characters argue about how to handle the situation. Things take a twist and as the victim becomes an part of the story.
A beautiful Western woman asks a Gypsy to watch her four-year-old child while she is taught how to swim by a flirtatious married man, before she disappears into the sea.
A Morte do Sr. Lazarescu
Dr. Dragoș Popescu
O Sr Lazarescu já se encontra com 63 anos e vive sozinho em um apartamento com seus gatos. Certa manhã levanta se sentindo mal, com dores na cabeça e na barriga, desconfiando que há algum problema com uma cirurgia de úlcera feita há muitos anos atrás. O idoso pede uma ambulância para leva-lo ao hospital mas dois problemas farão com que não seja aceito em nenhum hospital para onde tentam leva-lo: um acidente acontecido na cidade entre um caminhão e um ônibus; e o cheiro de bebida que fará os médicos responsabilizarem o doente por sua condição.
Sindromul Timișoara
A perspective on the Romanian revolution which started in Timișoara.
Bed of Procust
Căpitan aeroclub
The poet and journalist Ladima commits suicide and his friend, Fred Vasilescu, tries to find out the reasons of those actions. In his search he discovers a mysterious Miss T.
Capul de zimbru
Fox: Hunter
Set in the period prior to the revolt in Timisoara in December 1989 and mirroring the events that led to the downfall of the dictator Ceausescu. -- BFI
Broken Youth
Two parallel stories about unhappy marriages that take place during inter-war period in the Banat village within Romanian ethnic minority in Serbia.
Jacob (Dorel Visan) is a gold miner who risks his life daily to support his wife, mother-in-law, and four children in this socio-political drama. Under the rule of an oppressive monarchy backed by military force, the miners often resort to stealing gold to compensate for their meager wages. Workers are subjected to strip searches and are forced to take laxatives by the often brutal guards and inspectors as they look for stolen gold, and Jacob raises his vocal objections over the treatment of his fellow workers.
Lilac Blossoms for the Second Time
Dana, a young teacher, loses her husband in a car accident. Her four year old son misses a father a lot. Dragoș appears in their lives to fill the void.
Vlad Crângu
A history professor decides to take kids from his class in a trek across the country so they can experience various places and people.
A Smile Of The Sun
Several students spend their last days of high school in a cheerful and musical atmosphere. Petrica and 'Sunny Smile', who has become a fairy tale princess in the meantime, find their way back to each other, from the real world to the dream one and the other way around, in order to meet their love halfway between the two realms.
Oli's Wedding
Alone in his kitchen in Bucharest, Dorel prepares for what seems to be a party. Actually, it’s his son’s wedding which takes place in the United States. Dorel is going to watch the wedding through a webcam, together with two of his son’s friends. On a small screen, they are about to meet the bride and her father, and witness the ceremony.