David Barker


Pássaros de Liberdade
Duas garotas em uma academia de balé de elite parisiense têm seus laços e corpos testados enquanto competem por um contrato para ingressar na companhia da Opéra National de Paris.
Shirley Jackson é uma escritora de contos de suspense casada com Stanley Hyman, um renomado professor da Bennington College. Os dois decidem abrigar em sua casa um casal de jovens estudantes por um período. Shirley encontra nessa rotina peculiar a inspiração que precisava para sua mais nova obra.
Racked with anxiety in the chaotic political landscape of 1990s Brazil, Clara finds solace in starving herself, experiencing both rapture and torture. In this elliptical non-fiction film, anorexia becomes a way for Clara to challenge womanhood and find a place in an uncertain, surreal, and brutal world.
Racked with anxiety in the chaotic political landscape of 1990s Brazil, Clara finds solace in starving herself, experiencing both rapture and torture. In this elliptical non-fiction film, anorexia becomes a way for Clara to challenge womanhood and find a place in an uncertain, surreal, and brutal world.
Democracia em Vertigem
Documentário sobre o processo de impeachment da ex-presidente do Brasil, Dilma Rousseff, que foi considerado como um dos reflexos da polarização política e da ascensão da extrema-direita para o poder. O filme conta com imagens internas e exclusivas dos bastidores do Sindicato dos Metalúrgicos do ABC e do Palácio da Alvorada, enquanto ocorria a votação para a queda de Dilma.
Buck Run
Set in rural Pennsylvania, 15-year-old Shaw, a bullied outsider, is trying to cope with his mother’s death and a reunion with his estranged, alcoholic father.
A Madeline de Madeline
Consulting Editor
Mesmo quando Madeline é ela mesma, é difícil dizer se está apenas interpretando o papel de Madeline. Aos olhos de sua ansiosa mãe, a garota é uma criatura vulnerável cujo óbvio distúrbio mental requer cuidado e tratamento médico. Mas no palco, na oficina teatral dirigida pela exigente e por vezes até mesmo imprudente.
After Her
After finding a mysterious totem in a cave while on a hike with her friend, a wayward teenage girl goes missing.
Atração Perigosa
This richly earnest drama follows Geneviève, a surrogate who must reckon with her ambivalence about the pregnancy and her precarious feelings for the parents-to-be
The Reagan Show
Comprised entirely of archival footage taken during those pre-reality-television years, The Reagan Show looks at how Ronald Reagan redefined the look and feel of what it means to be the POTUS.
White Sun
Young Pooja lives with her mother in a village in Nepal. Though saddened by the death of her grandfather, she is secretly thrilled at the prospect of meeting the man she hopes may be her father — Chandra, a former Maoist guerrilla who is returning home after a decade-long civil conflict.
A Caminho do Desconhecido
O capitão William Stanaforth (Mark Strong) recebe a difícil tarefa de ser o primeiro astronauta em Marte. Ele é encarregado de viajar sozinho a bordo de uma espaçonave, durante 270 dias, enfrentando a solidão e a saudade da família. Um dia, um problema técnico compromete a missão e William é convidado a retornar para a Terra imediatamente. Contrariando as ordens de seus superiores, ele decide continuar.
Funny Bunny
Gene spends his days canvassing about childhood obesity. One day he canvasses Titty, an emotionally-arrested 19-year-old who has successfully sued his own father to win back a large inheritance and gotten himself disowned in the process. Gene discovers that Titty has an ongoing online relationship with the beautiful but reclusive Ginger, who is an animal activist. Gene convinces Titty to make a pilgrimage to meet Ginger where the two men form a close bond despite both of them being drawn to the enigmatic Ginger, who is in need of rescue.
Thou Wast Mild and Lovely
The arrival of a handsome new farmhand threatens the balance between a farmer and his daughter.
Young newlyweds Irene and Daniel make the mistake of picking up a hitchhiker -- and soon find themselves taken hostage by three dangerous criminals.
Set against the gorgeous landscape of Armenia, Here chronicles a brief but intense relationship between an American satellite-mapping engineer (Foster) and an expatriate photographer (Azabal) who impulsively decide to travel across the remote countryside. As their trip comes to an end, the two must decide where to go from Here
Workers Leaving the Factory
Using one of the Lumière Brothers' first films of workers leaving the Factory as his starting point, Farocki provides an insight to changes in industrial production, workers' strikes and motion pictures-- via images of workers leaving factories throughout the years.