Jeffrey Tarrant


A Geraçao da Riqueza
Executive Producer
As imagens da artista Lauren Greenfield em seu ensaio fotográfico "Generation Wealth" ganham vida nesse documentário que eleva sua crítica aos valores deturpados da sociedade capitalista americana. O estudo da fotógrafa, que durou 25 anos, observa de perto pessoas cujo o desejo por prosperidade se tornou a força motriz e objetivo principal de suas vidas.
The Departure
Executive Producer
An intimate character study of the complex figure Ittetsu Nemoto, an aimless and rebellious former punk rocker-turned-Buddhist priest. He is renowned in Japan for saving the lives of countless suicidal men and women through his wise and compassionate counsel. But Nemoto is now approaching middle-age with a wife and young boy of his own, when he learns his life is at risk from heart disease, compounded by the heavy emotional workload of supporting those who no longer want to live. When saving others takes such a toll, can he find the resiliency to save himself?
A Rainha de Versalhes
Co-Executive Producer
With the epic dimensions of a Shakespearean tragedy, The Queen of Versailles follows billionaires Jackie and David’s rags-to-riches story to uncover the innate virtues and flaws of their American dream. We open on the triumphant construction of the biggest house in America, a sprawling, 90,000-square-foot mansion inspired by Versailles. Since a booming time-share business built on the real-estate bubble is financing it, the economic crisis brings progress to a halt and seals the fate of its owners. We witness the impact of this turn of fortune over the next two years in a riveting film fraught with delusion, denial, and self-effacing humor.
Sons of the Clouds: The Last Colony
Executive Producer
The political upheaval in North Africa is responsibility of the Western powers —especially of the United States and France— due to the exercise of a foreign policy based on practical and economic interests instead of ethical and theoretical principles, essential for their international politic strategies, which have generated a great instability that causes chaos and violence, as occurs in Western Sahara, the last African colony according to the UN, a region on the brink of war.
Smash His Camera
A film centering on the life and work of Ron Galella that examines the nature and effect of paparazzi.