A young Marine is kidnapped by terrorists in Lebanon. His twin brother, frustrated at his inability to get any kind of information from the government about his brother's plight, travels to Lebanon with a plan for his own rescue operation.
Cinco anos depois de o major Scott McCoy demitir-se da Força Delta devido a questões burocráticas, ele retorna com o coronel Alexander para prender terroristas libaneses que sequestraram um Boeing 707. O líder terrorista Abdul Rifi faz de refém a tripulação e redireciona o avião para Beirute. Quando McCoy e Alexander tentam salvar os reféns, eles são forçados a combater um grupo de terroristas que é maior do que o esperado.
Vered, an attractive blind singer, meets and is befriended by three students. The trio decides to save enough money for the surgery which may restore Vered's sight. After many attempts, two of them commit petty theft and are sent to prison. The third takes Vered to the surgery which is successful. Although Vered regains her sight, she losses her friends...