Corey Gray


Six in the Morning (Part 2)
Part 2 of the sequel to "Three in the Afternoon." A showdown between the heroes and Hasbro's goons commences as both sides fight for ownership of the lightsabers. Should they try and destroy the shipment of real lightsabers before its delivered to the toy store, or will they give in to the dark side and keep them for themselves?
Six in the Morning (Part 1)
Part 1 of the sequel to "Three in the Afternoon." A representative from Hasbro toys comes to reclaim the three lightsaber given to Travis, Johnathan, and Corey one month ago. Reluctant to give them up, the three friends meet to decide what to do. Meanwhile, it is revealed that the Lucas Arts empire is planning to sell real lightsabers to children around the world.
Three in the Afternoon
Three friends mysteriously receive a suitcase containing three real lightsabers. After deciding to try them out, they venture to a near by tennis court in the dead of night for some dueling -- when they discover that they aren't the only ones with lightsabers.