Carlos Amoedo


The Hidden Battle
Production Manager
During the Second World War, the Allies threaten to attack Spain, an allegedly neutral country, if the Francoist regime keeps allowing Nazi Germany to extract Galician tungsten, a strategic mineral, paramount to the war effort.
The Nutcrackers
Production Manager
Mumu discovers a flock of sheep grazing in the park where he plays with his friends Milo, Rita, Talalo, Alfred and Olga, and can´t avoid compare her snowy appearance to them, the troops of cloth, fabrics made ​​of very different prints, lots of spots of all colors playing in the field and in the puddles. And feel some shame and envy of his friends of the sheep shiny. And when he discovers that these sheep are actually spotless stars that will be part of a great show, Mumu is so fascinated that he have to change what is necessary for that to become also a glamorous star. She was a very special cow can not keep wasting time with a group of friends wrong.
Valeria (Manuela Pal) trocou sua Buenos Aires natal por Betanzos, uma vila perto de A Corunha, na Região da Galiza, em Espanha, de onde procede sua família. Excêntrica, sonhadora e divertida, aos seus 25 anos se encontra na encruzilhada sentimental mais surrealista de sua vida: depois da repentina morte de seu amadurecido e atraente amante, apaixona-se por Marcelo, o filho do falecido. Sua amiga Adela (María Bouzas), proprietária do salão onde ambas trabalham, vai ajudá-la a tirar a dúvida. E enquanto isso desfrutam com seus vizinhos das pequenas alegrias, riem das desgraças e fantasiam tendo uma vida diferente (inspirada possivelmente nos pôsteres parisienses que decoram o salão…). Um relato sobre o afã universal de achar a própria identidade, decifrar a coletiva e viver o amor em uma terra que nada tem que invejar aos bulevares de Paris.
Rough Winds
Unit Production Manager
Two strangers flee from their past and settle in an urbanization on the Cádiz coast. There, hundreds of kilometers from Madrid, they try to rebuild their lives, even though the memories are still very strong.