Juliusz Chrząstowski

Juliusz Chrząstowski

Nascimento : 1973-06-17, Świdnica, Polska


Juliusz Chrząstowski


White Courage
The film tells the story of two Highlander brothers – Maciek and Andrzej. After the death of their father, which Andrzej contributed to, and the loss of his beloved Bronka, Andrzej leaves the family home. On his way, he meets the mysterious Wolfram, an anthropologist and climber. He shares with him his mountaineering technique and knowledge about the Prague origins of the highlanders. Andrzej returns to Zakopane, war breaks out. To protect the Highlanders from wartime destruction, he wants to persuade them to cooperate with the Germans. Andrzej and Maciek are standing on opposite sides of the barricade. The brothers' confrontation is bloody and painful.
Pray for Peace, Train for War
Despite really not being military material, Tytus decides to join a local paramilitary group created by his father. Forever an optimist, the boy heads into the forest convinced he can overcome any challenges that come his way.
Król Kiełbasy
Precisando de grana para pagar o estúdio de gravação, um rapper com um passado criminoso se mete com o tráfico de drogas. Agora, ele pode perder tudo.
The Fence
An unusual couple, Leszek and Mikolaj, move into a stud farm that one of them inherited form his father. When Mikolaj discovers that someone has destroyed their wooden fence, he becomes obsessed with fixing it. Yet, can the fence really protect this relationship from a hostile environment?
Interrompemos a Programação
Ojciec Sebastiana
Na véspera do Ano Novo de 1999, um homem armado invade um estúdio de TV, faz reféns e tem só uma exigência: transmitir uma mensagem ao vivo.
Corpus Christi
Daniel (Bartosz Bielenia) é um rapaz de 20 anos que experimenta uma transformação espiritual enquanto vive em um Centro de Detenção para Jovens. Ele quer se tornar padre, mas isso é impossível por causa de sua ficha criminal. Quando é enviado para trabalhar na oficina de um carpinteiro em uma cidade pequena, na chegada, ele se veste de padre e acidentalmente assume a paróquia local. A chegada do jovem e carismático pregador é uma oportunidade para a comunidade local iniciar o processo de cura após uma tragédia que aconteceu na região.
ksiądz w ośrodku
A few years back tragic events tied the fate of three Catholic priests. From then on they meet on every anniversary of the disaster to celebrate their survival. On an everyday basis they have their ups and downs. Lisowski works at the curia in a big city, has a career and is dreaming of the Vatican. Problem is, archbishop Mordowicz, an opulent church official who uses his political influence to build the largest sanctuary in Poland, gets in his way. The second priest, Trybus, is a village parson. He ministers to a poor community and gives in to human weaknesses more and more often. Kukuła is not faring well either. Despite his fervent faith, he loses the trust of his parishioners actually overnight. Soon the stories of the three clergymen are going to join once again.
A identidade é o prinicpal tema do novo filme da diretora polonesa Malgorzata Szumowska que fala sobre o angustiante conflito existencial de um homem que sente que perdeu-se de si mesmo após um radical transplante facial.
Time to Go
Marta's Dad
Marta works at her father’s automobile repair shop. After her boyfriend is arrested, Marta is faced with a difficult choice: to stay loyal to her father, or to do what it takes to get her boyfriend released.
How to Reach God Through Proper Exercising
In a local sports center, a man with a great need to talk but little to say recounts a recent dream to a nearby colleague, with deeply confusing and unexpected results.
Disco Polo
Tomek's father
Young wannabe musicians from the province decide to write hit song and gain the top of the charts in order to become legends of disco polo
Together Apart
A young couple move apart from one another to go to college but remain together in a long distance romance. The pair must try to do whatever it takes to stay in touch and eventually be reunited. Everything has changed, but can their love survive the distance?
Killing Auntie
Jurek is 23 years old and he is a history student. He lives with his loving auntie, who raises him and supports him. Feeling that she is a cause and a symbol of his existential boredom, monotony and malaise, he reaches for the hammer…
Legenda o lietajúcom Cypriánovi
Historic adventurism movie inspirited by legend about mystery monk, alchemist and healer who made the flying machine according to lost book wrote by Leodardo DaVinci in 18th century.
Entertaining movie about the early days of Polish stock exchange in the beginning of 80's. Young TV reporter is sucked into the inferno of easy money, deception, crime, sex and drugs. Sometimes like Kieslowski's moral tales, sometimes like Pasikowski's brutal fables, even sometimes like "Once upon a time in America". Fantastic creations of Baka as Maks and Majchrzak as Rekin /the Shark/ - evil incarnated.