Ivan Martynov


Caros Camaradas! Trabalhadores em Luta
Lyudmila é uma executiva e devota do Partido Comunista, que lutou na Segunda Guerra Mundial pela ideologia de Stalin. Certa de que seu trabalho criará uma sociedade comunista, a mulher detesta qualquer sentimento antissoviético. Durante uma greve, Lyudmila testemunhou trabalhadores sendo baleados por ordem do governo, que busca encobrir greves trabalhistas em massa. Após o banho de sangue, quando os sobreviventes fogem da praça, Lyudmila percebe que sua filha desapareceu. Uma fenda aberta se abre em sua visão de mundo.
Mafia: Survival Game
Moscou, 2072. Doze competidores, cada um com a sua própria história e os seus motivos, participam de um jogo televisionado da Máfia. Aquele eliminado deve entrar numa realidade virtual para conquistar o seu pior medo - ou morrer tentando.
«Кюхель» Вильгельм Кюхельбекер
Detective story set up in the time and place of young Pushkin, at Tsarskosel'sky Liceum.
New Year Story
A secret unit to combat aliens has been operating since the Second World War, as we learn from newsreels. The action is transferred to New Year's Eve, 1998, to the Gorky Film Studio, where the New Year's program is being filmed. Among the filmmakers, in addition to the mummers, there was also one real Santa Claus, who has been fulfilling one wish once a year for 2 million years. Three guards, a girl from a variety show, a revived dummy and a mischievous boy fought off the international anti-alien forces and tried to come up with this one desire, but they could not. And when Santa Claus disappeared (his time was up) everyone found a gift in the bag that perfectly matched their wishes.
What a Mess!
The story starts in a Siberia where world's biggest diamond was found. It is so valuable that it may not only pay off the enormous national debt, but also allow every Russian citizen to move to the Canary Islands. However, Mafia plans to steal the massive gem but a notorious thief, Vasia, ruins their plans. Mafia and militia begin chasing him, but soon Vasia learns that he has brothers as between the chase he runs into well known Jewish conductor and a gypsy baron who are triplet brothers.
Rytsar Kennet
A film following Richard the Lion-Hearted and the knight Kenneth
Naval Cadets III
There is a seven-year war, Russian soldiers are forced to fight for the interests of France and Austria against Prussia. The midshipmen continue to selflessly serve the Motherland. One is on an expedition, the other is at court, and the third is sent to Venice to hand over a jewelry box. In fact, there is a message in the box, on which the future fate of Europe and Russia depends!
Kol'ka Smagin
Group of Cossacks are coming to Moscow to buy an ox. Moscow turns out to be a devilish hole crowded with witches. Some local witch seduces one of the Cossacks, Kolka Smagin and robs him of his eyes, giving him alien blue ones instead. Now Kolka and his uncle Zarubin are ready to start World War III in order to get the eyes back. The quest begins.
Lessons at the End of Spring
A young boy loses his innocence in a pre-perestroika Russian prison during the chaotic last months of the Khrushchev regime