Michael Munn


Emma's anxiety disorder has been exacerbated by the unsolved murder of her twin sister, Sarah. In the hope of finding answers, she seeks help from a medium and consequently finds her life and home marked by a strange and sometimes terrifying presence that might lead her to the truth or hell
Emma's anxiety disorder has been exacerbated by the unsolved murder of her twin sister, Sarah. In the hope of finding answers, she seeks help from a medium and consequently finds her life and home marked by a strange and sometimes terrifying presence that might lead her to the truth or hell
Emma's anxiety disorder has been exacerbated by the unsolved murder of her twin sister, Sarah. In the hope of finding answers, she seeks help from a medium and consequently finds her life and home marked by a strange and sometimes terrifying presence that might lead her to the truth or hell
Sound Designer
Emma's anxiety disorder has been exacerbated by the unsolved murder of her twin sister, Sarah. In the hope of finding answers, she seeks help from a medium and consequently finds her life and home marked by a strange and sometimes terrifying presence that might lead her to the truth or hell
Emma's anxiety disorder has been exacerbated by the unsolved murder of her twin sister, Sarah. In the hope of finding answers, she seeks help from a medium and consequently finds her life and home marked by a strange and sometimes terrifying presence that might lead her to the truth or hell
Interrogation Room Soldier (uncredited)
Um homem perde sua identidade vivendo sob um regime repressivo. Nesta história baseada no clássico de George Orwell, Winston Smith (John Hurt) é um funcionário público cuja função é reescrever a história de forma a colocar os líderes de um país fictício sob uma luz positiva. As escapadelas românticas com Julia (Suzanna Hamilton) proporcionam sua única fonte de distração, mas os políticos desaprovam o relacionamento. Em uma sociedade monitorada de perto, não há como escapar do Grande Irmão.
a priest
Em um colégio católico, o jovem Benjamin resolve pregar uma peça em seu professor, o Padre Goddard. Dentro do confessionário, ele diz a Goddard ter acidentalmente matado um amigo próximo e o enterrado na floresta.