Adriano Vitale


Joe, o Pistoleiro
Dizem que ladrão que rouba ladrão tem 100 anos de perdão. Mas quando o ladrão rouba o dinheiro de um caçador de recompensas ele consegue muitas encrencas. E é isso que acontece com Jeff Donavan e seu bando ao roubarem um banco aonde Joe tinha depositado sua pequena fortuna. O Pistoleiro sai a caça dos malfeitores e, quando ele consegue achar Donavan, um traidor já tinha desaparecido com o dinheiro. Assim, joe e Donavan concordam em juntar forças até reaverem todo o dinheiro. Até lá, seja o que Deus quiser!!
A Longa Noite do Enigma
When an international casino crime ring is planning a big score at a fixed roulette game, the casino police enlists the help of Jeff Miller, an alcoholic croupier, to nab the bad guys. Jeff is attracted to Laura, a singer at the casino, but she prefers the company of the leader of the thieving casino ring.
Hercules and the Tyrants of Babylon
Hercules goes to Babylon to rescue the Queen of the Hellenes and free the people of Babylon from slavery.
Return of Sandokan
Samoa is kidnapped and held captive hypnotized in caves by her cousin Charles Druk, whose father has been murdered by her future husband Sandokan, lord of Malaya. Assisted by his European friend Iannis, he wants to rescue her.
O Vingador de Tróia
Aeneas leads escapees from the Trojan war to new land in Italy, and must deal with new threats to his people.
O Pirata Negro
Gordon, The Black Pirate, battles the slavery trade.