Bo Wettergren


Maybe tomorrow
Mariken Halle first asked around her neighborhood if she might make a school film about one of her neighbors. When that didn’t work, she and her small film crew began addressing people on the streets of Göteborg. How would they imagine a movie that they would want to star in? The results were far from fantastic – she encountered dismissively amused responses and boring, confused ideas. But some of the people she talked to were different. They try getting into their “life role” – and she begins to direct them....
O Corredor do Terror
O solitário estudante de medicina Frank está satisfeito com seu apartamento: um refúgio seguro e tranquilo onde ele pode relaxar. Quando ele conhece Lotte, sua vizinha intrometida, ele percebe que algo pode estar errado. Toda vez que ele sai de seu apartamento, Frank encontra algo novo para temer.