Katerina Athanasopoulou


Katerina Athanasopoulou é uma artista grega que vive em Londres e cria filmes de animação para cinema e galerias. Ela estudou Belas Artes na Universidade Aristóteles na Grécia e se formou com um MA em Animação pela RCA. Ela lecionou extensivamente na University of the Arts London e no Royal College of Art, entre outros. Atualmente, ela é candidata a PhD em 3D3 na Plymouth University, pesquisando as interseções de documentário, animação e RV, através das lentes da performance.


Boudica A Norfolk Story
Despite a gap of nearly two thousand years, Boudica remains at the forefront of the public imagination. Her story has been passed down the generations from the original writings of the Romans and she has been continually reinvented to serve as a woman of our age. Set against beautiful watercolours of Norfolk, Emma Calder's film looks at Boudica the woman, what motivated her to keep her freedom and what her story means to us now, that we know so much more about her and her people from recent archaeology. The film shows Boudica and the Iceni tribe and their rebellion against the Romans in first century Britain. The film contrasts the worlds of the indigenous people and their Roman Invaders. In Boudica A Norfolk Story, The film contains all the key ideas about this very interesting period in British history whilst being attractive, playful and engaging for all ages.
Boudica A Norfolk Story
Visual Effects
Despite a gap of nearly two thousand years, Boudica remains at the forefront of the public imagination. Her story has been passed down the generations from the original writings of the Romans and she has been continually reinvented to serve as a woman of our age. Set against beautiful watercolours of Norfolk, Emma Calder's film looks at Boudica the woman, what motivated her to keep her freedom and what her story means to us now, that we know so much more about her and her people from recent archaeology. The film shows Boudica and the Iceni tribe and their rebellion against the Romans in first century Britain. The film contrasts the worlds of the indigenous people and their Roman Invaders. In Boudica A Norfolk Story, The film contains all the key ideas about this very interesting period in British history whilst being attractive, playful and engaging for all ages.
City Paradise
Alien 2
A young Japanese woman moves to a new city where she doesn't speak the language. Intimidated by her new home, she seeks out common bonds with people who share her love of diving, but ultimately jumps into a unexpected dream-like experience that opens her eyes to a whole new world.
Um bando de pássaros circula e movimenta um veículo gaiola, buscando escapar de uma cidade meio acabada e abandonada, com estradas interrompidas por fragmentos de estátuas caídas.