Etsuko Kozakura
Nascimento : 1971-02-22, Mizuho, Nishitama, Tokyo, Japan
Etsuko Kozakura (小桜 エツコ, Kozakura Etsuko, February 22, 1971) is a Japanese voice actress, who owns her own agency Little Portal with her husband Jin Domon. Her born name is Kumi Uchino (内野 久美, Uchino Kumi), which changed to Kumi Domon (土門 久美, Domon Kumi) after marrying Jin Domon. Her former stage name was 小桜 エツ子 (also reading Kozakura Etsuko).
Recovery Girl (voice)
Izuku, Bakugo e o resto dos alunos da Turma A da Academia de Heróis terão que unir forças mais uma vez para enfrentar o vilão, Nine.
Set in Y-Academy, an elite school that only allows students with top class abilities to enter. The protagonist, Jinpei Jiba, and his unique friends take on the mysteries of the school as transforming heroes.
Piton (voice)
A história é ambientada principalmente no espaço, e revela o segredo das "Luzes Milagrosas", misteriosos itens que aparecem com frequência nos filmes da franquia.
Fifth Yo-kai Watch film. A yokai known as surinaki has escaped his sell and is causing trouble through out the yokai world Yasha Enma and Enma King Shien must stop him from destroying everything and stop Enma king Shein from turning to the Darkside.
Suzuki (voice)
Após a morte de seus pais, a jovem Okko vai viver com sua avó, dona de um tradicional hotel japonês no campo. A garota faz uma descoberta incrível sobre o hotel: existem espíritos bastante amigáveis que ali vivem e só ela os pode ver. Okko provavelmente tocará o hotel de sua avó no futuro, portanto se dedica a cuidar do hotel e trabalhar em diversas atividades ali. Não será fácil lidar com novos hóspedes que acabam de chegar ao hotel, apesar de que o lema do lugar é receber todos indistintamente e não rejeitar ninguém. É um desafio para Okko, mas também a chave de um importante aprendizado sobre a vida. Baseado na obra infantil de Hiroko Reijo, ilustrado por Asami.
Ash Ketchum tem 10 anos, o que significa que ele já tem idade suficiente para se tornar um instrutor de Pokémon. Ash sonha muito sobre as aventuras que ele experimentará depois de ganhar seu primeiro Pokémon do Professor Oak.
Jibanyan (voice)
A giant whale appears and flies above Sakura New Town. With the whale’s sound of crying, some changes occur to Kenta Amano and Yokai.
Nate, Whisper, Jibanyan, Hailey, USApyon e todos os seus amigos Yo-kai embarcam em cinco aventuras únicas que acabam amarradas no final.
Jibanyan / Buchinyan / Shogunyan (voice)
Quando os malvados Yo-Kai Kin, Gin e Bronzlow fazem o Yo-Kai Watch desaparecer com o tempo para que possam ajudar Dame Dedtime a impedir que humanos e Yo-Kai sejam amigos, Nate Adams encontra ajuda em Yo-Kai Hovernyan, que leva Nate , Sussurro e Jibanyan 60 anos atrás, quando o Relógio Yo-Kai foi inventado pelo avô de Nate, Nathaniel Adams, quando ele era um menino. Juntos, os dois meninos lutam contra Dame Dedtime e seus malvados asseclas Wicked Yo-Kai para salvar o mundo de seus planos malignos.
Orin Miyashiro (voice)
A Segunda está morta e a Gasai Yuno do terceiro mundo finalmente consegue viver uma vida feliz com seus pais amorosos e amigos da escola. Mas ainda há um lugar vazio em seu coração - parece que ela se esqueceu de uma pessoa muito próxima a ela, mas simplesmente não pode recuperar suas memórias ...
Piplup (voice)
Meowth and Wobbuffet sit on a cliff near a crystal cave, with Meowth thinking about how beautiful Meloetta is. Suddenly, Meloetta flies past, searching for something, then flies off. Meowth and Wobbuffet take off after it.
Pochama (voice)
Ash e seus amigos visitam a cidade de Crown para assistir a Pokémon Backer World Cup. Durante sua viagem, eles encontram um Pokémon chamado Zorua, que procura pelo seu companheiro. Eles decidem ajudá-lo, mas um Pokémon chamado Zoroark - O Governante da Ilusão - está a transformar-se em Raikou, Entei e Suicune e a destruir a cidade de Crown. Além disso, Celebi retorna após 20 anos e fica em sarilhos. O que está a acontecer na cidade de Crown? O que poderia ser o "Governante da Ilusão", Zoroark? E Celebi? Ash e Cia conseguirão salvar a cidade e o Pokémon?"
Seeking to unlock the mystery of a strange stone statue that looks exactly like their Sergeant, the members of the Keroro Platoon find themselves engaged in a great adventure.
Pochama (voice)
A batalha de tempo e espaço, de mundos distorcidos e dimensões alternativas segue firme, e Ash e seus amigos se encontram novamente no meio de mais uma batalha! A Cidade de Michina está no coração da batalha e possui um passado longo marcado por Arceus. Após Arceus conceder um pouco do seu poder aos cidadãos da cidade com a Joia da Vida, eles traem o Pokémon Mítico! Ao lado de sua nova amiga, Sheena, Ash e seus amigos devem usar o poder de Dialga para viajar no tempo e tentar corrigir os erros dos seus antepassados antes que o mundo seja destruído com a fúria de Arceus. Será que os antepassados de Sheena realmente traíram Arceus? Serão os nossos heróis capazes de corrigir os erros do passado?
This is episode 0, the prequel to the main Keroro Gunsou anime series. KeroZero was shown in theaters with Keroro Gunsou Movie 4.
Mysterious giant beings called "Ryū no Shippo" (Dragon Tails) appeared across the world. Due to the danger it could bring, the Keroro Platoon did a worldwide research on the Dragon Tails, but Tamama suddenly disappeared during the research. Because of this, the whole platoon started their search for Tamama and ended up in Mont-Saint-Michel, France where they met mysterious girl named Sion, who holds the mysterious Ryū no Hon (Dragon Book). But little they know about the secrets about her and the worldwide calamity that would destroy the entire world, as they know it...
The movie begins with Fuyuki Hinata and the Keroro Platoon exploring an abandoned temple in the mountaintop city of Machu Picchu in Peru. While on the exploration, Keroro accidentally sets off a trap, and by chance they find a hidden chamber with a large blue crystal in the center, on a stand that has a key in it. Keroro leans on the key, causing the room to activate a mysterious machine, this caused the entire temple to shake. As soon as the group realized what was happening, they run out of the room. While running, Keroro accidentally loses his Kero Ball while Fuyuki catches a fleeting glimpse of a glowing young woman as he is running out, and tells Keroro that there was a girl in the room, but he is forced to leave the room before he can say anything else. The group successfully escapes, while the girl (now sprouting a pair of glowing wings) watches them leave - while back in the chamber, something is growing within the crystal...
Mimiko Sakura (voice)
When an alien bomb powerful enough to destroy the entire planet sticks to the buttocks of Shin-chan's pet dog Shiro, a race to save the world begins.
Another Kiruru appears in the South Pacific, but it was defeated by two unknown entities that look like Keronians, with subtle differences. Meanwhile, Keroro and the gang goes for a trip sponsored by Momoka to a private island. There, an alien named Meru, who claims himself as the prince of the deep sea, captures them, and aims to make Natsumi his princess, and that they had captured Keroro, who pleads to them to assist the Keroro Platoon, only to be kicked out.
Sergeant Keroro and his four subordinates came from the planet Keron to the Earth to conquer. However, without notice, they began to enjoy the life on the Earth. Keroro was supposed to stay with Hitana to get the chance to conquer the Earth, but he became friend with Hinata's son, Fuyuki. Today, as usual, Keroro goes to buy his favorite Gundam plastic model with Fuyuki. On their way home, they find a small shrine, and enter. There, they find a vase, and happens to break it. Since the next day, strange things happen all over the town and people are in panic. Inside the vase, Kiruru, Keron's ancient ultimate weapon was sealed. At the moment, Mirara who holds the secret of the Kiruru appears and informs them of the only method to save the Earth. However...
Private Second Class Tamama (voice)
On a walk home, Keroro and Fuyuki stumble upon a hidden shrine. Upon exploring it, they end up causing damage to a shining orb within it. That night, Keroro finds a large X on his face, which causes him considerable distraught. The next morning, a breaking news story shows that the X has spread to more than just Keroro, giving the people of Tokyo telepathic abilities, including the Hinata Household and the Keroro Platoon. The Pekoponians seem to think this is a great gift, but the mark may actually be part of a Pekopon invasion older than time itself.
Bonobono: Kumomo no Ki no Koto was the second theatrical Bonobono movie, released by Amuse Pictures in theaters in Japan on August 10, 2002. It was done completely in 3D.
No planeta Arcana, a civilização de Tamas luta pela sobrevivência. Nas profundezas onde habitam, existe uma árvore gigantesca capaz de criar vida, mas também de a destruir. É para lá que Palme, um boneco de madeira, irá em busca de uma oportunidade de se tornar humano. Conseguirá ele atingir o seu objetivo?
Nazonokusa (voice)
At a giant beachside mansion, Pikachu and some of its buddies decide to play a game of hide-and-seek. Pikachu is “it,” and it goes off in search of its friends. Meanwhile, Larvitar, sick of being all by itself, kicks a rock in anger. The rock hurtles through the air—and hits a lawnmower, turning it on and sending it tearing off after Pikachu and its friends! The group draws the lawnmower into a maze and even gets it into the water, but the lawnmower just keeps on chasing. The Pokémon build a road out of logs, hoping to get the lawnmower into a shack, but Psyduck trips and ruins the whole setup. How will the friends ever escape the lawnmower? This fantasy will have you on the edge of your seat!
Touka (voice)
Arisa, a 16-year-old high school girl, accidentally has an extreme fighting suit that her brother invented implanted in her body. It's a slightly embarrassing suit that makes her emit an H voice when she transforms. Moreover, from that day on, Arisa is forced against her will to fight a secret society of evil. "Oh, I want to tell my feelings to Matsumoto-senpai, the man of my dreams, but only when I do so, I transform into an H battle suit."
Madatsubomi (voice)
One day, Pikachu and its friends are walking along when they suddenly fall through a Diglett hole and into Pokémon Valley, a secret location that no one knows about. Pikachu and its buddies tell the Pokémon that they could use some help looking for Togepi, who fell through the hole first. The group sets off and eventually finds Togepi in the Exeggcute nest—but one of the Exeggcute is missing. That leads the group on another hunt; this time, though, Pikachu and its friends come back to the nest empty-handed. That’s when a storm begins to brew, filling Pokémon valley with roaring thunder and gusts of wind that almost blow the friends—and the Exeggcute nest—away! Are the friends going to be able to keep the nest safe and reunite the Exeggcute?
Fushigidanetwo (voice)
"A História da Origem de Mewtwo" é um vídeo de cerca de dez minutos que foi excluído do primeiro filme de Pokémon. Ele conta a história do Mewtwo antes da explosão do laboratório da Team Rocket.
Yoriko Nikaido (voice)
Officers Tsujimoto and Kobayakawa are transferred back to Bokuto Police Station after stints in other police departments. Shortly after this, the discovery of smuggled firearms and the recovery of a magnetic disc herald new troubles for Bokuto station as the Chief is thrown in jail for keeping silent over "Bee Number One", developed by Detective Emoto who went missing two years ago.
Parece um dia comum no dojo Masaki, até que Tenchi vagueia pela floresta e simplesmente desaparece. Seis meses mais tarde, Ryoko e Ayeka continuando em busca dele por todo Japão e descobrem que está em outro mundo com uma mulher estranha - mas não têm nenhuma idéia de quem é ou como alcançá-lo. Enquanto no outro mundo, Tenchi vive com uma mulher, a mesma que o levou e que se mantém viva em sua mente. Agora, os dois mundos precisam ser conectados para que elas possam resgatar Tenchi.
Noiseman (voice)
The film is set in the distant future in a city called Cahmpon. A scientist creates a synthetic life-form called Noiseman, which erases music from the airwaves by turning it into crystals. A group of Biker street kids rebels against this tyranny.
Uma menina, Mayuka, aparece um dia dizendo ser a filha de Tenchi, causando um grande choque na casa dos Masaki. O caos segue enquanto Washu tenta descobrir a história de Mayuka, enquanto as meninas tentam se ajustar à nova presença. O resultado do afeto de Tenchi por Mayuki o coloca em perigo. Agora, Tenchi e Ryoko devem viajar ao reino de um demônio chamado Yuzuha a fim tentar acertar as coisas, mas sua tarefa não será fácil.
O maior vilão do universo, Kain, liberta-se de seu aprisionamento na Polícia Galáctica e foge para destruir a Família Real Jurai e, assim, tomar o poder do planeta. Kain volta ao passado para matar Achika, filha do príncipe Yosho, na Terra. Mas Achika é a mãe de Tenchi, e por causa disso, Tenchi começa a desaparecer no presente.
Yoriko Nikaidou
Running late on her first day as a patrol woman for the Bokuto Police Department, spunky moped rider Natsumi Tsujimoto decides to take several shortcuts, only to be chased down and cited by mechanical genius and expert police driver Miyuki Kobayakawa. Upon arrival at the precinct, Natsumi finds out that her new partner is the same woman who ticketed her earlier. At first, she doesn't trust Miyuki, but in a short period of time, they develop an unbreakable friendship that overcomes traffic accidents, reckless drivers and even the strongest typhoons to hit Tokyo.
"Mihoshi's Special," narrated by the title character, is a side story about Mihoshi's life as a Galaxy Police Officer. Mihoshi introduces her partner, Kiyone-an up-and-coming officer who believes that having Mihoshi as her partner could be the end of her career-and explains how they solved the case of the Missing Super Energy. Other characters from the Tenchi Muyo series return and have alternate roles in the special. While the storyline parodies various anime works, Mihoshi's Special explores Mihoshi's past and provides a glimpse at her probable future.
Ryo-Ohki (voice)
A few days after Kagato is defeated everything returns to normal. Ryouko finds Mihoshi and Sasami reading shoujo manga, which Sasami mistakes as guides on how to win a boy's heart... Earth style. So Ryouko decides to try out the ideas from the manga to win over Tenchi. But Aeka finds out what her rival Ryouko is doing and tries to take advantage of the same method. Naturally, the results are less than satisfactory for all involved...
Ririko / Sakura Mimiko (voices)
Everyone's favorite TV superhero Action Mask shows up in Kasukabe, and he's trying to get something from Shin-chan -- but what could it be?