Julián Krakov


Initials S.G.
An aging, Argentine, Serge Gainsbourg wannabe struggles to deal with a career he can't seem to get on track, an affair he doesn't want, and a crime he didn't mean to commit.
Evil Woman
Carlos Javier
Rosario is a paid assassin who kills men who mistreat or abuse women. When the police capture her, it's the end of the myth. But Maria, a hysteric invalid, saves Rosario in exchange for a different job.
Palabra por palabra
Más que un hombre
Argentina. Novembro de 1977. Telmo (Luis Ziembrowsky) é um estilista gay de uma cidade do interior que vive em calma e harmonia com a mãe, que sofre do mal de Alzheimer. Uma noite, um guerrilheiro jovem chega à sua porta perseguido por uma brigada militar e sem pensar duas vezes, Telmo o salva, escondendo-o em sua casa. A situação se complica, porque o bairro está cercado e já não podem sair e os militares estão em toda parte e prometem ficar até encontrar o fugitivo.
Crônica de Uma Fuga
The true story of four men who narrowly escaped death at the hands of Argentina's military death squads in 1977. Claudio Tamburrini is a goalie for a minor-league football team when he is abducted by members of the Argentine military police and taken to an unofficial detention center on the false suspicion that he is a terrorist. As he is tortured by intelligence agents looking for information he doesn't have, Tamburrini fully expects to be killed. After many sessions of brutal torture, Tamburrini and his fellow captives Guillermo and Tano are being readied for execution when, in a final desperate act, Tamburrini dives out a window during a rainstorm.
Love (Part One)
The story of a young couple, from beginning to end, from the euphoria of falling in love until the final days blurred and dark, is realized with an analytical eye and investigative zeal. How and why two people fall in love? What now? How quickly will they get into a relationship? When a relationship ends, and when should it end? Peter and Sofia, with its simple story of love, they become reflections of all those who, at twenty-five years have been in love.
Your Life for Perón
Delirious black comedy about a leftist group that tries to kidnap General Peron's corpse the day of his death.
Kept and Dreamless
Florence, a young irresponsible mother and her precocious daughter, Eugenia, have an unusual relationship. The roles between the two are reversed. Florence is totally inept at caring for a daughter, whereas Eugenia, only 10 years old, shows maturity and responsibility far beyond what her age might lead you to suppose.