Andrew Connolly

Andrew Connolly


Andrew Connolly


Água para Elefantes
Weehawken Officer
Jacob Jankowski é um estudante de veterinária que está perto de se formar quando uma tragédia o força a abandonar a escola. Sem ter pra onde ir, ele pega um trem que pertence a um circo itinerante. Jacob consegue um emprego como tratador de animais e conhece Marlena, uma bela artista de circo. A compaixão que ambos sentem por um elefante especial chamado Rosie, os leva a se apaixonar, mas August, o marido de Marlena, se coloca no caminho deles.
A Vida é uma Peça
Uncle Pete
On Broadway tells the story of Jack O'Toole, a 30-something Boston everyman, who writes a play about his dead uncle as a way to reconnect with his hard-nosed dad. With no money and just his gut to guide him, Jack quits his job as a carpenter so that he can mount a production of his play on the only stage he can afford: in the back room of his neighborhood pub, on a little street called Broadway.
In a seedy downtown LA bar, four barfly's scheme to steal a $1,000,000 from a mortally wounded bank robber on the run.
In a seedy downtown LA bar, four barfly's scheme to steal a $1,000,000 from a mortally wounded bank robber on the run.
Full Frontal
A day in the life of a group of men and women in Hollywood, in the hours leading up to a friend's birthday party.
Vendetta: Escravos do Ódio
Sheriff Bill Villere
Baseado em fatos reais, New Orleans. Com o fim da escravidão, há muito trabalho disponível para imigrantes. Os italianos controlam as docas e o mercado local, ferindo interesses de gente muito importante, entre eles James Houston (Christopher Walken), o maior exportador de algodão da cidade. Numa emboscada, o popular chefe da polícia é assassinado e um grupo de italianos acusado de ter cometido o crime. Num tumultuado julgamento, o destino de homens inocentes é decidido em meio à violência, autoridades corruptas, provas forjadas, depoimentos falsos e preconceito. Gaspare Marchesi (Alessandro Colla) tem apenas 15 anos quando ele e sua família chegam da Sicília em busca de uma nova vida. E se torna personagem desta trágica história.
Vicious Circle
Det. Declan Finney
Criminal Martin Cahill gets in trouble when a major robbery succeeds. He aims for more trouble when he tries to do a large art robbery
Runway One
Ned Farrelly
An Irish Garda finds himself involved in a complex smuggling operation.
This four-part made-for-TV drama focuses up close on a Dublin couple with four children. Charlo is a hustler, a head-first footballer, a thief, abusive. Paula drinks, objects to Charlie's thievery and adultery without the will to chuck him out. John Paul worships his father who's initiating him into the world of beer and football but recoils at Charlo's treatment of mum; asthma and misbehavior at school follow. Daughter Nicola is a young woman, starting work in a garment factory. When Charlo begins to stare at her, she's frightened and Paula's furious.
Jogos Patrióticos
Charlie Dugan
Jack Ryan, um ex-agente da CIA, frustra uma tentativa de assassinato, ficando sujeito à fúria de um maníaco. Depois de neutralizar os vilões e decidir celebrar a ocasião, tudo parece estar de volta ao normal, mas não é assim que as coisas acontecem.
Perky Rice
The growing relationship of two people who travel through Ireland in a series of stolen cars.
The Courier
When a courier at the D-Day Courier Service mistakenly finds a pile of money in his regular delivery, he does some digging only to discover that the messenger company is a front for a drug ring. A reformed drug user himself, he sets out to crack the lethal ring.