The story is set in a village in the southern Japanese prefecture of Kōchi during World War II. Even in this remote mountainous area, the perception of American and British people as "brutes" has taken root, due to the deaths and injuries among the villagers' relatives. A elementary schoolgirl named Eiko transfers from the city of Yokohama to this village. Eiko happens to have blue eyes from her American father, and her classmates make no attempt to rein in their bullying. Other than Eiko's homeroom teacher Akiko, even the teachers view Eiko the same way that the children do. However, a boy named Kenta views Eiko more with curiosity than with hostility. The children's lives change as the injured father of one of Kenta's classmates returns from the battlefield and news of more casualties arrives in the village.
In Kagoshima, in the final days of World War II, an offer of marriage comes to Etsuko Kamiya, who lives with her brother and his wife. The offer comes from Nagayo, but Etsuko is attracted to his friend, Akashi.
Num futuro distante, os seres humanos são atacados pela floresta devido ao fracasso da manipulação genética da mesma. Mas mesmo com as adversidades proporcionadas pelo ambiente em que vivem, Agito e outras pessoas conseguem viver felizes em tal cenário. Certo dia, Agito encontra Tula, uma jovem do passado que estava em hibernação suspensa. Ela tem o conhecimento necessário para fazer o mundo retornar ao que era antes, mas será isso uma coisa realmente boa?