Danuta Stenka

Danuta Stenka

Nascimento : 1961-10-10, Sierakowice, Poland


Danuta Stenka


Kleks Academy
A seemingly ordinary girl, Ada Niezgódka, finds her way into the eponymous Academy to explore the world of fairy tales, imagination and creativity. With the help of a crazy, talented teacher, professor Ambroży Kleks, she develops her unique abilities and also stumbles upon a clue that will help her unravel the biggest secret of the family...
Amor Proibido
Darko é um jovem macedônio que vive ilegalmente na Alemanha e faz de tudo para sobreviver e ajudar seus amigos. Quando ele se envolve em uma paixão arrebatadora com a misteriosa Alina, uma alemã casada, ele passa a arriscar suas relações com seus amigos, com sua mãe, sua esperança por uma vida melhor, sua permanência no país e até sua própria vida.
Halina Bartkowiak
Tomak Bartkowiak (Józef Pawłowski) é um ex-lutador de MMA que acaba caindo em desgraça após perder uma luta para seu maior rival no ringue ser pego usando drogas. Meses depois, ele aparece trabalhando como segurança em uma boate, onde se envolve em uma briga com um rapper marrento
Letters to Santa 4
Anything can happen during Christmas Eve. Mel has to face new professional challenges and adapt to the new standards prevailing at work. Then Karina and Stephan plan to introduce serious changes in raising children. They decide to change their approach and apply somewhat sophisticated educational methods. A new woman will step in between Karolina and Filip, and the past will be reminded of Rudolf.
Piotr and his girlfriend Weronika plan their future together. They don't expect one evening to change everything. Not only in their lives.
Rede de Ódio
Zofia Krasucka
Tomek é obcecado por Gabi, e sua rica família. Depois de ser expulso da faculdade de direito por plágio, ele consegue um emprego em uma agência de marketing e é encarregado de destruir a reputação de um político liberal.
Solid Gold
Krystyna, żona Nowickiego
Kaja Miller é um policial que é sequestrado e abusado em uma de suas missões. Oito anos depois, ela conhece seu ex-chefe Nowicki, que a leva a Gdynia com a tarefa de expor um grande circuito criminal.
1800 gramów
Dorota Kołeczek
A touching story about the most important human matters: love, loneliness, sacrifice and courage, around the life of Ewa, a woman who works looking for families for orphaned children.
Natureza Selvagem
Oito adolescentes mantidos em campos de concentração nazistas são libertados por russos. Eles são entregues aos cuidados de Jadwiga num local abandonado na floresta polonesa e, além de carregarem diversos traumas, terão que enfrentar fome, sede e um grupo de violentos lobos.
Planeta Singli 3
Krystyna Kwiatkowska
Tomek and Ania finally decide to get married. The wedding, according to the wishes of Ania, will take place at the family members of Tomek with whom he has had no contact for years. It turns out that his brothers and his mother are like an Italian family where every conversation threatens to lead to an explosion and where a loving relationship and a quarrel are close together. Also the mother of Ania does not make a good impression on the mother of Tomek when she appears at the wedding with a much younger partner. The unexpected arrival of Tomek's father, whom he has not seen for years, is the drop that makes the bucket overflow .
Planet Single 2
Matka Ani
A teacher and a famous TV host must hide their not-so-merry romance from the public when they present a Christmas special live on-air.
Ryszard - a sixty years old farmer living in a small, Polish village in complete seclusion takes care over his wife, who struggles with Alzheimer's. A young girl from a big city who he stumbles upon by accident introduces him to a world of techno music which, for at least a brief moment, helps him forget about the grave responsibility he has to carry on his shoulders.
The Reconciliation
Franek's Mother
The beginning of 1945, Poland. In a newly liberated country, the Communist Security Service is annihilating its enemies under the guise of punishing "national traitors." They organize a labor camp for Germans, Silesians and Poles, on the site of a former Nazi concentration camp called Zgoda / Reconciliation. Franek, who is in love with the Polish prisoner Anna, goes to work as a warder in the camp to save her. He does not know that one of the prisoners - Erwin, his German friend, also loved this girl for a long time. Franek joins the communists in the illusory hope of outsmarting the system.
Satan Said Dance
Satan Said Dance is an Instagram film in times of the selfie. A kaleidoscope of moments from life of Karolina – a scandalous writer obsessed with parties, drugs, sexuality and complex relationships, on her way to self-destruction.
A Arte de Amar
Durante o governo comunista na Polônia, uma ginecologista e sexóloga desafia os tabus da sociedade e luta para publicar seu livro revolucionário sobre amor e sexo.
Planet Single
Matka Ani
He is one of the top celebrities in the country: a fast-talking TV host, who can joke his way out of any situation. Women want to be with him, men want to be like him. He is looking for a new topic to discuss in his popular talk-show. She is a teacher at a musical school - a timid girl looking for Mr. Perfect on an internet dating site. He will help her realise her potential and teach her how to recognise various types of men for what they are, she will teach him what real life is about. The show will become a huge hit. It seems they are destined to fall in love and be together, but one day she actually does meet Mr. Perfect on the net.
Doktor Sowa
Thirty year old Benek experiences a crisis mainly manifested by compulsive suicidal thoughts and dreams about death. Accidentally he meets a beautiful, magnetic and mouthy Lena. He is dazzled from the first moment and his admiration grows when Lena not only understands his suicidal preoccupation but shares a similar one. They embark on a crazy journey during which Benek realizes he is not the only man in Lena's life - in addition, the girl has cancer, and she is not attempting to treat it. Admiration mixes with fear - finally Benek promises to accompany her to the end...
Nad życie
Dr Ewa Bielecka
Jest rok 1776. Radca wiedeńskiej Kancelarii Nadwornej Henryk Klein (Mariusz Bonaszewski) otrzymuje skargę na hrabiego Jakuba Franka (Olgierd Łukaszewicz), który kilkanaście lat wcześniej został skazany za głoszenie herezji i zbiegł do Wiednia. Donos napisany został przez jego byłego wyznawcę, Jakuba Golińskiego (Andrzej Chyra). Klein dowiaduje się, że za zdradę Goliński został ukarany i obrabowany, a teraz czeka go śmierć ku przestrodze innych. Radca przeprowadza dochodzenie. Udaje mu się ustalić, że pseudomesjasz ogłosił się Bogiem, tworzy ze swoich wyznawców armię i szuka kontaktów z dworem cesarzowej Marii Teresy. Klein podejrzewa spisek, którego celem jest zamach stanu
Jadwiga Telakowa
A member of a therapy group is found dead. A prosecutor and a police officer try to solve the mystery of his death.
Robert Mitchum Est Mort
Blind Date
Gypsy woman
Majka is young, beautiful and intelligent. It is time for her to learn and work, she has wonderful friends. But unfortunately she can't forget Cezary, who had abandoned her a year ago. So Majka's best friend decides to help her to start a new life.
When a policewoman is unfairly accused of selling drugs, her three deadbeat brothers come to the rescue.
Filhos da Guerra
Hannah Rozenfeld
Irena Sendler é uma assistente social católica que simpatiza com os judeus desde a infância, quando seu pai médico morreu de tifo contraído enquanto tratava de pacientes judeus pobres. Quando ela inicialmente propõe salvar as crianças judias do gueto de Varsóvia, sua idéia é recebida com ceticismo pelos colegas de trabalho, seu pároco e até mesmo sua própria mãe, Janina.
The Perfect Guy for My Girlfriend
Teresa Wodzen / Maria
When Kostek gets in the wrong taxicab and sees Luna, it is love at first sight. But Luna already has a girlfriend named Klara Rojek and is a lesbian so Kostek has more than a few things that are in his way of ever being with her. Kostek does whatever it takes to talk to Luna and tries to get her attention, including trying out for a porn movie Klara's feminist group is making. After some lengthily casting, Klara concludes that Kostek is the ideal guy for Luna to star in the film with.
Nina, matka Moni
Four friends are facing problems like infidelity, infertility and disease. But together, they can solve every single problem.
Once Again
Anna Krzyżańska
This romantic comedy is about a mother and daughter and their entertaining adventures in love. The mother, Anna, is an energetic and attractive 40-year-old with a great sense of humor, a great sense of fashion, and an easy going personality. Her 19-year-old daughter Kasia, on the other hand, is an atypical teenager who is serious, shutters at the thoughts of parties or boys. Instead, she focuses on eating healthy, practicing yoga, and having a practical approach to life. What will happen when two eligible bachelors, Michal and Pawel, encounter these two lovely ladies?
General's Wife
O polonês Andrzej Wajda descreve o famoso e triste massacre de Katyn. Meses depois da invasão nazista na Polônia, em 1939, aproximadamente 22 mil prisioneiros de guerra poloneses são mortos pela polícia secreta soviética nas florestas da cidade de Katyn.
The Lovers of Marona
The movie is based on Iwaszkiewicz's autobiographic story and focuses on main character's (Janek's) close relationship with a woman named Ola and a man named Arek. It takes place in a small village called Marona which is situated by the beautiful lake.
Five troubled lawmen pursue a brutal criminal.
Never in My Life!
Judyta Kozłowska
Judyta is a middle-aged housewife whose peaceful life suddenly falls apart due to divorce. But soon she finds the strength to carry on fighting for her happiness, a place in the sun and love of her life.
All The Saints
Krystyna, żona Jana
As every year, the celebration of All Saints Day brings Polish families together at the graves of their loved ones. On this special day Maria, 80-year-old widow, visits the graveyard with her son, his wife and their children.
Chopin: Desire for Love
Georg Sand
The biography of world famous Polish composer Fryderyk Chopin.
Quo Vadis
Marcus Vinicius encontra Lygia em Roma e se apaixona. Mas ela é cristã e não quer nada com ele. Marcus decide seqüestrá-la, mas Ursus, seu guarda-costas, captura Marcus. Depois disso, Lygia se apaixona, mas Marcus deve ir encontrar-se com o Imperador Nero. Após a reunião, alguém diz a Marcus que Nero queimou Roma. Marcus decide voltar a Roma e procurar por Lygia.
Man of the Crowds
Anna Markowicz
Pawel Markowicz suffers from Stendhal syndrome and it is to Dr.Giordano that he tells his secret.
Cud purymowy
Jadwiga Kochanowska, żona Jana
Last Mission
Kałużyńska, prezes funduszu powierniczego
Andre, an assassin working on behalf of French government goes to Poland to kill Polish businessman Muran.
Unser fremdes Kind
Anna and Pawel Kowalski lead a happy life in Gdansk, Poland, until their 8 year old son Tomek gets hit by a car. Not only is Tomek badly injured, his father proves not to be suitable as a blood donator. Pawel accuses his wife of betrayal of confidence, but she knows that only her husband can be the father of their child. She fears the worst: if Pawel isn't the biological father, she cannot be the biological mother.
Happy New York
żona "Profesora"
The story of six Polish emigrants living in New York City, who try to live their American Dream and cope with the realities of the Big Apple.
Nocne Graffiti
Cudze szczęście
Anna Kowalska
A Gentle Creature
służąca Łukiera
A grieving man tries to find the cause of his young wife's suicide by spending the night next to her dead body and bringing back memories from their past.
Partnerka Cześka w Bieszczadach
Marta Moraczewska
Rozmowy o miłości