Scotch Byerley


In Sickness and in Health
Customer #2
A husband hires a nurse to care for his wife, who suffers from Multiple Scleroses, but a relationship soon develops between the two.
O Que Terá Acontecido a Baby Jane?
Ice Cream Man
An elderly, bedridden former movie star is "cared for" by her sister, who hates her and keeps her a virtual prisoner in the family mansion.
Inherit the Wind
Based on a real-life case in 1925, two great lawyers argue the case for and against a science teacher accused of the crime of teaching evolution.
This Child Is Mine
Dr. Greevy
An unwed teen is fighting a major court battle to recover her infant daughter from adoptive parents.
Ghost Dancing
Farm widow Sarah Bowman has been impoverished by the siphoning of her water supply. A nearby big-city aqueduct has priority over water rights, leaving the rural outskirts virtually dry. Attempting to bring her cause to the forefront, Sarah dynamites the reservoir, half-hoping that she'll be "martyred" in the process. When she fails to arouse public support, she targets the local power plant for her next blast. Assistant DA Anne Greyfeather, who as an orphaned Indian girl was virtually raised by Sarah, decides to challenge the water-department bureaucracy on McGuire's behalf.
Terra Indomável
A ambiciosa jovem Jodie quer mais da vida do que morar numa pequena cidade do Texas. Jodie percebe que, a fim de perseguir seus sonhos, ela terá que deixar a cidade pequena e se mudar para a cidade grande. No entanto, seu namorado o operário Kyle quer ficar no Texas.