Dragoș Dumitru


Sem Suspeitas
Um caso não resolvido, um criminoso desconhecido e um policial obcecado. No norte da Romênia, o detetive Florin está determinado a solucionar um caso sem suspeitos com o qual ninguém parece se importar. Mesmo correndo o risco de ser suspenso, ele desrespeita as ordens do chefe de polícia e segue investigando o caso, pois acredita que mais inocentes possam ser assassinados.
The Wedding Bouquet
At a Gypsy mafia wedding, politicians, businessmen, and the secret police sit down to cut a deal.
Children who are born in family feuds, automatically become grown men, from very early ages. Just because it is a traumatic reality, precisely because we don't read on their faces innocence, happiness or desire to live his childhood, but the weight that burdened his life. The 19 years old young girl is the only source of income support and family. Kiddo is passionate about boxing and the ring is her only refuge.