Graham Tardif


Charlie's Country
Blackfella Charlie is getting older, and he's out of sorts. The intervention is making life more difficult on his remote community, what with the proper policing of whitefella laws that don't generally make much sense, and Charlie's kin and ken seeming more interested in going along with things than doing anything about it. So Charlie takes off, to live the old way, but in doing so sets off a chain of events in his life that has him return to his community chastened, and somewhat the wiser.
The King Is Dead!
A happy, unsuspecting couple, Max (Dan Wyllie) and Therese (Bojana Novakovic), buy a house in what appears to be a quiet, friendly neighbourhood. Settling in well, they make friends with a nice family on one side and soon meet a more interesting family on the other side. But interesting soon becomes loud and loud soon becomes intolerable. When the intolerable becomes violent and the police are powerless, Max and Therese attempt to take matters into their own hands.
A Vingança de Alexandra
Steve is a man who has it all, a successful career, wonderful children, beautiful home and a loving wife. However, returning to his home after work on his birthday, he finds his house deserted and darkened with almost all the lightbulbs missing, all easy access outside cut off and a videotape waiting for him. Playing that tape, he watches a bizarre and grueling recording in which his wife explains her grievance with him, her reasons for disappearing with the children and her revenge for how he treated her in a way he would never forget.
O Velho que Lia Romances de Amor
Original Music Composer
Na cidade de El Idílio, na margem de um pequeno afluente do rio Amazonas, vive Antonio Bolivar (Richard Dreyfuss). Vivendo a maior parte de sua vida recluso na floresta, Bolivar descobre uma paixão pelos livros românticos o qual compartilha com Josefina (Cathy Tyson). Seus interesses comuns acabam os aproximando cada vez mais. Em meio diso, os colonos passam a invadir a floresta, matando os filhotes de um jaguar e perturbando o frágil equilíbrio entre o homem e a natureza. Assim começa uma caminhada, uma aventura, um duelo perigoso.
Alien Visitor
Original Music Composer
In this sci-fi adventure a gorgeous alien woman is sent to Earth by mistake from the planet Epsilon. Landing in the Australian outback she meets a surveyor and they cross the continent together. However, she spends the trip haranguing him for the ecological recklessness and avarice of the human race.
Bad Boy Bubby
Original Music Composer
Bubby viveu seus 35 anos fechado em uma casa sem ver o mundo do lado de fora. Sua mãe construiu o seu mundo, fazendo-o acreditar que do lado de fora existia veneno por todos os lados e que só ela poderia sair, pois tinha uma máscara de gás apenas em casa. A estabilidade do delírio dos dois é abalada quando o pai de Bubby resolve retornar e volta a viver com eles.
Incident at Raven's Gate
Ex-con Eddie Cleary gets a job working on his older brother's isolated farm. It's not long before bizarre things start happening--dead birds falling out of the sky, family pets attacking their owners, strange apparitions beginning to appear, and people who had been "normal" suddenly going insane.
The Sparks Obituary