Slavko Vorkapich

Slavko Vorkapich

Nascimento : 1894-03-17, Serbia

Morte : 1976-10-20


Slavoljub "Slavko" Vorkapić, known in English as Slavko Vorkapich, was a Serbian-born Hollywood montagist, an independent cinematic artist, chair of USC School of Cinematic Arts, chair of the Belgrade Film and Theatre Academy, painter, and illustrator. He was a prominent figure of modern cinematography and motion picture film art during the early and mid-20th century and was a cinema theorist and lecturer.


Slavko Vorkapich


Village drama of love and hate among the Gypsies.
Village drama of love and hate among the Gypsies.
Village drama of love and hate among the Gypsies.
Abstract Experiment in Kodachrome
This dazzling stop-motion animation provided Vorkapich with a forum to demonstrate complex perceptual theories related to the persistence of vision and phi phenomenon. The dance of objects and their movements before the camera lens–somewhat similar to Oskar Fischinger’s abstractions–illustrate many visual sensations playfully executed by Vorkapich.
Joana D'Arc
Assistant Director
No século XV, a França é uma nação derrotada e arruinada após a Guerra dos Cem Anos contra a Inglaterra. A menina de fazenda de 14 anos de idade Joana D'Arc afirma ouvir vozes do Céu pedindo-lhe para levar Exército de Deus contra Orleans e coroando o fraco Delfim Charles VII como Rei da França. Joana arregimenta as pessoas com a sua fé, forma um exército e conquista Orleans. Quando seu exército está pronto para atacar Paris, o corrupto Charles vende seu país para a Inglaterra e dissolve o exército. Joana é presa, vendida ao Burgundians Ingleses e submetida a um julgamento político vergonhoso no castelo de Rouen.
Forest Murmurs
Short film by Slavko Vorkapich and John Hoffman.
Mail Call
Filmed version of the Abbott & Costello's routine "Who's on First"
New Americans
Oscar nominated short documentary from 1944
Conquer by the Clock
Conquer by the Clock was a short dramatic propaganda film produced by the RKO Pathé in 1942 to encourage wartime industrial production. It was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature in 1943.
Moods of the Sea
A recently unearthed experimental documentary of the crashing sea set to Mendelssohn's "Fingal's Cave." An example of the filmmakers' "new cinema" theory which held that film should be more like music than literature. This film is based solely on its arrangement of images.
A Mulher Faz o Homem
Visual Effects
Ingênuo homem do interior (James Stewart) é convidado para preencher uma vaga no Senado dos Estados Unidos. Aos poucos vai descobrindo o mar de lama que é o ambiente político dos comandantes de seu país. Tudo em que acredita está ameaçado. Como enfrentar esses poderosos Senadores e dirigentes políticos?
Com os Braços Abertos
Special Effects
Devout but iron-willed Father Flanagan leads a community called Boys Town, a different sort of juvenile detention facility where, instead of being treated as underage criminals, the boys are shepherded into making themselves better people. But hard-nosed petty thief and pool shark Whitey Marsh, the impulsive and violent younger brother of an imprisoned murderer, might be too much for the good father's tough-love system.
Maria Antonieta
Special Effects
Maria Antonieta (Norma Shearer) é uma linda princesa austríaca com casamento marcado com o herdeiro do trono francês Luís Augusto (Robert Morley), casamento este arranjado por motivos políticos. Já no palácio francês, Maria encontra-se caída entre as intrigas da família real, principalmente entre o Rei Luís XV e seu maléfico primo, o Conde de Orleans (Joseph Schidkraut). Para alívio de Maria, Luís só poderia casar-se com ela caso ele se tornasse Rei. Certo dia, em um cassino, Maria conhece o Conde Axel de Fersen (Tyrone Power), e ambos se sentem atraídos imediatamente um pelo outro. Sentindo-se realizada com seu amante, Maria recebe uma notícia que não esperava tão logo, o Rei Luís XV havia morrido. Sabendo então que o Conde poderia manter um caso com a noiva do príncipe, mas não com a Rainha da França, Maria teria então que decidir entre seu coração e a realeza.
They Gave Him a Gun
Special Effects
With no other prospects, a World War I veteran puts the skills they taught him in the War to use.
David Copperfield
Special Effects
Charles Dickens' classic tale of an orphaned boy's fight for happiness and the colorful characters who help and hinder him.
Millions of Us
Millions of Us (1935) is an early example of American labor-left filmmaking that experiments with enacted forms, anticipating Frontier Films’s renowned People of the Cumberland (1938) and Native Land (1942). Produced surreptitiously in Hollywood in 1934-5, the film dramatizes the plight of millions of unemployed workers amidst the Depression. This message is filtered through the story of a single “forgotten man” who walks the streets in desperate search of a job. Driven by hunger, he contemplates becoming a scab. A union man intervenes, coaching him to recognize common interests with his brethren. He is ultimately converted to the cause of trade unionism.
Crime Sem Paixão
Editorial Services
Caddish lawyer Lee Gentry is going out with Katy Costello, but carrying on an affair with dancer Carmen Brown. When he wants to end the dalliance with Carmen, she is so distraught that she becomes suicidal. Seizing the gun from Carmen, he accidentally shoots her, and thinking she's dead, concocts a series of increasingly outlandish alibis to cover his tracks under the guidance of a ghostly apparition that is his alter ego.
Crime Sem Paixão
Special Effects
Caddish lawyer Lee Gentry is going out with Katy Costello, but carrying on an affair with dancer Carmen Brown. When he wants to end the dalliance with Carmen, she is so distraught that she becomes suicidal. Seizing the gun from Carmen, he accidentally shoots her, and thinking she's dead, concocts a series of increasingly outlandish alibis to cover his tracks under the guidance of a ghostly apparition that is his alter ego.
Vencido pela Lei
Special Effects
Jim Wade (William Powell) e Edward "Blackie" Gallagher (Clark Gable) são amigos de infância que seguem caminhos distintos. Gallagher se torna um jogador e gângster, enquanto Wade é eleito promotor, devido à sua integridade, e se candidata a governador. Eleanor Packer (Myrna Loy), que tivera uma forte relação com Blackie, se casa com Wade. Neste período Wade se vê obrigado a pedir a pena de morte ao amigo, que foi acusado de assassinato, sem imaginar que Blackie cometeu o crime para ajudá-lo a se eleger governador.
Amor de Dançarina
Special Effects
Janie ama dançar e Tod Newton ajuda-a a encontrar um emprego como dançarina em um musical da Broadway, que será dirigido por Patch Gallagher. Mas não será tão fácil quando ela se deparar com o diretor Patch, que acha que ela deve usar seu talento e não sua beleza para conseguir o que quer.
Special Effects
Daniel Pardway, starting with almost nothing after the great Chicago fire, builds the biggest department store in town. He wants to pass on the business to his three sons and daughter, but has to deal with their lack of interest or aptitude.
The Past of Mary Holmes
Mary Holmes (MacKellar), once a famous opera star known as Maria di Nardi, now lives in a run-down shanty and suffers from alcoholism. Known for her eccentric behavior, Mary breeds geese, and is thus known in her neighborhood as 'The Goose Woman'. She blames her grown son Geoffrey (Linden) for the deterioration of her voice, and does everything to destroy his life. When Geoffrey, who works as a commercial artist, announces to her that he will marry Joan Hoyt (Arthur), an actress, she becomes torn with jealousy and threatens to reveal to Joan that he is an illegitimate birth.
What Price Hollywood?
Special Effects
A carreira de um garçonete decola quando ela conhece um amável bêbado produtor de Hollywood.
I Take This Woman
Assistant Director
A wealthy New York socialite falls for and marries a cowboy while out West. Her father disinherits her, and after trying to make a go of it as a cowboy's wife, they agree to divorce and she returns back east to her family. However, she soon changes her mind and determines to get her husband back.
United States, Black & White, Silent, Short Film.
Money Machine
United States, Black & White, Silent, Short Film.
The Life and Death of 9413, a Hollywood Extra
Director of Photography
This short experimental film tells the story of a man who comes to Hollywood to become a star, only to fail and be dehumanized. He is identified by the number 9413 written on his forehead.
The Life and Death of 9413, a Hollywood Extra
This short experimental film tells the story of a man who comes to Hollywood to become a star, only to fail and be dehumanized. He is identified by the number 9413 written on his forehead.
Skyline Dance
The Prisoner of Zenda
A kingdom's ascending heir, marked for assassination, switches identities with a lookalike, who takes his place at the coronation. When the real king is kidnapped, his followers try to find him, while the stand-in falls in love with the king's intended bride, the beautiful Princess Flavia.