The HELIOS PROJECT is a high tech facility tasked with storing and converting solar rays into an endless supply of renewable energy. After years of research and millions of dollars, it is now time to test the system out.
A spoiled, selfish teenager becomes infatuated with her teacher. She befriends his daughter as a way of worming her way into the family, and sets about manipulating every aspect of his life.
Quando um eclipse solar manda uma enorme onda de frio para a Terra, da inicio a uma catastrófica série de eventos que pode reiniciar a era do gelo.
Uma mulher extremamente ciumenta quer evitar a todo custo que seu cunhado, um viúvo, se case com outra mulher.
Luke e Roger são apenas mais uns caras da faculdade tentando perder a virgindade. Mas quando Luke vê algo incomum, ele começa a suspeitar que as meninas no campus não são exatamente ... humanas.
Based on a true story, a veteran narcotics officer takes on a case that could cost him his life.
Clean-cut, handsome looking psychiatric patient Daryl Gleeson finds himself hopelessly falling in love with restaurant owner Brooke Daniels, after having instinctively rescued her little son Mikey from a traffic accident. When she doesn't return his love he snaps and begins to stalk her, eliminating all who stand in his way...
In the 1930s, Agaguk lives his traditional Inuit life. But one day, there is a murder in the tribe and Agaguk becomes a suspect. Soon he becomes persecuted by Henderson, a mean mountie, and he must flee through the cold winter of Northern Quebec.
A woman flies from Los Angeles to Montreal to investigate the supposed death of her identical twin. What she finds out could get her killed.
A group of teenagers training for the national Power Commando championship games mistakenly find themselves on land owned by drug merchants. With only harmless paint bullets as their weapons, they must match their skills against live ammunition and the ruthless men behind it.
Tony Washington is killed by a gang of rampant trendy teenagers. Molly Mokembe is a voodoo lady who brings him back from the dead to seek revenge on his killers so he can rest in peace.
Marine officer Rob Cutter and his wife Barbara have a son named Johnny. Rob discovers that two newly delivered helicopters in his squadron have crashed because a defective part, a C-ring, has been made of a weaker, less expensive alloy. Before Rob can go public with this, Rob is killed on the orders of corrupt General Howard, who did not want Rob to go public with the defective part. Howard believes that Barbara, who is also a marine, now has the part, so Howard and his henchmen set out to kill Barbara and Johnny and get the part, but Howard is underestimating what Barbara is willing to do to protect Johnny.
After discovering that her cancer has returned, Moira Browning launches a quiet campaign to find a potential replacement for herself in her family's life.
Three robbers hide a stolen jewel inside a stuffed animal at one of the midway games in an amusement park. When Jack—a teen with a part-time summer job in the park—his best friend David and two girls hang out at the park, they get mixed up in the robbers' scheme to take back their jewel.