Love, sex and psychedelic rhythms. In an isolated mountain cabin, four couples rediscover their relationship. They only have one weekend to find a happy ending.
Uma mulher retorna do combate e faz amizade com uma família em Nova York. Quando uma quadrilha de ladrões planeja levar os objetos de valor da família, ela luta para defender a família.
Desajeitado, Andrei é um adolescente de 16 anos apaixonado (e ignorado) por sua bela colega de escola Ramona – até sair de férias e conhecer a deslumbrante Anemona.
Mike Darol
Uma equipe de agentes de elite do DEA são designados para proteger um traficante perigoso, e para isso precisam se refugiar em um luxuoso hotel, enquanto aguardam a extração do criminoso. Mas logo eles descobrem o perigo que estão correndo ali: pessoas ligadas ao traficante armaram uma complexa emboscada, e pretendem explodir todo o hotel..
Van Horn
John, um mercenário (Steven Seagal), é contratado para eliminar um criminoso Afegão. Para a missão ele conta com um ex parceiro (Byron Mann). Resolvida a questão, vão em um clube beber e esperar pelo pagamento. É ai que uma garota fugindo de outro clube perseguida por capangas adentra desesperada e os pede ajuda. Os dois a ajudam e John descobre então que ela e a irmã foram sequestradas em um esquema de tráfico humano e que o chefão de todo sindicato local (Vinnie Jones) é um sádico que possui uma câmara de tortura onde espanca moças até a morte e filma tudo para seu prazer. John e seu parceiro agora estão com a cabeça a prêmio por toda cidade, enquanto investigam o caso e partem para o confronto com o chefão e seu sindicato.
Twelve-year-old Austin Brown's dad is deploying for Afghanistan again, hoping to make it home in time for Christmas. Before he leaves, he gets Austin a puppy named Dino.
Cash Manley
The hitting record of Joe Di Maggio is about to broken by a black player. However a person who feels that it is sacred threatens the player if he breaks the record. Lou Mattoni, a detective who is a little racist, is assigned to the case.
An infectious disease researcher is on a cruise with her daughter when an ebola-type virus attacks the ship's passengers and crew.
Agent Dobrinsky
When thieves turned undercover agents Mac (Ivan Sergei) and Li Ann (Sandrine Holt) must get inside access to an organized crime family, they discover the family's "godfather" -- a teenage girl -- is a deadly force to be reckoned with. This feature-length martial arts thriller is a reedited compilation of two episodes from the "Once a Thief" television series. Victoria Pratt, Nicholas Lea and Jennifer Dale also star.
Darryl Strawberry
Joe Torre after failing to win a championship when he was a professional baseball player and as Manager to three teams is named Manager of the Yankees. And he finds himself having players like Dwight Gooden, Wade Boggs and Daryl Strawberry who are considered has beens. And players like David Cone who are ill. But nevertheless thinks he can win with them. At the same he deals with the loss of one brother and another brother battling the same condition that killed his brother.
Agent Dobrinsky
Trained thieves (Ivan Sergei, Sandrine Holt) investigate a hit man and a power struggle within their former crime family.
Charles Buckman
The cockpit of a Boeing 747 is struck by lightning during takeoff for a flight to Europe, fatally injuring the flight crew. Laurie, the senior flight attendant, enlists the aid of passenger Brett Young. They determine that the autopilot can bring the plane in for a landing, but soon learn that the autopilot is locking onto the transponders of airfields at random, including signals from small airports with runways too short to accommodate the jumbo jet. Meanwhile, federal officials on the ground who have lost radio contact with the jet debate whether the plane should be shot down to prevent a more disastrous crash in a heavily populated area.
Coach Wilson
When young computer genius Rudy inherits his father's business his avaricious uncle has him kidnapped and held hostage until the boy signs off all rights to the lucrative enterprise. Not wanting the uncle to control, a pair of corporate executives happen upon a youth who looks just like the missing heir. In hopes of keeping the business afloat, they substitute him at the board meetings.
Coach Dell
A high school halfback must choose between the gridiron dreams of his football coach father, and his own dream of becoming a musician.
Stunt Coordinator
A high school halfback must choose between the gridiron dreams of his football coach father, and his own dream of becoming a musician.
Capt. Townsend (as Howard G.H. Dell)
She was an eyewitness to murder. He was the cop she thought she could trust. But, when they fell in love, she discovered that no one is... "Beyond Suspicion." Morality, justice and obsessive love are combined in this chilling psychological thriller loaded with deception, double twists and double-cross
Fred Tuckland
Days before Valentine's day and their wedding, Cindy Hunter, editor-in-chief of a tabloid and Damon Tuckland, a successful therapist encounter a strange plant that magically puts Cindy's mind in Damon's body and vice versa. Now the couple really finds out how the other half lives. In a series of comic mishaps at work, with relatives and at home, Cindy and Damon must become better people and figure out a way to reverse the "awkward" situation before their wedding or face a lifetime as each other. It's the ultimate body-swapping comedy with a heart that gives a brand-new meaning to the term "The Opposite Sex".
Sergeant Rick Pedroni returns home from Afghanistan a changed and dangerous man after suffering an attack by a mysterious force during combat. Officials claim he suffered a heavy brain injury, but his wife Kate knows it is more than PTSD. As Rick undergoes therapy, Kate discovers he has been possessed by a malevolent spirit, and must race against time to unmask the truth and save her husband from the evil force.