Maxwell Shaw

Nascimento : 1929-02-21, London, England, UK

Morte : 1985-08-21


The Incredible Sarah
The legendary actress Sarah Bernhardt's unconventional life and career are examined in this biopic. At an audition in 1860, the teenage Bernhardt proclaims herself the greatest actress of her time. Her career blossoms, as does her private life. But art and life don't stay balanced, much to the frustration of her lovers. The eccentric Bernhardt eventually does marry another actor, but it's her life on stage that ultimately gives her the most satisfaction.
Sporting Chance
Life in the fast lane becomes deadly for Wilde and Sinclair when the mob tries to "fix" the sport of high-speed racing. Wilde then finds himself mixed up with lady luck and a network of communist killers.
Mercenários de um Reino em Chamas
Duke de Sisi
An account of the adventures of two sets of identical twins, badly scrambled at birth, on the eve of the French Revolution. One set is haughty and aristocratic, the other poor and somewhat dim. They find themselves involved in palace intrigues as history happens around them. Based, very loosely, on Dickens's "A Tale of Two Cities," Dumas's "The Corsican Brothers," etc.
O Ataúde do Morto-Vivo
Aristocrat Julian Markham keeps his disfigured brother, Sir Edward, locked in a tower of his house. Occasionaly Sir Edward escapes and causes havoc around the town.
The Life and Death of Lovely Karen Gilhooley
The Horse Without a Head
Five pampered French children with their wheeled, headless, toy horse accidentally become tangled up in a plot to rob the Dijon- Paris express of 100,000,000. They foil the robbery when a thief stashes the key to his hiding place inside 'The Horse Without A Head'.
The Crunch
Mr Ken
A megalomaniac dictator, in charge of a former colony, installs a nuclear bomb in its London Embassy. He threatens to set it off, unless a huge ransom is paid. The question for the government is whether he will set it off anyway?
The Barber of Stamford Hill
Mr. Figg, the barber, is fond of telling customers about his family, but he hasn’t really got one – he’s a bachelor quite alone in the world. But that may change.
As Grandes Aventuras do Capitão Grant
Ninguém pode deter a agitada Mary Grant (HAYLEY MILLS) de viajar pelos quatro cantos do mundo para encontrar seu pai, Capitão Grant - mesmo que tudo o que ela saiba sobre seu paradeiro seja uma mensagem dentro de uma garrafa. Maurice Chevalier junta-se a ela nesta fantástica aventura pelo mundo. Um filme repleto de efeitos especiais, baseado no livro de Julio Verne.
Ainda Uma Vez, Com Emoção
Jascha Gendel / Grisha Gendel
The wife of brilliant, but boisterous and ill-tempered conductor of the London Symphony puts up with his childishness, but the last straw is drawn when he begins an affair with a young pianist.
Rower No. 43 (uncredited)
Na Judéia invadida pelos conquistadores romanos, o príncipe Ben-Hur tenta conduzir seu povo rumo à liberdade. Mas isso gera um conflito de interesses com o seu amigo de infância, Messala, agora um severo comandante dos exércitos de Roma. Preso, o príncipe é enviado para trabalhar como escravo, longe de suas terras, família e sua amada Esther (Haya Harareet). O pacífico Ben-Hur transforma-se em um guerreiro forte e corajoso, disposto a enfrentar seus inimigos e restabelecer a paz.
The Man Inside
Desk Clerk Lisbon
A detective tracking a stolen gem begins to suspect there's more to the case than just theft.
Tank Force!
The Sheikh
During World War II, members of a British tank unit in northern Africa are captured and held prisoners by Germans.