Mariano Rodríguez Granada


Tierra de Patagones: Six Months in Patagonia
Os irmãos 'Gauchos del Mar' Joaquín and Julián Azulay em uma jornada de seis meses por diferentes lugares da Patagônia. Eles viajam em uma caminhonete e convivem com os nativos, conhecendo fauna e flora, e lutando contra o mau tempo, até chegarem ao canal do Beagle e o estreito de LeMaire antes de coroar a viagem surfando na inabitada Ilha dos Estados no extremo sul do continente sul-americano.
El fanfarrón: ¡Aquí llegó el valentón!
Production Design
¡Cuando la tierra tembló!
Production Design
A 1942 film.
Cinco minutos de amor
Production Design
Bedroom farce, with three men claiming the same woman as their mistress.
El secreto del sacerdote
Production Design
Three boys grow up to be a priest, a military commander and the town mayor.
Los apuros de Narciso
Production Design
A 1940 film directed by Enrique Herrera.
El charro Negro
Art Direction
Masked cowboy avenger in the style of The Lone Ranger, first film in a series of four.
Mi madrecita
Production Design
Woman faces the vicissitudes of life with her three adult children well in the background. But when the chips are down...
Viviré otra vez
Production Design
Card-sharks blackmail a dissolute young man into participating in a big robbery; his brother takes the rap for him.
A Macabre Legacy
Art Direction
A plastic surgeon goes mad when he discovers that his wife have an affair. He fakes her death and disfigure her and locks her in the cellar.
Canto a mi tierra
Production Design
Theatrical producers discover a new musical-theatre star in a small farming town.
Eterna mártir
Production Design
A dedicated wife and mother takes the blame for embezzling money that was actually stolen by her husband in order to buy medicine and a doctor's care for the couple's seriously ill infant son. Consequently, the well-meaning woman is willingly sentenced to years in prison for a crime she did not commit-all because she believes her son will fare better if the bond between father and son remains intact. Upon her release, she soon discovers that no good deed goes unpunished. Her once loving husband has remarried a woman that her son calls Mother, After just a brief glimpse of her loved ones, she simply leaves without saying a word. Many years later, she becomes a patient at her son's busy medical practice just so that she can keep an eye on his progress in secret. In a cruel twist of fate, it is only after he diagnoses her as being terminally ill does does she reveal her true identity. The poor woman subsequently learns that her former father-in-law lied about her initial release from ...
The Blood Stain
Production Design
Camelia, a prostitute who works in a low-class cabaret in Mexico City (called "The Blood Stain') meets Guillermo, a young man from the country who just arrived in the city looking for a better life. She offers to take care of him until he gets set up, and the initial friendship soon turns romantic. This inevitably causes problems with Gastón, Camelia's pimp.
Let's Go with Pancho Villa!
Art Direction
The 1910 Mexican Revolution is on its way when six brave peasants, known as "Los Leones de San Pablo", decide to join Pancho Villa's army and help end the suffering in their community by assisting in the struggle. Together, they will endure the tragedies and hardships of a civil war.
Beloved Mother
Production Design
Two Monks
Production Design
Dois monges católicos com um passado em comum reencontram-se em um monastério.
Shadow of Pancho Villa
Production Design
A 1933 film.