Massimiliano Capriccioli


Wanted: O Procurado
Gary Ryan (Giuliano Gemma) foi enviado pelo juiz do condado, para ser o xerife da pequena cidade de Greenfield e agora, é injustamente acusado de assassinato por um poderoso homem que chefia um perigoso bando de ladrões de gado e não o quer por perto. Com a ajuda de um amigo para escapar da prisão, é forçado a fugir da cidade, mas seus planos são outros: ele vai retornar para provar sua inocência descobrindo o verdadeiro assassino, limpar seu nome e se vingar matando um a um seus inimigos.
Django Atira Primeiro
O pai de Django é enquadrado por seu parceiro de negócios Clusker e baleado por um assassino de recompensa. Django herda a parte de seus pais no negócio e uma pontuação para acertar com Clusker.
Gringo Não Perdoa
Near the end of the Civil War, an imprisoned Confederate raider is sent under guard to warn both his men and the Army at Fort Yuma that an impending rebel raid is really nothing but a ruse by scoundrels from both sides, in cahoots to take the fort's gold for themselves during the chaos. Soon he slips his treacherous escort and attempts to complete the mission himself.
The Wedding March
Production Design
Satirical film in four episodes about family and marriage.
Production Design
Mais um filme de episódios, típico do cinema Italiano dos anos 60 e 70. São 3 episódios sobre a imoralidade: 1º Sobre a primeira experiência com drogas, 2º Sobre voyeurismo e poder, 3º e último sobre a indiferença no amor.
The Conjugal Bed
Production Design
A forty-year-old employee marries a seemingly quiet girl who turns into a mantis after the wedding.
Love, Freedom and Treachery
Production Design
During WW2, in a Nazi-occupied country, a local partisan blows-up a German military train, prompting the Germans to take civilian hostages to be shot if the culprit doesn't surrender before a deadline.
Run with the Devil
Production Design
Stefano is a talented painter, devoted to his art but not interested in promoting himself, while many of his fellow artists are far more adept at selling their persona than creating art.
Violent Summer
Set Decoration
Summer, 1943: wealthy youth in the Riccione district of Rimini play while the war gets closer. Carlo Caremoli, a young man who follows the crowd, has found ways to avoid military service. Then, on the beach, he meets Roberta, a war widow with a child. Roberta's mother warns Roberta to avoid Carlo, but to her, he seems attentive and to her daughter he is kind. Romance develops. Within a few weeks, Roberta is risking everything. Can there be a resolution between passion, on the one hand, and war, duty, and social expectation on the other?
Violent Summer
Production Design
Summer, 1943: wealthy youth in the Riccione district of Rimini play while the war gets closer. Carlo Caremoli, a young man who follows the crowd, has found ways to avoid military service. Then, on the beach, he meets Roberta, a war widow with a child. Roberta's mother warns Roberta to avoid Carlo, but to her, he seems attentive and to her daughter he is kind. Romance develops. Within a few weeks, Roberta is risking everything. Can there be a resolution between passion, on the one hand, and war, duty, and social expectation on the other?
Saranno uomini
Set Decoration
A Sorte de Ser Mulher
Set Decoration
A photographer named Corrado snaps a picture of Antonietta. When it shows up on the front page of a magazine, she wants to take him to court over it.
A Trapaça
Set Decoration
Conta a história de um grupo de trapaceiros: Augusto (Broderick Crawford), Picasso (Richard Basehart) e Roberto (Franco Fabrizi), mostrando seus dramas pessoais, como o complicado relacionamento de Picasso com sua esposa, Iris (Giulietta Masina), ou entre Augusto e sua filha, Patricia (Sue Ellen Blake). Apesar de influenciado pelo gênero policial norte-americano, possui claras influências do neo-realismo, retratando uma Itália destruída pela guerra, sofrendo com a miséria e a fome.
The Boatman of Amalfi
Production Designer
"Antonio" leaves his family to live a prosperous life with Cristina. Her family live in a slum where their lives are complicated by young love and jealousy. A letter from a local priest that implicates "Antonio" in the murder of an English nobleman comes to light and soon they are all before the King.
Gioventù alla sbarra
Set Decoration