Hovik Keuchkerian

Hovik Keuchkerian

Nascimento : 1972-11-14, Beirut, Lebanon


Hovik Keuchkerian
Hovik Keuchkerian
Hovik Keuchkerian


Un amor
Upon settling in the countryside village of La Escapa, Nat accepts a disturbing sexual proposal by neighbour Andreas, paving the way for a self-consuming passion.
Diego Galán
Acompanhe a jornada de amadurecimento de uma adolescente, nesta história livremente inspirada no livro "O Maravilhoso Mágico de Oz".
As a young boy, Charlie escaped the Armenian Genocide bound for the United States. His family was not so lucky. Our story begins in 1947, as Charlie repatriates back to Armenia only to begreeted by the harsh reality of Soviet Communism. Almost immediately Charlie is arrested and sentenced to prison. Just as he appears to be succumbing to the terror of his situation, he discovers that the prison wall outside his cell window had been damaged during a recent earthquake. And through a hole he can see into a nearby apartment building... The Armenian couple who live in the apartment, Tigran and Ruzan, become Charlie’s only connection to the outside world, living vicariously through their private life, sharing meals with them, laughing, crying, singing and dancing with them, all the while discovering the Armenian culture he never knew.
Doni has lost everything. David, his best friend, is a bankrupt producer. Max is a cop who no longer believes in the law. Jack just served a five-year sentence for computer hacking. Leo has been trying to change people all his life, unsuccessfully. Inexorably, their lives cross paths…
4 Latas
Tocho e Jean Pierre refazem sua viagem de carro da Espanha ao Mali para reencontrar um velho amigo à beira da morte e levam junto a filha que ele não vê há muito tempo.
Clube dos Infiéis Honestos
Cansados dos casamentos mornos, quatro amigos de infância decidem criar um clube para pular a cerca. O objetivo: reacender a paixão pelas esposas.
Assassin's Creed
Por meio de uma tecnologia revolucionária que destrava suas memórias genéticas, Callum Lynch experimenta as aventuras de seu ancestral, Aguilar, na Espanha do século XV. Callum descobre que é descendente de uma misteriosa sociedade secreta, os Assassinos, e acumula conhecimentos e habilidades incríveis para enfrentar a organização opressiva e poderosa dos Templários nos dias de hoje.
Thalion Ltd.
Escorpião Apaixonado
Situada em uma Espanha multicultural, a trama "Romeu e Julieta" narrará o romance entre um neonazista chamado Alacrán (Alex Gonzalez), e uma imigrante latina (Judith Diakhate).
Jose Vicente Sotogrande de la Sagra
Lasting is an emotional love story about Michał and Karina, a pair of Polish students who meet and fall in love with each other while working summer jobs in Spain. An unexpected nightmare brutally breaks into their carefree time in the heavenly landscape and throws their lives into chaos.
Los días no vividos
David (Javier Godino) is awakened by the startling news of the imminent end of the world, and decides to spend his last hours with his friend Jaime (Axier Etxeandia), but he finds Silvia (Ingrid Rubio), a prostitute newcomer to Madrid to rebuild her live.
Vidas Bulgari's
El zurdo