Péter Huszti

Péter Huszti


Péter Huszti


The Music of Life
Imre Kálmán
The Soviet-Hungarian film version of the biography of one of the most talented composers of our time, the classic of the Vienna operetta - Imre Kálmán, known for all his music for operettas "The Csárdás Princess", "Countess Maritza", "The Circus Princess", "The Violet of Montmartre", "Die Bajadere" and many others. The music of Imre Kálmán has no equal in operetta for its festivity, “elegance”, and the refinement of melodics and orchestration.
A bolond lány
Sunset at Noon
László is a composer, and his second wife is an actress. The couple lives in love and cheerful, mutual understanding. Suddenly László feels unwell. The diagnosis is that he suffers from an incurable illness.
A Bright Star at the Stake
This film takes place in Paris and Geneva in the 1530s and 1550s. Kálvin János and Szervét Mihály are school mates in Paris. The university students celebrate the victory of the Reformation with Kálvin's "Institution", written under a pseudonym.
Black Diamond
Berend Iván
Forduljon Psmithhez
Innocent Assassins
Cseres András
Two arts students, András and Viktor who are writing their thesis on detective stories, make up a story and keep nagging the famous film-director, who just came back from Hollywood, until he undertakes the job. At night they work on the film, in which two youths kill a director returning from the US. In the morning the director is found dead - a knife in his back.
Palkó Csinom
The musical adventure film goes back to the early eighteenth century, the times of the battles between the Hungarian insurrectionists and the pro-Austrians. Palkó and Jankó are about to join the insurrectionist army when they clash with a pro-Austrian troop. Jankó is captured and put in Count Koháry's prison.
Run to be Caught
Dangerous spies act as representatives of an international recording company to get important plans from the father of an aspiring composer.
Journey with Jacob
István and Jakab are fire-extinguisher experts. They travel the country to check fire-extinguishers at country factories. During their tours of inspection they chase women, drink in dirty pubs and live in clover.
Gypsy Princess
Lonsdorf kapitány
Sylva Varescu, uma conhecida cantora de cabaré, está apaixonada pelo príncipe Edwin von und zu Lippert-Weylersheim, que tem uma outra pretendente, arranjada por sua família reprovadora. As questões se resolvem quando se verifica que a mãe do príncipe também já foi uma cantora de cabaré.
Dreams of Love
This is a romantic biographical film about Franz Liszt. In a distinguished saloon of Paris, the unknown composer, Liszt, defeats the renown Thalberg at a piano competition. Through his playing, he wins the favours and later the hand of the countess D'Agoult. A daughter is born in their marriage, Cosima. Liszt is better and better known, Marie introduces him to the circle of artists.
A story of two young people in Hungary, Jancsi and Kata. First they are good friends, later lovers. Soon after the 1956 Revolution Kata leaves Hungary, Jancsi stays there. After 10 years Jancsi is allowed to visit Kata in France, their love is reborn, but after a short, very happy period Jancsi has to return to Hungary and their love fades as years have gone by.
Knight of the TV-screen
This mocking criticism of public life and the media focuses on a TV series. The protagonist of the film, depicting the battles fought for Hungarian castles during the Ottoman occupation, is chosen to be the amateur Prohászka Feri, a worker in the beer-factory.
Knight of the TV-screen
Színész (as Huszty Péter)
This mocking criticism of public life and the media focuses on a TV series. The protagonist of the film, depicting the battles fought for Hungarian castles during the Ottoman occupation, is chosen to be the amateur Prohászka Feri, a worker in the beer-factory.
The Tragedy of Man
Starting with the expulsion from the Garden of Eden, Adam, Eve and Lucifer travel through history, from Ancient Egypt through the nineteenth century, into a distant and uncertain future.
Kõrössy Imre
This grotesque historical film is a caricature of the narrow-minded and careerist oligarchs of the 20s. A young military officer stops the young jurist from killing himself and recommends him to his commander, lieutenant-colonel Doborján as a typist.
The Master Criminal
Lohmann's son is kidnapped. The un-known kidnappers get a thirty-thousand-jewel from the West German millionaire as ransom. The eager police lieutenant-colonel, Gálffy finds that the traces lead to a mysterious, elegant blonde, who is naturally a brunette.
A kormányzó
Boys From the Square
The story takes place during World War II and presents the illegal movement from inside. Some tough guys from the square have been angry with Albert Zoli, a boxer since he started living a decent life, passed the final examination at high-school, and entered a job as a bank clerk. About his illegal activity, however, they do not even have the slightest idea. With the help of Zsizsi, a young actress, and Diogenes, an extravagant tramp, he persuades the guys to join the movement. They distribute anti-Nazi handbills and paint pacifist slogans onto the walls of houses.
Changing Clouds
At the end of World War II, Bálint, a deserter tries to obtain forged papers. He gets involved in funny adventures