Under roaring fighter jets and missile strikes, Ukrainian artists Slava, Anya, and Andrey choose to stay behind and fight, contending with the soldiers they have become. Defiantly finding beauty amid destruction, they show that although it’s easy to make people afraid, it’s hard to destroy their passion for living.
Este documentário acompanha a jornada de 21 jovens que processam o governo dos EUA por seu papel na perpetuação da crise climática.
For 35 years, Boulder-based photographer James Balog (Chasing Ice) has broken new conceptual and artistic ground on one of the most important issues of our era: human modification of our planet’s natural systems. Now, feeling an urgent need to show how climate change is impacting his own country, Balog creates stunning images that reveal how environmental problems are affecting the lives of average Americans.
O documentário expõe a dramática matança dos golfinhos em Taiji no Japão, em que aproximadamente 23 mil golfinhos são mortos anualmente.