Louis Ozawa

Louis Ozawa

Nascimento : 1975-10-11, New York City, New York, USA


Louis Ozawa Changchien is an actor.


Louis Ozawa


Beautiful Dreamer
Beautiful Dreamer is a contemporary dramedy about a group of Bay Area friends in their early 40s navigating one of those life moments together: expecting a surrogate baby, a long and deep friendship in jeopardy, two women finally deciding to marry after years of living together, a novelist with crippling writer's block. Capturing this next uncharted chapter of their extended family, Beautiful Dreamer explores the messy secrets and complicated nature of parenthood and the modern family, all the while testing the boundaries of love and friendship and the bioethics of surrogacy.
Sargent Chen
Quando uma força sobrenatural causa estragos numa cidade europeia devastada pela guerra, um engenheiro se une a uma equipe de elite para detê-la.
The Sisterhood of Night
Stanley Huang
Na cidadezinha de Fairview, um grupo de meninas formam a Irmandade da Noite, que se reúne misteriosamente na floresta. Emily Parris (Kara Hayward) não é chamada para a Irmandade, mas descobre que três de suas colegas de classe (Georgie Henley, Willa Cuthrell-Tuttleman e Olivia DeJonge) participam e as segue. Suspeitando que elas pratiquem rituais místicos e atos sexuais socialmente condenados, ela faz acusações às garotas em um blog. À medida em que as alegações de Emily chegam aos ouvidos da mídia nacional, o vilarejo é invadido por repórteres e curiosos, ao mesmo tempo em que as acusadas fazem voto de silêncio.
Someone Else
A tale of two Korean American cousins. A shy young law student, hungry for a more vivid, risk-taking existence, visits his playboy cousin in New York City. In his quest to emulate his cousin, the law student sheds his old identity and takes a leap into the unknown, where risk, adventure, and a chance at love await. But in a series of surprising twists, his dream of growth and metamorphosis threatens to become a nightmare from which he may never awaken.
O Legado de Bourne
Depois do fiasco de Jason Bourne, a CIA lida com mais uma ameaça familiar quando surge outro operacional revoltado.
Lefty Loosey Righty Tighty
MICHAEL is a former college indie rocker who's now a new dad and not sure how he feels about his life of comfortable domesticity. His wife HELEN is not sure how she feels about Michael not being sure...especially when he's the one always opting for "crazy" evenings of watching Netflix on the couch with a six pack of tall boys safely nearby. Perhaps Michael can make one last great grasp at rock stardom and finally find that complete 100% certain no-doubt-about-it contentment that has so far eluded him.
Predators: Moments of Extraction
Hanzo (Voice)
Moments of Extraction is an animated short film shows what each character of Predators movie was doing when they were captured by the Predators. Created exclusively for the Blu-ray release of Predators (2010) movie.
Predators: The Chosen
A brief profile of the main characters of Predators movie who parashooted onto the planet. The short film was released on the Predators (2010) Blu-ray.
Em um planeta misterioso, um mercenário e um grupo de assassinos a sangue a frio agora são presas. Uma nova raça de alienígenas persegue os humanos pela floresta densa e o grupo precisa se unir se não quiser virar troféu dos caçadores intergalácticos.
Jogo de Poder
Nervous Analyst #1
O diplomata Joseph Wilson (Sean Penn) escreveu um editorial para o jornal New York Times, no qual alega que a administração do presidente George W. Bush manipulou informações de relatórios sobre a existência de armas de destruição em massa no Iraque, de forma a justificar a invasão. Como retaliação Valerie Plame (Naomi Watts), esposa de Wilson e agente secreta da CIA, tem sua identidade revelada intencionalmente. É o início da luta de Wilson para que os responsáveis por este ato, um crime federal, sejam punidos. Ao mesmo tempo Valerie precisa se adaptar à nova realidade, afastada do trabalho e com a vida exposta pela imprensa.
Young mattress salesman Brian decides to adopt a baby from China but is distracted when he forms a relationship with quirky, wealthy Harriet whom he meets at his mattress store. As their relationship flourishes, unbeknownst to them, a hitman is trying to kill Brian.
Robot Stories
Four stories including: "My Robot Baby," in which a couple must care for a robot baby before adopting a human child; "The Robot Fixer," in which a mother tries to connect with her dying son; "Machine Love," in which an office worker android learns that he, too, needs love; and "Clay," in which an old sculptor must choose between natural death and digital immortality.
On the Q.T.
Kenneth (as Louis Changchein)
A struggling violin player has his morals tested after he meets a wise musician while playing in the subway who introduces him to the music world in N.Y.C.
In a post apocalyptic world, two survivors make an epic journey where staying alive is only the beginning.