Eitan Mansuri


Lá Vamos Nós
Aharon dedica sua vida ao filho Uri. Eles vivem uma rotina tranquila, longe do mundo real. Mas Uri é autista e agora, como jovem adulto, precisa morar em uma casa especializada e o pai sofre com a separação.
The Pageant
Every year since 2011, a unique beauty contest has been taking place in Haifa. The contestants are female survivors of the Holocaust. In the midst of this flashy spectacle, their personal traumas remain as deep as ever. There are many things about this contest that are controversial: it is organized by the right Zionist organization, the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem, and the dubious contest itself rises the public indignation of various speakers, including other survivors.
A bride and groom arrive at their lavish honeymoon suite on their wedding night. When the bride, Eleanor, discovers her now-husband has received a ring as a wedding gift from his ex-girlfriend, a knock-out fight ensues. At Eleanor’s insistence, the newlyweds leave the hotel and set out on an expedition to return the ring. Their simple mission quickly derails into an all-night odyssey through the streets of Jerusalem. Over the course of a single night, the couple are forced to confront past lovers, repressed doubts, and the lives they’ve chosen to leave behind.
O Dia Depois Que Eu Partir
Um pai solteiro de meia-idade lida com o desejo de sua filha adolescente de acabar com sua vida.
Agente Infiltrada
Rachel é uma espiã da Mossad, Serviço de Inteligência Nacional de Israel. Após o funeral de seu pai, ela desaparece misteriosamente. A única pista sobre o seu paradeiro é uma ligação criptografada feita ao seu antigo mensageiro na Alemanha, Thomas. Ele é convocado para retornar à Israel a fim de descobrir a localização da ex-parceira, ao mesmo tempo em que precisa frear o programa nuclear do iraniano.
A troubled family must face facts when tragedy strikes their son's desolate military post.
Executive Producer
Haifa on a sunny day. Moshe is a crumbling man walking up the Carmel Mountain on yet another work day. Will this day mark his collapse? Uri walks down the mountain to board a ship and leave behind all the things he loves and despises. His sense of belonging is losing ground. He is likely to miss his military reserve service-call, thus risking jail. Will the two collide or pass through one another? An existential comedy, where the overbearing mountain with its endless stairs takes control over destinies in this unique panorama of the Mediterranean port city.
Born in Jerusalem and Still Alive
Ronen Matalon, born and raised in Jerusalem. He start make a tour guide. His tour, called "From Trauma to Fantasy" leads people in the footsteps of terrorist attacks on Jaffa Street in Jerusalem, and attempts to touch upon the collective trauma of those days.
O Congresso Futurista
Uma atriz desempregada aceita uma grande quantia de um estúdio de cinema de Hollywood para ser escaneada e digitalizada com o objetivo de criar uma atriz virtual. Adaptado de um romance de Stanisław Lem (Solaris).