Nikolay Drozdov

Nikolay Drozdov

Nascimento : 1937-06-20, Moscow, RSFSR, USSR


Biologist, biogeographer, TV presenter. While still at school in the summer, he worked as a herder at a stud farm near Moscow, studied in the VOOP club at the Darwin Museum. After school, he entered the Faculty of Biology of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, in 1963 he graduated from the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University, where he studied at the Department of Biogeography. In 1968 he defended his thesis, in 2000 - a doctoral dissertation. Works at the Department of Biogeography, Faculty of Geography, Moscow State University, since 2001 - professor. He lectures on ecology, ornithology, nature conservation, biogeography of the world. As a researcher, he participated in numerous scientific expeditions throughout the USSR - Kamchatka, the Far East, the Kuril Islands, the Pamir and Tien Shan mountains, and the Karakum desert. In the years 1971-1972 he trained at the Department of Zoology of the Australian National University in Canberra. About his travels in Australia, he wrote the book "Boomerang Flight." In 1980, he participated in a UNESCO expedition on the research vessel of the USSR Academy of Sciences Callisto to the islands of Fiji, Tonga and Samoa. In 1993 and 1995 participated in expeditions on the Russian icebreaker Yamal to the North Pole and along the Northern Sea Route, as well as on the Discovery ship along the coasts of Alaska and Canada. N.N. Drozdov is the author of about 200 scientific and popular science articles, more than 20 books and textbooks.


Nikolay Drozdov
Nikolay Drozdov


With Closed Windows
Himself / Narrator
A biographical film about the popular rap artist Detsl, whose real name is Kirill Tolmatskiy. The rap artist passed away at the age of 35 in 2019.
Last Prince of Atlantis
O Último Príncipe da Atlântida é um belo conto de fadas sobre o amor, um filme de animação familiar. A intriga dinâmica, um show brilhante e multidimensional mantém o público cativado. Um velho pescador de pérolas Bltazar é forçado a vender seu barco para o rico Don Vincenzo. Mas essa não é a pior parte. Agora Vincenzo quer levar sua linda filha Adrianna! A garota é contra, mas por quanto tempo ela consegue resistir? A polícia e os gangsters servem Vincenzo... Mas dinheiro e poder não são nada quando o verdadeiro amor surge. O Último Príncipe da Atlântida aparece do fundo do mar, onde passou milhares de anos em um sarcófago de pedra. Um dia ele vê Adrianna no mar, procura por ela e a encontra...
The Adventurers
Sofi's Grandfather
Adventures, hidden treasure and everything else in a new Russian comedy...
The Irony of Love
An affair which starts as a bet between a three girls suddenly become a big love story...
Karnavalnaya Noch 2, ili 50 Let Spustya
Продолжение "Карнавальной ночи" от Эльдара Рязанова. Место действия – тот же Дом Культуры, где праздновали новый год 50 лет назад. Людмила Гурченко снова споет "Пять минут", снова будет прочитана новогодняя лекция, снова год уходящий будет провожаться, а год наступающий – встречаться. Но новое время приводит с собой новых героев, так что все будет по-другому.
Karik and Valya's Remarkable Adventures
Prof. Enotov (Voice)
Is so happened that Karik and Valya, the main characters, remarkably shrank in size, their whole habitual world acquiring unusual contours and unusual features.
Love by Request
Two people: Igor, an ex-athlete living aimlessly and chasing rubles to get drunk and Vera, a dowdy librarian, try to find their luck by planning to fall in love with each other based on "psychological conditioning".
The Woman in White
Mr. Kyrle
A detective-mystery film based on the novel of the same name by Wilkie Collins, which takes place in the middle of the last century in Victorian England. The young aspiring artist gets a place as a teacher of painting on the estate of land-owner Fairlie, where his sisters Marian and Laura become his students. Returning home late in the evening, he unexpectedly meets a strange woman, dressed head-to-toe in white on a deserted road...