Wim van der Linden


De ondergang van de Onan
Dick Bakker convinces Onno Bosman to produce a stage show about the sinking of the cruise ship 'Onan' and hires Fred Haché, Barend Servet, Sjef van Oekel and Ir. Van der Pik to star.
A group of people are having a party. The host has invited concert pianist Johan van Spek to perform one of his own compositions, which leaves the piano in such a state that a tuner arrives shortly to care for it.
Summer in the Fields
A young farmer's wife brings her husband something to eat in the field during summer time.
Bon Appetit
A rude man goes to restaurant 'Bon Appetit' and orders practically everything on the menu.
"This beautiful example of far-fetched blasphemy accompanies a happy, ugly nun into the woods for her constitutional, replete with charming bird noises. Praying to and fondling a priapic mushroom, she is unaware of the evil rapist shadowing her. When the rape occurs, it is in long shot, hidden from view, under a huge tree. Articles of clothes and her cross sail through the air; the tree - entirely dominating the screen - sways rhythmically and repeatedly. A few minutes later it stops; then another tree, a few feet away, begins to sway in identical fashion. The rapist finally emerges, exhausted." (Amos Vogel, Film as a Subversive Art)
The film shows, in an almost motionless camera setting, a frumpy 1960s interior. The viewer sees a dresser with a vase of tulips atop it. Swelling music accompanies the camera as it slowly zooms in on Holland’s national flower. In the carefully constructed staging, it is like a visual sledgehammer when a single petal suddenly comes loose and falls. Then the camera modestly pulls back.