Lucas Gregorowicz
Nascimento : 1976-08-31, London, England, UK
Caleb Hale
Frank, a man without a criminal record, attacks a money transporter and then turns himself in to the police. His behavior is a mystery. In prison he meets the unscrupulous and suspicious Arab Fuad, who is protected by his clan. To get closer to Fuad, Frank intervenes in the drug business within the walls and gets caught between the two rival groups of German and Arab inmates. It is only the prison guard Susanna with whom Frank will be able to build a relationship of trust, not knowing that she is part of Fuad’s business and has a sexual relationship with him. However, they come emotionally close. What only Frank knows is that his wife and his daughter died in a car accident. Fuad was the hit-and-run driver that remained unpunished. Frank seeks revenge.
Oliver Froeling
Ulli Lommel
Em 1982, o genial cineasta alemão Rainer Werner Fassbinder morreu de overdose, com apenas 37 anos, deixando uma obra impressionante para sua pouca idade. Em menos de duas décadas, ele produziu mais de 60 filmes e diversas peças, além de colaborar em outras funções, como ator, montador, roteirista. Essa é a fascinante história de um dos mais importantes representantes do Novo Cinema Alemão, cuja ascensão fulminante como um dos principais diretores da Europa coincide com sua queda mental e física, que levaram à sua morte prematura.
Out of the dark - this is true for this film both on the story level and in terms of production. A hard-boiled thriller with a high-concept twist set in Berlin, Man from Beirut follows a blind hitman, Momo, as he tries to survive after his emotions have compromised the outcome of his latest „cleaning job“: He encounters a young girl in the wrong place at the wrong moment, but can’t pull the trigger this time - and finds himself on the run alongside fellow hitman Kadir. To make it out of the Berlin night alive, the killer has to turn against an army of former friends and new foes.
25 years of coma lie behind the hard-hitting policeman Mick Brisgau, as he awakens in a world unknown to him.
Martin Schwartz
When Stefan's father dies, the theater actor has to return to his hometown Bochum. But it is not easy to get rid of his parents' house, a monument of his life, when he meets Charlie with his old friends, acquaintances and his childhood sweetheart.
Sequel to Lammbock. Stefan and Kai meet again after years. Stefan became a successful lawyer in Dubai while Kai is stuck in their home town. Kai has relationship issues and is trying hard to get in touch with his step son who is getting in serious trouble with some drug dealers. Can Kai and Stefan solve his problems? And what happened to their old friend Frank?
Mirko Talhammer
Mirko Talhammer is beyond himself when two strange guys show up in his noble insurance office and remind him where he really comes from: from a scrapyard in the provinces, where careers are not what counts, other things are more important: scrapping things, the family, and every once in a while, a nice fist fight. Mirko left all that behind, but his father messes things up big time when he dies and leaves his son the run down scrapyard - together with his brother Letscho. And Letscho is still ticked off that Mirko deserted the clan. But soon the brothers realize that the Talhammers only have a future if they can pull themselves together and fulfill their father's last wish: to rob a train like real professionals! The coup itself is like a suicide mission, but then Kercher, the Talhammer's biggest nemesis, gets wind of things...
Prof. Abegg
Clara Immerwahr and her husband to be Fritz Haber are both young and gifted chemists. Their struggle for acknowledgment in nationalistic Germany during World War I lead to the development and use of the first chemical weapons.
Henning Mahler
Graf Aymer
Leo Weissbecker
Markus Spreng
Max von Schönberg-Salchow
Zinos Kazantsakis é proprietário do restaurante Soul Kitchen. O negócio não anda bem, pois os clientes não aprovam a comida feita pelo novo chef. Para piorar, sua namorada resolveu se mudar para Xangai e uma terrível dor nas costas o atormenta. Zinos decide ir atrás da amada mas, para isso, precisa deixar o comando do restaurante nas mãos do irmão, que acaba de sair da prisão.
Lutz Baumann
This is the story of Isa, who grows up in a Hamburg suburb. It might be one of the world's richest cities but every beast has its belly and here, in the very underbelly, Chiko lives in a world where violence, staking and keeping a claim, and drug taking are the norm. Where down is not an option, Chiko is determined to rise to the top, whatever and whomever it costs.
The lawyer Dr. Wagner is a real disgust - neither for his employees nor for the residents of his apartment building does he have a friendly word. But when a violent pipe break in Wagner's penthouse flooded the apartments underneath on Christmas, the neighbors who had become "homeless" made a radical decision: Since Wagner refused to help his tenants, they settled under the leadership of the resolute Rita and her adult daughter Sophia without further ado with the stubborn loner - for a few happy, if not exactly quiet, Christmas holidays.
Danus Muirfield
Penelope Keeling, a sixty-four-year-old daughter of a famous artist, reflects on her life, and the fate and choices that defined it, when she arrives in the Mediterranean to stay with her headstrong daughter. Shifting through time, and falling into place like the pieces of a jigsaw, the truth of Penelope's rich, heartbreaking and surprising life unfolds.
Graf Ferencz Ulmendorff
Anton Degenhardt
Ingo organizes a charity event for the local golf club. Special guest will be the Hollywood star Douglas Burnett. But who remembers what the aging star looks like today?
Ferencz Tamasy
Robert Schwettger
The dreamy, young Munich-born Lilly inherits the house of her godfather Gianni, a winding, picturesque weathered palazzo in the heart of Venice. The other half inherits Francesco, who is to come up as a wealthy hotelier for the maintenance and Lilly likes right off the bat. While Lilly is wondering if Francesco is even Gianni's son, the two get closer. But Lilly has scruples about destroying Francesco's relationship with Giovanna. When her mother Teresa and her father Max arrive in Venice, Lilly learns a long-guarded family secret that finally shakes her tight-knit world.
Leo é Sugar, Clemens é Orange. Juntos os dois foram meninos de 11 anos inseparáveis. Mais que apenas amigos de brincadeira, eles compartilharam um vínculo único que parecia predestinado para durar uma vida. Até que fortes emoções vieram à tona e um mal-entendido os separou. 16 anos depois, Leo ainda está com medo de ser abandonado. Ele vive de relações frágeis até conhecer Lena, eles parecem feitos um para o outro, mas Leo se fecha para ela, não consegue esquecer a velha história com Clemens.
Stefan, a gay bartender in a trendy club, doesn't care a lot about his professional and personal future. One night, the mysterious Martin stares at him, so he thinks that his guest searches a quick love affair. Stefan invites him to his apartment, where Martin is rather surprised at his intentions and explains that he doesn't want sex, but his attention for their common past. Martin searches his father, a foreign worker from Italy, who is also Stefan's originator, which he didn't know. Their mother kept Martin, while Stefan was adopted. After the first shock, Stefan decides to join his "new brother" on his trip to Italy. They only have some photos and letters of a holiday trip to Cattolica and their father's name: Giuseppe Iacoviello. This is the beginning of an odyssey across Italy and their way to themselves...
Paul Ackermann
Dois eventos marcaram a história da Alemanha no pós-2ª Guerra Mundial: a queda do Muro de Berlim e a histórica vitória da Seleção da Alemanha na Copa do Mundo de 1954, que ficou conhecido como o milagre de Berna, numa referência à cidade suíça onde ocorreu o jogo. As lembranças do jogo, que deu à Alemanha seu 1º título mundial, são mostradas através da família Lubenski, que vive na pequena cidade de Essen-Katernberg.
A história se passa em 1964. As personagens Rosa e Romano decidem abandonar o povoado de Solino, no sul da Itália, e viajar para Alemanha. O casal chega a Duisburg, próximo a Düsseldorf, levando seus dois filhos Giancarlo e Gigi. Lá abrem uma pizzaria, que se torna um sucesso. Os problemas da família começam quando os filhos crescem e se adaptam à vida no novo país, enquanto os pais se mantêm fiéis às tradições.
O filme mostra o negócio inovador e altamente lucrativo de dois amigos, de distribuir drogas pelo serviço de entrega de pizza pela Pizzaria Lammbock. Este negócio vai lhes permitir levar uma vida relaxada e despreocupada. Até que são descobertos por um policial disfarçado. Ao mesmo tempo enfrentam problemas de pragas na plantação de maconha.