Jackie Bastide


Bumidom, des Français venus d'Outre-mer
The Bumidom (Office for DOM Migration, Bureau des migrations des départements d'Outre-mer) was founded in 1963 by Michel Debré, following a state visit in Réunion with General Charles de Gaulle. Millions of people were sent to Paris and to the French back-country, a one-way trip which, according to Aimé Césaire, was close to deportation. The living conditions in the mainland were far different from what had been promised beforehand. Jackie Bastide gives a voice to those who have lived through the Bumidom and had to suffer from a migration that was meant to be the road to a better life.
Veneno Cura
In oPorto there is a club, Imperatriz, where everything is permitted. A moment in which all intersect in the dark night.
Very Well, Thank You
A dura vida de dois indivíduos comuns: Alex, um contador e sua esposa Béatrice, uma motorista de táxi.
Numa madrugada do Verão de 1999, a quinze dias da data do casamento, João descobre que, afinal, já não quer casar. Os preparativos da festa estão em curso, os convites foram mandados e, ainda por cima, João desconfia que está grávida. Perante o inesperado desta situação, João faz o que costuma fazer quando precisa de pensar: bebe...
No Estrela de África, um bairro crioulo dos arredores de Lisboa, um bebé de poucos dias irá sobreviver a várias mortes. Tina, a sua jovem mãe, pega-lhe ao colo e abre o gás. Resgatado pelo pai, ele dormirá nas ruas da cidade alimentado pelo leite da caridade alheia. Por duas vezes, quase será vendido, por desespero, por amor, por quase nada. Mas Tina não se esquece: com a ajuda das suas vizinhas do bairro a vingança aproxima-se...
A documentary that explores the life styles of various otakus in Japan. Various interviews are given to selected otakus who express how interesting it is to be an otaku as oppose to not being one at all. Along with various shots of various Japanese city landscapes and the inside of an average otaku home from rooms filled with videos, models, and the latest in technology.
A documentary that explores the life styles of various otakus in Japan. Various interviews are given to selected otakus who express how interesting it is to be an otaku as oppose to not being one at all. Along with various shots of various Japanese city landscapes and the inside of an average otaku home from rooms filled with videos, models, and the latest in technology.